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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Mscaramel38

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 12/30/1972

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a single mother of two. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. It is now time for me to change for life and become healthier.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Listening and dancing to music
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Single Status Update

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  1. I went in yesterday and got a third fill. My doctor was very pleased with my progress. My fat mass on 8/19-10 was 151.01/ on 9/09/10 it was 142.6/ and on 9/29/10 it's down to 123.4. I can't believe how much fat am losing. The scale isn't moving so much but my inches are off the chart. Once you are banded don't play as much attention to the numbers on the scale, but some many other factors to losing weight are important. The way your clothes are fitting you and most important is your fat mass. Once you lose the weight you should be building muscles to replace the fat. Always remember, muscles weigh more than fat, but you will still look much smaller due to being leaner! It sounds crazy but its fact. Good luck. I am praying everything works out for you so you can be banded. Keep me posted. Page 2

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