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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amybethy

  1. I have PCOS and am hoping to have lap band in jan and my surgion said 12 months after surgery to be on birth control so you can loss the weight and get the diet down pat.
  2. amybethy

    Great Tracking App for Android

    I also have the calorie counter app love it you can add your excersize and it calculates your calories burned verses calories intake. Love it love it.
  3. amybethy

    Uncrushable Pills...What do you do ?

    I am also on metformin ER for PCOS and I have not had my band yet but I just talked to my obgyn and she said that I do not need to keep taking the metformin after for my PCOS. Are you taking it for that or for your diabetes? And my last fill of my perscription I was givin 2 diff brands of the metformin ER and one is a bit smaller so maybe that would hellp/work for you if its just a bit smaller. Hope I can help.
  4. Have you posted any pics on the brfore/after band pics page?
  5. amybethy

    OH Please someone help

    Nope its a on line only product
  6. amybethy

    OH Please someone help

    You can order a sample pack from unjury for 17.95 plus shipping so about $25 for 2 of each of their kinds of shakes which like someone else said they have a flavorless and a chicken soup flavor and a strabury that I have heard when mixed with water tasts like kool-aid.you can go to unjury.com and look it up in the sample pack you get a shaker and a thermomiter also.
  7. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Last ins phone call over yay. Now my nurse will submit all my paperwork this afternoon yayayayay.
  8. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Can't wait tomorrow is my last phone call with my insurance dietitian and then my nurse at my center is going to submit all my paperwork to my insurance for aproval. Crossing fingers all goes well.
  9. Kool that's my birthday congratz!!!
  10. Kool that's my birthday congratz!!!
  11. You are lucky when I do my pre-op diet all I get are 5-6 carnation sugar free breakfasts a day no real food at all so be thankfull you get to really chew smething on your diet lol.
  12. amybethy

    Treadmill VS Elliptical

    I like the elliptical or some call it an airdyne its a bike with the arms and its better for me because I can raise the seat and it doesn't hurt my ankle since I had surgery on it in 8th grade. Right now I have one I'm my house and am mainly using the bike part as to my back bothering me but do use the arms some.
  13. You can also look/check into baretrictv.com they do a lot about and for the people that get gastric bypass.
  14. Look at bareatrictv.com too they talk more about the gastric bypass version.
  15. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    It is perfiictly ok to vent I so feel frusterated with having to wait too I'm all done with all my apts just have the typical pre-op physical and nutritional apt for the pre-op diet then I can meet with my surgion and get sceduled but I can't have my paper sent in for aproval untill nov 15th and then cause of family plans ill have to wait till jan to start the pre-op diet. Gerrrrr
  16. amybethy

    The worst timing!

    My center said they are having some stop covering the surgery and they are willing to help speed the process along so you could still get your surgery. Hoping and praying your place will do the same.
  17. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Congratz for you I'll now looking at jan 13thish so we will be close in time. I'm in minnesota so not close to you but we can still talk. I am lucky I don't need to have a gastrostomy done I'm all done with all my apts. Just waiting for insurance stuff.
  18. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Ok so just found out I will have to wait till jan to get banded cause they can't submit my claim untill after my phone call with my insurance on the 15th and I'm going on a trip the week after christmas so bdont want to be on any pre/post-op diet during so now it will be around jan 12ish.
  19. Well I just found out bi won't be able to have my surgery when I was hoping to so now its going to be in jan so good luck all you nov bansters hope all goes well
  20. amybethy


    I have health partners and all they require is 5 15-30 min phone calls every 10-14 days befor aproval.im in MN though.
  21. So far I have told everyone and gotten good responces from all except one and that was yesterday I went into LA Fitness to look around and see about getting a membership and the personal trainer was all like have you tryed to losses the weight any other way? Have you tryed a personal trainer etc. Lol of corse she is going to push for that but I belive she can still hellp me to an extent after I have the surgery. With my medical issues I NEED this surgery. I can't do huge extencive workouts right now with my back my ankle etc I just want to looses the weight and tone and streghten my body.
  22. I had to take a sleep apnea test on the 18th and still have not hear from the dr how it went. I was not put on a c-pap machine during the test but was told that does not mean I won't need one. Hoping and praying I don't need one still. Have never even tryed to sleep with one on but can only imagine how crapy it would be to get used to.
  23. amybethy

    Aqua Aerobics - Anything similar?

    You could just do the aqua aerobics by your self in the pool.
  24. amybethy

    Drinking during meals

    I'm pre surgery still and have been able to stop drinking with meals but I. Too still want and am having a hard time with the 30mins after eating. As soon as I'm done eatting I just automaticly get something to drink. Hoping to be able to change that soon lol Good luck all we all can do it!!
  25. The reason for a pre-op diet and it tends to be mainly pure liquids like mine will be 5-6 sf cib a day for 10 days and the day before clear liquids. Is your liver is most likely big and there is some fat around the stomach area and the pre-op diet helps to lessen those issues. Aka makes it easer for the dr to get behind your stomach to pull the band around it. You can see videos of the actual surgery on youtube and it shows how the dr goes around the back of the stomach. I hope that helps. :laugh:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
