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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amybethy

  1. amybethy

    any one from minnesota

    That's kool have you had your lap band yet and what part of mn you in?
  2. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    Testing out my new signature with ticker.
  3. just had the informational meeting with him last night he seemed really nice and I think I will go with him for my surgery its grate to hear from someone who had him for a sergon. How much have you lost since surgery?
  4. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    I hope so can't wait to start my new life a healther person and the new year so I am going to look at it as a christmas gift to my self.
  5. amybethy

    Unintended Shrinking

    Did you measure first thing in the morning? As the day goes on. Your spine kinda compresses and you can looses a bit of hight so try tomorrow morning and see if its still the same.
  6. amybethy

    When are you due????

    And remember muscle weighs more than fat so working out and building muscle will add a few good pounds don't get discouraged
  7. I just had the informational meeting with him last night he seemed really nice and I think I will go with him for my surgery its grate to hear from someone who had him for a sergon. How much have you lost since surgery?
  8. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    Well I just got done with my info seminar and yup still want to do this now on to filling out paperwork lol fun fun fun. The sergon said it takes about 3 to 4 months to do all their stuff till surgery so I'm looking at nov or dec probably dec for me as my birthday is in nov and don't want to be feeling sick then but will do asap if I can not waiting just for that lol.
  9. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    Ok so it might be different for me thanks
  10. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    Is your health partners through an employer or the state?
  11. I found a web cite that helps you plan your meals and healthy and what kind of food you need like hi protin low carb/sugar etc its called everydayhealth.com I hope that helps you.
  12. amybethy

    Lap Band right for me?

    I to have low back problems in 08 I had back surgery on 2 of my lower discs and now one of them has rehearneated and I also have type 2 diabeties. So I know your pain I am looking at the lap band surgery as a tool I can use to help me take control of my life and have a life again I am still young and have my entire life left. But if I stay the way I am ill be stuck in bed all the time in pain. Good luck on your decision.
  13. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    I have read that doing the protein shakes work well to loose weight quickly. Good luck to you too.
  14. amybethy

    More Insurance Woes

    I just called my insurance today to make sure they cover the lap band and they do and she looked up the requirments for aproval are just the basic requirments yay now I can't wait for next thurs for my semanair
  15. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    Park nicollet in st louis park
  16. That's great to hear congratz
  17. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    Where did you have your surgery done? I am looking at park nicollet hospitals
  18. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    Ok just called my insurance comp and they said that they do cover the lap band yayayay I am happy about that I have my senamair sceduled for next thurs night.
  19. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    That's what I am going to do today thanks for the welcome.
  20. amybethy

    Minnesota Folks-Where are you?

    Hi all I'm in the northern side of mpls and I have health partners mn care insurance and was woundering if any one else has the same and what the process looks like with them. I have my semanair sceduled for next thurs the 26th.

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