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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. LOL! I will try it anyways because I think I am smart enough to track my calories and fat for the day to still enjoy a 1/2 cup of it at meal times. LOL! Knowing me I will make it even un-healthier by adding cheese to it! I LOVE Cheese!

    I experiment with sauces. I like the alfredo best. Basically I just cook up a little turkey sausage and lean beef, pour over the alfredo, simmer, and that's the sauce. It's really good. But as the resident dieticians noted above, the sauce has actual calories and your $20k restriction won't guarantee weight loss, so you might not want to eat this. Better stick to no-cal foods biggrin.gif

  2. Okay, no restriction = no weight loss. Haven't really lost any weight and I've also not been eating cabbage with meat sauces for most meals lately! So guess what, tomorrow I'm cooking up another batch of cabbage, (with alfredo & spicy lean meat & turkey sausage sauce--YUM) and seeing if I can't lose some more weight on my own then!

    I think I want to try this! Is there more to the receipe or just cabbage, alfredo, spicy lean meat, and meat sauce?

  3. You look great.... I have a little waist and never lost much from my bust..... I was a 42DDD and now only 38DD to 38G. Probably 20 pounds still on chest..... if that explains any thing

    LOL! Yep, that explains it! I had a reduction awhile ago and they took 10lbs off of me in one day! 5lbs from each breast! I was a G as well.

  4. Does food or liquid even really sit in the pouch for that long? When i eat something my band does not like, I feel it almost instantly. If the food were sitting up there taking 30 mins to go down I don't think I would feel stuck instantly. Just a thought I have been having recently.

    Nope, it doesn't sit up there that long and I am thinking they are recently discovering this. But, the idea is it goes slower if you don't drink and therefore is pressing on the nerves that gives you that satisifed feeling.

  5. I gained 4 pounds this past week! I ate M&M's, and got frozen yogurt treats with chocolate and waffle cone pieces mixed in it from Braum's on more than one occasion this past week! I know what not to do this week. I felt like I needed a break and so I took it. I'm not upset about it but I am going to move forward and meet my goal for March! Great job to everybody that stuck with the program and lost!

  6. I am at a good restriction and I can eat all the meats I have tried so far. I am not a real big meat or veggie eater but I can eat fish, white meat chicken, and ground turkey meat...man I just realized that I haven't been eating enough vegetables cause I can't really name any for you lol! umm I had some spinich in some quiche this morning if that counts! But, since I haven't had any trouble getting anything down so far I am thinking I can pretty much eat anything with 7.3 cc's in my band.

  7. Please don't let him get to you because it may halt your success with the band! I am so glad I read this because it is confirming a dream I just had this morning! I was married to a total jerk that didn't even talk to me right or loved me. I was living in a glass house and he slept with his back turned from me and didn't want me to touch him while he slept because he said my body temp was to hot! I bet you are like why am I telling you a dream! It is because I want to be loved and married so bad and I guess the dream and reading your post is telling me that sometimes being married is not always good! I will be patient and wait on a good one and I hope you will do the same too! I don't know your whole story but sometimes those that wait get the best! I hope you feel better soon!

  8. I am a so called slow loser as well.....I am losing a pound a week on average but I try to stay positive and just believe that one day it will all be gone even if it takes 2 years or more. I am down 80 something pounds but only 57 of those are since being banded a year ago. But, if you think about it 50 more this year will put me at a weight that I haven't been since junior high school and I am very excited about that!

  9. My band was removed for the 2nd and last time this weekend. I am very scared about future but also hopeful not to have to deal with the band issues as well.

    The first time it slipped I had no pain, but had some heart burn and reflux. The 2nd time I had lots of pain and very few issues. With 2 slips there really was no choice but to remove the band. My Dr. is not one for talking much so not sure if there were other options or not. The way I see it is that there is some reason that the band will not work in my body anymore and I am glad that I had it taken out when I did and did not wait until it had gotten worse. Feeling pretty good 3 days out and able to eat what I want. I am glad i had it done and but am glad too i think to be free of the issues of it as well. Back to reg person trying to lose weight.

    I hope you are successful in your weight loss journey! It's good to see that you still have a positive attitude towards it all!

  10. I think I am at a good fill now. I don't get hungry (except after 4 to 5 hrs) and I am satisfied after eating about 2 to 3 oz of meat and about 3 oz of veggies or sides. I would say if you are always getting hungry you are not at a good spot. I didn't get hungry one time yesterday but I was still trying to eat which made me mad because now I got to battle the head hunger now that the physical hunger is gone! Good luck!

  11. I just caught a sale at lane bryant and I got my jeans a little on the tight side so I can at least get 3 months of good wear out of them. I wore a pair yesterday and before 3 hours was up they were loose! So disappointing. I know I can't button up the 18s of the 20's will do. I tell you the elliptcal does wonders because at 300lbs I should not be in a size 20 at 5 "5 1/2 lol. I remember being in college at 270's wearing a 24? Well, I know they make the clothes a little bigger now days to but still! But, now that winter is almost over I plan on catching all of the winter clothes on sale and I am going to buy all size 14 and 16's and I better be that small when winter roll back around!

  12. Once you get to a good fill whatever that may be physical hunger is never a problem. I rarely get hungry but it doesn't help with wanting to eat just because I like to eat. I stopped getting hungry at 7.3 ccs but some people its 3 or 4cc's. So, if you don't have any issues with head hunger you will do great at this!

  13. I stopped at sonic today and 2 chicken strips have 200 calories in it. Whenever eat out I usually get 2 or 3 chicken strips only. They always put more in the bag and I am not sure why because before my surgery they would never give me extra! Now, that I only want 2 they always put 3 or 4! I guess they are looking at me thinking she knows she wants more than 2! Oh, a small popcorn chicken is worth 380 calories.

  14. I don't have a 12cc band but I am at 7.3cc full in a 10cc which may compare and my fill did not completly kick in until a month later so give it some time and it may get a little tighter to help with the hunger.

  15. I thought about doing something like that when I first started out on this journey to make sure I didn't go over my calories but then I seen how expensive It was and I had already spent over 2000 last year to get this band put on and with going in to get fills every 6 weeks I just didn't want to spend another dime on my weight loss. I'm not self-pay but my insurance made me pay 20% of the surgery plus a 500.00 deductable. I am doing okay with tracking my calories now. I get off sometimes but I pick myself back up fairly quick. Good luck!

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