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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kydman

  1. kydman

    post op rash

    nurse did call back finally. Dr. thinks its a reaction to the betadyne. He is hesitant to phone in a Rx for anything stronger than the OTC Benadryl gel, hydrocortisone, calimine, Benadryl capsules I am currently taking. I see him Friday morning. She said that he was reluctant b/c the next class up of drugs would be steroids (medrol pack) and its too close to surgery to be on that. She said if I just couldn't stand it he would but would rather wait. I told her the reason I called after 5 days of this was b/c I was fairly miserable with not be able to sleep b/c of it, but I don't want to risk an infection from the steroids lowering my immune system (not to mention steroids blow me up) So for now I am going back & forth between the OTC meds and trying not to scratch anxiously waiting for Friday's appointment and dreading it at the same time as its probably my first fill and that makes me nervous b/c without any fluid in the band I have restriction. Someone had suggested seeing my PCP however I know him well enough that he wouldn't RX anything without the surgeons approval & he has already said what he wants to do.
  2. I have seen an old post (couple yrs old) on here about this so asking if any new news. I was banded 9/2/1010. about five or six days after, I developed a rash around the incisions. about two days later this had spread to my entire stomach area. I have tried benadryl capsules, benadryl gel, hydrocortizone cream and calmine gel, I can only get relief for about five minutes then I resemble a dig with fleas sitting and scratching my stomach. I have called my dr and I am "patiently" awaiting a return call. Any one else experience anything like this and what did you find that helped? I have a follow up appointment Friday but wish I could get some relief sooner!
  3. been reading all of your posts-I am 12 days post band and schedule for my first follow up visit this Friday. The dr says maybe get first fill, I am what I would consider fairly tight with no fill, had to have a revision the day of the surgery b/c the initial band placement was too tight with no fluid in it. Even now I can't swallow things such as tuna or chicken salad, mainly soft foods and dr wanted me on solids by now. Why does the dr say liquids 4 hours before and 48 hours after a fill, does a fill cause swelling? I experienced quite a bit of swelling with the surgery.
  4. I may not have much to offer as I am just 4 days post op (banded) but my original paper work states that the first 90 days post op are included (fills) and after that they are $150. My BCBS insurance has approved this at 80/20 & after my $4000 annual OOP 100% so I assume my fill will be either the regular OV co pay of $20 or 20% of the $150 (which I'm sure is contractually adjusted) which would be at most $30.
  5. I am 46, male, was banded 9/2/2010 at Baptist in Nashville, TN. I live 120 miles from Nashville but chose Baptist b/c their drs do so many bariatric procedures I preferred the experience over the close clinics to home. I arrived at registration at 0630 having been told I was second in the schedule. It didn't take long before we (family & I) were called to the 7th floor surgery waiting room. After another ten minutes I was called back to the prep room. I was introduced to several nurses, anesthetists, all telling me what they would be doing and what to expect, allowed to ask questions etc. I was told to completely undress except for my socks and to put the hospital gown on. The MD anesthesiologists came in to start my IV and after we chatted about how difficult my veins were he rubbed around on my arm and said there, all done. I didn't feel so much as a prick, I told him that med school sure paid off for him, he quipped, "what med school? I'm the plumber from downstairs!" A few more questions, consents, compression hose, blood thinner injection (boy that one burned) and routine such and so. Finally my wife and daughter were brought into the room and the dr came in and chatted and asked if I was anxious, I said I was good. After about another hour the nurse came in and said they were ready, told my wife & daughter that she would take them to the waiting area, they kissed my and we parted ways. I do not remember going down the hall, the dr had suggested that the patch behind my ear for nausea would give me retrograde amnesia, I remember the nurse laughing with him about that & me saying that was so on the follow up I wouldn't remind him that he had hurt me, perhaps it did give me amnesia for that part. I recall waking up in recovery and the male RN was right beside me and the nurses that had worked with me earlier were across the hall like at a desk and we chatted as I tried really hard to stay awake. After some time elapsed I was told it was time to go to X-ray and have an upper GI, if that all checked, I would need to pee on my own then I could go home. I was taken down to xRay and felt every bump in the hall and elevators. When I arrived in XRay the dr told me that I would be swallowing the barium as he was taking pictures, it would be just a few minutes. I could see all of the techs in the other room as they started opening their take out trays and eating lunch, I could not believe I was made to lay on that table for 30 minutes while they took lunch! Finally they came in and asked me to slide to the x-ray table and they put me at about a 45 degree angle, the tech started having me drink the barium from a straw, half getting it in the barium and half sucking air, I remember being told that straws would be a no no from now on. At this point I started having excruciating pain in my esophagus and chest, I told them I could not swallow and felt I could not breath. they gave me some water and said to swallow that, I said if I can't swallow how? the dr told me to "dry swallow" several times, but I couldn't get relief. He said "somethings not right, I'm calling the dr." I think I panicked at this point. He came back into the room and said dr said to give it 24 48 hrs, we're going to take you back to recovery. I got back in recovery still in major pain in my chest and trying to breathe. The nurse continued to tell me when I could pee on my own I'd go home. I told her somethings not right, I cannot go home like this. She got me up, walked me, took me to the bathroom, walked me some more, but I could not void. About this time my wife and daughter (who is an RN) came into the recovery. The nurse started telling my wife the discharge instructions as soon as I voided we could go. I began to cry the pain was so intense. I had had a couple doses of the Lortab elixir and dillantin (sp) by this time but the pain in my chest would not subside. I sat on the side of the bed and told my wife I was going to throw up, about that time the barium and the water from x-ray came up. The nurse said she was calling the dr, now she felt something wasn't right-gee ya think! as soon as she made that call, things began to move really quickly, she came back into the room and said that she didn't know what the dr was going to do, but he was on his way back over and she thought we were going back into surgery. By now I was crying with pain and fear. I could tell my wife was visibly anxious and I was trying to calm her. The anesthetists MD came into the room and told me that they were going to take me back into surgery and about that time my MD came back in and they talked together with us about what had happened. He explained that the band had completely closed due to quick swelling and fat that had been placed under the band. He said that no fluid was in the band so it required going back in and revising the band. Within thirty minutes, I seem to remember being in the operating room with all of the lights and monitors, but I can't swear to that. The next thing I recall for sure is waking up in recovery again. The same male RN as before and he was telling me that I needed to breathe deep through my nose where the oxygen was and let it out my mouth. I remember an alarm kept going off and he explained that the alarm was my oxygen levels and that they had gotten too low so I would need the oxygen and to breathe deep to keep the alarms from sounding. Of course breathing deep hurt like all get out and he said he understood that. I had a lot of attention the next couple hours from my dr and the anesthesiologists. My wife & daughter were finally allowed to come in. The dr came in and explained that what had happened only happens in about 1 in 2500 cases & I was it. He stated that because of the oxygen levels, the potential for swelling, and having had to be anesthetized twice in four hours, he would be admitting me to the hospital over night. The night was uneventful, I was up every thirty minutes it seemed peeing after I finally started peeing. I was on oxygen all night and had a couple more blood thinner shots and vitals were checked quite often. I was taken for a walk in the hall and told to walk after that as much as I felt I could. Next morning the anesthetists came in at 0530 as asked how things were, & wished me luck. By 0630 my md came in and again explained that what happened was rare but that it did happen and he apologized and offered to answer any questions. he sat in a chair and chatted with us for about thirty minutes telling me again that I could go home but to stay on the liquids all weekend b/c of the swelling and progress to soft foods only as I felt I could swallow and tolerate them. It is now the end of day three post op and the soreness has been rather intense today. I have been sleeping in the recliner b/c trying to get up from a prone position in the bed is excruciating at the incision sites. Swallowing feels like there is a lump, but it does eventually go away especially if I can force a burp right after drinking. I wouldn't choose not to have done this at this point, I am just looking forward to the better days while dreading attempting work Tuesday. I didn't post to scare anyone, just to say that this is surgery and there are risks with any surgery, but I thank God that I had an experienced staff and could not have asked for better care throughout this ordeal with maybe two exceptions. (xray techs at lunch and nurses that follow the letter of the orders rather than listening to the patients) Speak up for your self in the pre-op and post-op and have your loved ones there as your advocate to speak up for you if something doesn't feel right.
  6. yeah for your mom, sounds like great support already. My mom was very apprehensive, then (as I have posted) I had to be taken back into surgery about four hours after the initial banding, my mom spazzed out! She is taking it better now, but she sure wouldn't have paid for this!
  7. I am day 4 post op and plan to return Tuesday. I scheduled my surgery the Thursday before Labor day to have the extra day. I am salary so pay not an issue, but I am the only one at the mill (sawmill) that does my job so it will pile up while I am away. I buy logs so that means walking and bending to measure logs but no lifting, occasionally have to step over them though. I also pastor a church, and I took this week off from the pulpit. My surgery had to be done twice Thursday, after the Upper GI swallow test the band was completely closed off, meaning my incisions (4 of the five) had to be reopened and the band removed and replaced, during the second surgery the anesthetists told my wife that all of my o2 sats and vitals "fell out" so I had to stay over night in the hospital. I was to try soft food today, swallowing is painful from the swelling, so we'll have to see what Tuesday brings. My boss has called several times asking if I was going to stick with the Tuesday plan. I told him this morning, being the "dreaded day three" I was looking at coming in for a couple hours, coming home a couple, then going back in a few more. I suppose I was naive about the pain that I am having at the incisions, but also allowing for the fact that everything was done twice.
  8. finally home, been a rough two days. had the band in yesterday at 9ish, went from recovery to have the upperGI and didn't pass, long story and three hours thinking this was it, I was dying, dr came in and took me back in surgery to loosen the band. during this surgery my o2 sats fell out so had other MD anesthetists called in and spent about 4 more hours in recovery and then overnight in the hospital. Dr explained that the incisions would be sorer than most b/c of having to open them twice. BUT I can swallow now. o2 is back and a tummy pillow is my best friend. itll be better in a few days I'm sure. Wanted to update you all
  9. just had my last protein shake pre-op. Tomorrow is clear liquids and then I get my new shrinky dink on Thursday AM. Someone asked me today what my goal was, through all of this it has not really been a number, my answer is, "to get off my meds, & be around for my wife, my two girls, and my grand babies!":thumbup:
  10. Monday down...Tues, Wed, then I travel to Nashville for an overnight visit with friends & family before arriving at the hospital Thursday at 6:30am to get my "shrinky dink". I am naming my band! The diet is not that bad 11 days in, my wife has done this diet with me-what support. This week is all liquids but the weight loss has stalled, oh well, I suppose my liver is done doing what livers do? lol Encouraging to read all of your posts, you ARE helping me...:cursing:
  11. I will have my surgery this Thursday September 2, Dr James McDowell, Baptist Hospital, Nashville, TN Excited and anxious at the same time. on day 10 of 14 of the pre-diet and down 15# I sure hope this is enough to shrink the liver. Dietitian said if liver not shrunk he wouldn't proceed after starting the surgery!:thumbup:
  12. I will have my surgery this Thursday September 2, Dr James McDowell, Baptist Hospital, Nashville, TN Excited and anxious at the same time. on day 10 of 14 of the pre-diet and down 15# I sure hope this is enough to shrink the liver. Dietitian said if liver not shrunk he wouldn't proceed after starting the surgery!:thumbup:

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