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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amybethy

  1. monday was my 3rd phone call with my insurance next is the 4th and then last should be the 15th yay

  2. amybethy

    lets get it started!

    Ok here goes for me 1. Not beeing diabetic any more. 2. My back not hurting all the time. 3. Yes beeing able to buy cloths at any store and not worry about being able to find something cute to wear. 4. To be able to get preagnant. (PCOS) 5. Being healthy and wanting to excersize and have fun doing it.
  3. The problem with adding unflavored to warm Soup is if the soup is over 130 degrees it makes the protein clump (I read this on unjurys webcite) they have a chicken soup flavor that you just add to warm water but under 130 degrees. I am going to order the starter kit from unjury for 17.95 plus 6 for shipping and try all the flavors out.
  4. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Hoping to get aproved nov 18thish so I can have surgery during thanksgiving break if it takes longer than that then I want to wait till jan because my boyfriend and I are taking his kids to wisconcin dells right after x-mas so would not want to be on any mushy or mashed diet and want all my tummy insisions to be totally healed by time I go so I can go in Water and have fun. Right now all I am waiting on is 3 more phone calls with my insurance diatitions next one is on mon.
  5. My dr requires a 10 day pre-op liquid sugar free carnation breakfast 5-6 a day. Then clear. Liquids the day before. Don't have a date yet but hoping for mid nov or begining of jan
  6. amybethy

    hello all just joined in mn

    I am going through park nicollet methodist in st louis park and love how they set you up for 2 big 4 hour apts to get all basic apts done. First day I meet with a bareatric nuirse, the bareatric dr then went and got my labs done. They then have time for you to go eat since you have been fasting for 12 hours. Last is the computerized physic test. The second apt is with pt about excersize, dr to go over labs, then you meet with a phycologist to go over your test and to talk. Last apt for today was with a diatition to talk about your eati ng habits and what not. And I found out that's all I needed for apts. Now just waiting to finish my insurance phone calls tat they require. Yay
  7. Hi all I'm in mn and am on health partners mncare and was woundering if any one else is to and what they had to do for insurance etc. I want the lap-band® and worried they won't cover it.
  8. I tryed the punch it was so nasty I couldn't even handle a few oz.s I even tryed adding a little bit to my sugar free cherry kool-aid and yuck. Isopure water not something I like.
  9. That's good to hear ill have to try it out
  10. What is the consistancy of unjury shakes? Are they thick or more thin like liquid?
  11. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    I am look at eather nov 18 ish or jan 10th depends on my phone calls with my insurance I have health partners and have 5 15 min phone calls every 10 to 15 days had first on the 5th next is tomorrow hoping to be done by the 15th of nov and a quick aproval.
  12. I had my first dr 4 hour apt on the 22 of sept and talked to my nurise for the first hour she also had the lap band and she sugested oct not to drink with meals nov not to drink 30 mins before and after and so as of oct 1st I don't drink with meals but had sliped up 2 times and drank with my meal opps lol tonight was the 2 time didn't even occur to me till 1/2 way through.
  13. amybethy


    I also tryed the redux aka phen-phen in the 90s for 3 months after 2 lost 20lbs and then lost nothing the 3rd month so went off it. Thank God no heart problems for me from it. I decided I wanted this surgery sceduled a seminar went to then went to a pcp since I just got insurance in july and I'm 5'7" and 270lbs. With type 2 diabities and my BMI is 42. I wish you luck and hope you get your surgery soon hugs.
  14. amybethy

    Special K Protein Shake

    Where do you get PB2 and I like the carnation breakfast sugar free with 1% milk I know its not a super big amount of protien per packet but it tasts like chocolate milk. Not to thick and weird texturey I tryed a sample I got in the mail don't remember the brand and it was like sludgey consistancy yuck. Any one know other brands that come out like the carnation breakfasts do??
  15. When ever I get a charile horse in my leg I find I am low on potasieum sorry on spelling and I eat a banana but since you are on the cbsf diet you can't do that. I don't know if they have a pill version of potasium but couldn't hurt to look. Good luck crossing my fingers ill be doing the same pre-op diet in dec.
  16. how are you doing? hoping you are feeling ok. hugs

  17. its great to know there are others on here going with the same dr as i am. i cant wait till i can have my surgery. you will have to keep me informed about how you are doing after. surgery.
  18. amybethy

    sleep study

    ok so at my first big apt i was sent home with a minnie sleep apnea study machine. sent it back in and got the results yesterday. they where pos. now i have to go in for a formal big sleep apnea study. i so did not know or think that i had sleep apnea. and i really dont want to have a c-pap to take home. i dont know if i will actually be able to sleep with one on to be honest. has any one else had this happen to them??:thumbup::thumbup::crying:
  19. amybethy

    sleep study

    Well my place said I'll have to have an average of 20 times an hour to be sent home with a c pap so I hope I'm under that.
  20. amybethy

    sleep study

    Lol that's funny I was told the room is kinda like a hotel room and ill have a tv and all.
  21. amybethy

    sleep study

    Are you post lapband? Or pre lapband?
  22. i am parying for you. you will have to let me know how you feel after hugs hun.

  23. I sent in my packet this week and already have my first 4 hour apt sceduled for next week I'm so excited.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
