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Everything posted by amybethy

  1. Ok had my apt last week and it was long and glad its done next apt is oct 19th and insurance calls start on the 5th every 10 to 14 days for 5 calls so hoping to have surgery in dec
  2. I too have the 10 week thing but going to try and push them to scheduling the calls every 10 days instead of every 14.
  3. amybethy

    vitamins and meds

    My dr said flinstones with iron is the best one to take so going to get them soon and start them that and a 1000 mg of V-D a day also
  4. I just had my 4 hour long apt at park nicollet on wed. Went well long but good because of my insurance requirments ill have to wait till at least dec for surgery. So next apt at park nicollet is on the 19th.
  5. Ok so I had my apt today yay long so very long. Lol I go back for my next set of apts on Oct 19th. and because my insurance requires 5 20 min phone calls with their dietitians every 10-14 days I defiantly will not be able to have my surgery before dec. if I can get them to schedule them every 10 days I’ll be done with them around thanksgiving. Then I have to wait for approval. But I’m on the road now yay me.
  6. Well at least now I will know whatb to expect for my pro op diet lol hugs gracierose
  7. how long after you sent in your packet did you get called for a conciltation apt? thats where im at.
  8. amybethy

    protein shakes

    Thanks ill try the premier brand
  9. amybethy

    Minnesota Folks

    hello my name is amy and i just went to the seminar at park nicollet slp on the 26 oif aug finally put the package in the mail today to go out tomorrow and hoping for a replly soon from the nurse but i filled out all the infopr and my number last week and this weekend my phone was stolen out at ren fest so now i have to wait 3 weeks for a new phone to come from insurance so now i am worried when they call my phone to scedule an apt they will get the (this phone has been disconected) speal do you know if they try your e-mail addy too to make apts or just phone? i sooooo want to get this surgery before the firast of the year. oh and i have health partners through mn care so any advice dealing with then would be greatfully accepted.
  10. amybethy

    All time high and feeling low

    Just think how it will be when you loose all the weight and go to one of those it will feel amazing :blushing:
  11. I drink 2% milk now can handle 1% but can't stand skim I know others that had the gastric bypass and they are drinking skim. Do I have to switch to skim or is 1% ok?
  12. amybethy

    All time high and feeling low

    how was your weekend with the family did it go ok? Hoping you the best in all
  13. amybethy

    do you have to drink skim milk?

    What is kefir????
  14. amybethy

    any one from minnesota

    Sorry it took so long to get back to you been bussy with class. I'm sorry for all you are going throught I feel your pain and it sounds like you have really thought it through I wish you luck in your choice and hope you the best. If you are that unhappy like I am then go for it and I think if your boyfriend doesn't support it then maybe he's not the one.
  15. Hi all I'm in mn and went to the local support area for mn and no one is in there any more just woundering if there are others here in mn I had my semenar last thurs and go to see a primary care dr on wed.
  16. amybethy

    vitamins and meds

    I am on metformin ex which are kinda big and can't cut or crush them. I'm worried I won't be able to take them any more but they are for my pcos I hope I can still handle them.
  17. amybethy

    any one from minnesota

    I am in maple grove area going with park nicollet in st louis park. And to shrinan I was woundering do you have any co-morbities and have you tryed any other ways to loose the weight? I personally don't know if I was only a bmi of 30 with out aything else wrong I would go this rout. I have had a bmi of over 35 for many years and it took me getting type 2 diabeties and months away from a spinal fussion to decide I HAVE to loose the weight. I just want to know your reasioning and resolve to your discision not trying to talk you out of it.
  18. amybethy

    Is it what you eat or how much?

    Every one talks about only being able to take 3-5 bites of something how big of bites are you talking about like a normal teaspoon size or smaller like a baby spoon size?
  19. amybethy

    do you have to drink skim milk?

    Wow I'm sorry that would be horable for me I love milk and have already backed off since nov when I found out I'm diabetic. I have to have milk lol.
  20. amybethy

    In need of support

    I am also in minnesota and not yet banded but hoping to be before the end of the year. I am going with park nicollet hospitals in st louis park for my surgery.
  21. I drink 2% milk now can handle 1% but can't stand skim I know others that had the gastric bypass and they are drinking skim. Do I have to switch to skim or is 1% ok?
  22. amybethy

    do you have to drink skim milk?

    Good about the 1% have not tryed soy yet.
  23. amybethy

    are gummy vitamins ok?

    Gnc has a powder vitamin with 10gs of protein in it not super cheap but you can add tp anything to take it
  24. amybethy

    All time high and feeling low

    Wow I am just at the begining of the process and am all hyped up about it all I hate that I am as big as I am right now but it is what it is and now I just want to get better. I don't know about the loosing before I am doing this surgery to loose waight cause I can't seamto loose otherwise so I am a bit nurvious about that posible aspect.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
