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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. I think junk in moderation! I got toooooo much! Lol

    I am with ya Jenn! I got way too much! It has gone down some but it's still huge and even more noticable now that my waist is smaller. You know you got too much butt when your little sister gets tired in the grocery store and wants to prop her elbow on it and take a break while I am looking for something!

  2. I think you are doing great! 20lbs in less than 3 months is pretty good. Congrats!

    Im new to the sight, but love reading all of your post. I was banded on 12/17/10 highest weight 288 surgery day 271 wt today 251. I have had 1 fill 3cc in a 9cc band. I am on the treadmill for 3 miles 3 to 4 days a week. and also some wt traing and the bike 6 miles 2 to for days a week. My dr is not generous with fills. I have a follow up appt on March 24, 2011 but I am not guaranteed a fill then. I need some help. I am so frustrated. :angry:

  3. It took me 7 months after surgery to get a good enough fill to actually feel the difference and I started to lose. I also got mad enough to join the gym in September. So with the workouts and a better fill I started losing again. It took me to get over 6.0 cc's to feel any real restriction. I hope you start losing again real soon because I know it get's frustrating to have surgery and still not lose.

    Hello... I had my Lap Band surgery on 8-16-10 and lost 20 lbs within the first 3 months and I feel great, however, I have not lost anymore weight. I have had 3 fills since September and have very little restriction. I can actually eat whatever I want, as long as I chew it well. I have been following the SB diet, only using splenda if I need sweetness. And I keep active. My Dr advised me not to drink Protein shakes anymore as he feels they are additional calories that I don't need.

    I am going for another fill this week and this time I will ask how many cc's I have had so far.

    Is anyone else struggling after the Lap Band surgery?? I am getting very depressed, especially after reading other posts from people stating how much they have lost in the first 6 months.

    I would appreciate any suggestions/information that I could get.

  4. I have great restriction at this time. It took me awhile to get here but I am here. I have been banded for a year now and I am losing slow and steady. I have good days and bad days but I love my band! I was 360 the day I got banded but that was after I lost some weight. If you decided to do this you will probably lose some as well over your 3 to 6 month diet with a dietician or your doctor. I had a BMI over 60 as well. Good luck!

  5. I really believe that there are going to be days were no amount of willpower is going to keep you from those cookies! What you can do is to try to cut back on the rest of your calories for the day to make sure you don't go over and keep up with your kickboxing. I noticed that if I don't treat myself sometimes I will eventually go crazy and end up overdoing it the next time I do see some sweets. I may be wrong about the willpower thing but from what I noticed if most of us had willpower we would not need the band period. So, with that in mind keep everything in moderation. Oh, another thing I do is eat one or two and throw the rest in the trash. I am not a trash eater so once it goes in there it's no going back lol! I threw almost a whole box of cinnamon toast crunch away yesterday.

  6. Well, for me I can eat anything if I take my time and make sure there is plenty of dipping sauces or something to help liquify it. I just choose not to eat a lot of things because those dipping sauces can add up in calories. 2 tb of ranch got like 120 calories in it! I would have to use a lot of it to help break down a subway sandwich. I know they got reduced cal and fat sauces but why waste my time with those.

    So, I know everyone is different and I have drastically changed my eating habits in the past year. I just got approved for my surgery today! I'm so excited, but reading this post the biggest question I have is...these foods you miss, are they ones you cannot tolerate with the band or are they foods that you just don't eat now because it's a better choice? I was just curious. Mostly because the thought of not tolerating potatoes really make me want to cry!! lol, I know that everyone has different tolerances but just curious! Congrats on your weight loss ladies!!!

  7. I would not worry about looking to thin with the band. Once you are done with the liquid diets and everything following surgery the weight loss will dramatically slow down to an average or 1 to 2 pounds per week. It's nothing like the gastric where you lose 100lbs in less than 6 months and look like a race horse in the face until your body catch up. Now, there are some people that accomplished this but they are usually over 250 plus pounds and spend some time in the gym as well.

  8. Your story almost sounds like mine. I would ask questions about how much I was getting and telling her I think I needed more and she always followed with rude remarks. She asked me how many patients did I have and not to worry about the numbers but how I feel...blah...blah...blah. I was paying her money and not the other way around so I switched doctors and I am in heaven now. I don't even have to ask how much I got now. He ask me how I am doing and assess my loss. He will say okay I will give you .5 cc's and we will see how that works or whatever the amount is. I love that! I was with that old place for over 7 months and wasn't losting and that messed my year up almost. I started losing so much better when I left. Encouragement is a big part of losing as well.

  9. Mine got paid about 4000.00 and the hospital got paid about 10,000 or more. I was shocked to find out that the hospital got paid more money than the actual surgeon! I was required to pay the hospital the remaining 20% of the hospital bill (1850) and I paid my surgeon 500 deductable plus 110 intial consult fee.

  10. I have been trying to figure out why I am not getting phone numbers now! I have dropped several sizes and it seems as though I am getting less attention now. My brother in-law said that I look really shy and like leave me alone when I go out in public.....I am going to try to look like please bother me from now on.....we will see if that works! LOL!

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