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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amybethy

  1. so 3258-1412=1846 net calories for the day yay me

  2. I just did 30 mins on the treadmill doing cardio equiling 206 calories burned and 20 mins of moderate weights equiling 217 calories. So a total of 423 calories

  3. calorie counter by fatsecret.com is awesome and you can sync it to the my diet app on facebook too just found that out yesterday way kool.
  4. I am in mn and I had my surgey at park nicollet medowbrook center/hospital in st louis park they have surgions and pa that do the fills and nutrisionalist their at that location it is right off louiseana and excelcier blvd. By 169 if this help I hope they can take you as a paitent.
  5. Gerrr stupid storm is messing with my netflix and with both puters at work for a fixing up/cleaning I'm stuck with out our movies to watch

  6. I have had my second fill back on the 10th of march and I can still eat more than a cup of food but I eat till I feel full and then I'm full for 3 hours or more I do still drink my cup of milk inbetween each meal like my nut told me to which makes my hunger stay away for a good 4-5 hours. Thankfully I have never have a stuck feeling although sun morning we went to a brunch and I did have 1 small coffee with my food and I could tell that it was too much but I love coffee so much I couldn't pass it up. Next time ill just wait till I'm home for my coffee.
  7. amybethy

    Free to Good Home

    Where do you live?
  8. I had the same problem I had my first fill and was all of a sudden hungier and I also have my next fill on the 10th of march can't wait till that day. I think the reasion is because my body has finally healed and all the swelling is gone aka I'm hungry.
  9. amybethy

    *~January 2011 Bandsters~*

    I was banded on 1/12/11 and had my first fill on 2/10/11 I have lost 25 lbs and then this last week was my time of the month so have not lost anything but in a few days I was wigh in again and see how I am. I had no major hunger pains untill after my first fill of 3cc. I had only .2 cc before. Now I'm hungry all the time lol can't wait till march 10th that's my next fill date.
  10. I still drink a cup of coffee a day in the morning. I was told by my nurse who also had the lapband that once a day is ok so I drink my coffee and use milk and splenda in it.
  11. I still drink a cup of coffee a day in the morning. I was told by my nurse who also had the lapband that once a day is ok so I drink my coffee and use milk and splenda in it.
  12. I had my surgery on wed and my dr used glue to close me up I was told I could shower 24 hours after surgery it has now been 48 hours but I'm so nervious about taking a shower with my insisions glued shut I like hot and long showers. Is it ok to take a long hot shower or should I keep it short?????
  13. amybethy


    Day 3 and now day 4 not so many hiccups just muscle cramping feeling around the incisions. Thankfully I have some muscle relaxers for my back so I am taking 1 every so often and that really helps.
  14. amybethy

    Artificial sugars!!!

    I use splenda also I have to use a bit more that what I would have with real sugar and yes at first it left an odd tast in my mouth after but I have gotten used to it and now use it for all drinks I drink when I need to add a sweetner.
  15. I took my long hot shower yesterday and it felt so good. I keep my back to the water most of the shower and all is well with the insisions yay.
  16. I was banded on 1/12 and yes I am getting the tummy growling too both upper and lower stomach upper to my knowlege is what show/would be hunger pains bus since we have the band it makes us not hungry cause of the swelling and the lower tummy growling I believe is gas moving around used gas x strips and have had lots old gas lol I go bqck to the dr on the 20th and will actually be moving from clear liquids to full liquids on my own on tues yay can't wait. I am not a broth person so can't seam to make my self drink any more of it so sticking to coffee, tea, and water oh and slowly trying popcicles and jello
  17. K thanks all I feel better about hopping into the shower.
  18. amybethy


    Yes I have been getting hiccups too banded wed and oh my do they hurt. It feels like they are stuck under my band and they are pushing up on the band and all my swollen tummy parts lol.
  19. amybethy

    Gas pain

    I had bad gas the day of my surery wed and a bit yesterday but most of my pain is the 2 insisions by my belly button and then when I drink it feels like I get burps stuck under my band in my bigger tummy and lots of gurgling gas in my lower tummy/intestines. Have had no problem laying down to sleep as long as I'm on my right side and having a heating pad on my tummy over my insisions has really really helped with the muscle pain by my port. My thing is I am on a clear liquid diet till next tues and already starting to get hungry. I seriously am tired aka can't stand broth any more lol.
  20. Well yesterday was my big surgery day and it went very smooly my sergion got done with his first patient a bit earliy so he was actually waiting on me for the iv and all lol. My. Fiance got to see me right before I wlked from the pre-op area to the surgery room and 8:35-8:45am and he's pager went off like 9:50 and was a bit worried cause the board sait it should take 80mins and it was my surgion ready to talk to hime saying my surgery was done and it went great and that I was in the recovery room. So by 10am I was awake and by 11:30 on my way back to the post-op area and left the hospital by 2pm. The gas pain was the worst yesterday but today not much gas pain as tummy pain and trying to drink when I do wake up have sleep most of the day lol. Taking my pain meds as perscribed every 4 hours. Not hungry butwishing I could eat already lol.
  21. amybethy

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    today is my day on the way to the hospital now yayayayay.
  22. This is my last pre surgery post driving to the hospital right now yayayay.
  23. Same goes for me about tomorrow 8:45am is my time. I have read many people saying how they where so nervous the night before that they didn't sleep well. I think its not so much nerves but hunger that's my problem right now I am so hungry I can't fall asleep. Will be praying for all and good luck.
  24. Help I am on my day before clear liquids only and am starving what can I do?
  25. I unfortunalty was not alowed yogurt or cottage chesse before so all I have had is carnation breakfasts and brothes for 9 days so sick of them all lol.

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