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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amybethy

  1. Ok I have a question for anyone. I am pre-op and have been trying to drink more water/sf kool-aid how do you get 64 ozs in a day I have truble getting 32 ozs in me a day I have a 26 oz water bottle and start out with it full and just can't seam ton drink that much and to think that after surgery ill not be drinking for 1and 1/2 hours 3 times a day how do you do it lol.
  2. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    I am having my surgery on wed and tomorrow is my last day of my high protien liquid diet then tues is all clear liquids I think ill just sleep all that day to keep from beeing hungry lol. I am so nervous about the fact that my entire life is about to change. I know I need this but I'm scared too.
  3. amybethy

    64 oz of water a day

    my water at my house is not good right now. its not city water so i add sugar free kool-aid and since starting my pre-op diet i have had no problems drinking enough but still worrided about after. surgery is next wed.
  4. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    End of day 3 pre-op and feeling ok not really hungry as in starving ever no headachs but want to chew and will admit have had a few finger tips of ranch dressing and I just ate a small peice of cheese.
  5. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    End of day 3 pre-op and feeling ok not really hungry as in starving ever no headachs but want to chew and will admit have had a few finger tips of ranch dressing and I just ate a small peice of cheese.
  6. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Well today is the first day of my pro-op diet so far so good but its still early so we shall see wish me luck
  7. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Ok so I'm beening so bad this weekend on vacation at thw wisconsin dells and just stuffed me at a huge buffet start the pro-op diet on the 3rd. Surgery on the 12th can't belive its so soon. Have a happy new year all.
  8. amybethy

    protein shakes

    Has anyone used carnation breakfast mixes for there morning shakes???? And have you found any other protein shakes that tast similar to them I like them not malty tasting
  9. amybethy


    The other night I took a long hot bath and then a shower and I cryed in the shower because I just can't belive that in less than a month ill me banded and my entire life will change. I'm happy about the changes but scared at the same time.
  10. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Well my last 4 days before my pre-op diet startes ill be in the wisconsin dells on vacation so needless to say I'm not going to be following any rules and there is an awesome new years buffet at the one hotel we will be at. So that will be my big last meal lol then start the pre-op diet on the 3rd.
  11. amybethy

    Starving at Night

    Errr milk lol
  12. amybethy

    Starving at Night

    My nutritionist told me that if after I get hungry in the evening I can try a glass of mile or a sf cib drink.
  13. Just the other night my boyfriend and I where talking and he goes you know I can picture you thiner and I said me eather but the good thing is he it totaly behind me on this journey. I am so happy for that and can't wait to see me skinny.
  14. Just the other night my boyfriend and I where talking and he goes you know I can picture you thiner and I said me eather but the good thing is he it totaly behind me on this journey. I am so happy for that and can't wait to see me skinny.
  15. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Ok so a bit late at posting this but found out on thuresday that my surgery date is Jan 12th at 8:45 have to be at the hospital at 7:15am. I'm so happy but at the same time I have less than a month now and am getting nervious.
  16. amybethy

    Is that a good thing?

    Got my surgery date on thuresday jan 12th yippy!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. amybethy

    Is that a good thing?

    I got approved today thank the lord I am so excited!!
  18. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Yes yes yes I got approved today! I get to meet with my surgion thuresday at 9:50 am and that's when we will scedule my surgery then I have my nutrisionalits apt set for next thuresday. I am soo excited. Yayayayayayay
  19. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Sill waiting on approval my bareatric center said it can take up to 3 weeks for them to approve well if you count thanksgiving week 2 weeks down so should find out next week crossing fingers.
  20. amybethy

    Protein Supplement Suggestions

    I buy the sf cib powdered at cub foods or rainbow not sure where you live but I know here in MN you can get them in both veriaty pack and all chocolate 8 per pack for like $4.
  21. amybethy

    Is that a good thing?

    Yay for you I'm still waiting was submited the fri the 19th and still waiting for approval hoping to get approved soon so I can scedule apt with the sergeion to scedule my surgery date. My place won't make that apt untill I get approved.
  22. amybethy

    no email notifications

    I checked in my spam folder and not there I was getting e-mail notification on all threads I looked at and now nothing. How do I change that setting
  23. I am praying to get banded in jan and am now on birth control pills not that I was having a period before PCOS but my man and my sergion want me to wait 1 year post surgery to start trying and I so want a baby too I'm only 31 years old but itts been my dream since I was little to have my own baby and just have not gotten prego on my own so going to keep on the birth control for at least the first 7-8 months after surgery to loose the weight and get me healthy then my man and I cAN start trying to get pregnant. Good luck to all.smiles
  24. amybethy

    Any January 2010 Bandsters????

    My paperwork just got submited last week so crossing fingers for a fast aproval and surgery on jan 13th want to start pre-op diet jan 3rd right after our christmas trip with the children to the wisconsin dells.
  25. amybethy

    PCOS and Lap Band

    I also have PCOS and am having the band hopfully in jan 2011 I was also told that just the fact of loosing weight can help you get preagnant. My question is for those that have been banded how has the weight loss been going with PCOS? I know it can be more dificult to loose weight with it but was woundering if any others have had dificulty? I am hoping to be able to get preagnant after I loose the weight also heres crossing fingers for all of us. I also am type 2 diabetec and take metformin for my PCOS and my OB told me that after my surgery I don't have to keep taking my metformin since its ER and big pills so a posible issue swallowing them she said after if still haveing problems with irregular periods and facial hair there is a diff med for that we can talk about putting me on.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
