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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. Pressure is the only way I can describe full. I stop at the first sign of pressure in that area (stoma) I think. I didn't take anatomy and hated biology when we went over that section so I am not sure if that's the right spot. I am at 7.3 cc's in a 10cc band and I have never PB, slimmed, or vomit from eating too much, taking big bites or ect. I don't want to either so I don't test my limits with food because It will be there later!

    I googled stoma after I posted this and lets just say you can't listen to everybody!!!! It's the sternum! I am laughing to hard about this one! It's bedtime!

  2. After a year of being banded I changed my first goal weight to something more realistic for me (265). I was almost 400lbs so it seems impossible to get to a normal weight of 175 but the doctor gave me a goal weight of 199 which can be done but it will take years for me! I am such a turtle but I am going to get there! Looking at a goal of 75lbs to lose is way much more realistic than looking at a goal of 200lbs to lose lol! So, I think you can do it!

  3. If you have a rehab hospital in your area they usually have a gym in there and they can show you exercises for a person with your condition. I workout in the gym at my local rehab hospital and they are always helping people with disabilities.


    Thank you and I wish I could do more like that.. i have lumbar disc disease with stenosis. Sometimes I cant get out of bed.

    BUt your right. The only time I could ever lose weight it the past, is when I incorporated exersize

  4. I just always thought of it as my stomach was angry for having surgery and being blowed up with gas! :lol: It was mad for being on liquids for so many days as well! I didn't get hungry until almost 2 weeks after surgery because my gas stuck around for awhile and I always felt full and bloated.

  5. am I in a size 22 when I've lost 80 lbs.?!?!? When I started this journey, I was wearing a 28 in pants and a 3x/4x top. Now, I am in a 22 pant and an XL top. It is so frustrating to work so hard and still have this belly in my way. Does anyone else have this problem?

    I have lost about the same amount of weight and started in a size 30 pants and now in a size 20 but I mostly do leg work at the gym (elliptical and bike). My tops are still very large compared to my lower body. I went from a 34/36 top to a 26/28 now. Like your belly getting in the way my arms prevent me from getting in shirts that I could wear if I had normal size arms because the shirt fits everywhere else but the arms! I know its frustrating but eventually we will get there. I am getting my arms reduced when I get close to my goal though.

  6. Getting under 300 has been very hard for me. I have been trying for the past 3 months to get under 300 and I am stil going at it. I feel good about this month though because I decided to cut more carbs out my diet and I lost 5 pounds last week after a gain while being on vacation. I am going to try to do a repeat this week and see will it put me closer to 299! I think the key is switching up our diet after a few months of the same thing if you hit a stall. I am being very realistic about losing over 150 or 200 pounds. I have noticed that most people that start around 400 end up around 240 to 260's. I would consider that successful for the band because it is more than the 50% of excess weight that is expected for the band. I changed my personal goal to around 220 and if I get to the 199 that the doctor set for me than great! I wish you well!

  7. I have an 10 cc band. I was 360 on surgery day. I have great restriction now and battling eating just because. I lost 5 pounds this week after a gain while on vacation. I actually followed the rules and worked out for 3 days so far this week. I know if I continue to follow the rules I will be much further along than I am now. My goal has changed from 199 to 220 to 240 range. Good luck!

  8. I agree and most of all they don't want you to feel proud of your accomplishments because you had help. They don't think you deserve any "you look good" or "congrats". People in general want you to stuggle in life period. It's been like that forever. You get mad props when you struggle and succeed but you get looked down on if you have some type of assistance. What they don't understand that this is a struggle everyday for some people "hince my 8 pound weight gain over the past couple of weeks" :(

  9. It's different for everyone but you may get some good restriction sooner than most with getting 5cc's on your first fill. It took me 7 months before I got to 5 or more cc's in my band. I am at 7.3cc's now and feeling pretty good with it. I don't get hungry unless it's been more than 4 or 5 hours between meals and some days I don't get hungry at all.

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