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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. Yep, I have always had clear skin until I got banded and started losing weight. I posted about this last year as well. The only answers I got that made sense was my hormones was starting to regulate with the weight loss...I guess it makes sense, since I was never regular and now it comes every month.

    I sure used sense and since a lot in that paragraph! Well, it's late!

  2. I would suggest eating just like you did when you had the band. I know it's easier said than done but act like you still have your band. I have read that some people still have some type of restriction after it's taken out because of either scar tissue or the reshaping of your stomach. If you stll do take advantage of it and don't force certain types of foods just because it's easier to go down now. Well, that's my plan if I ever have mine taken out. I am hoping after years of changing my eating habits it will just stick with me. I pray! Wish you well and work out twice as hard!

  3. I only averaged the 4 pounds a month my first year with the band too so I understand your concern. Some people lose it faster but what matters is if comes off:) I think I am only doing 3 pounds average now so I gotta pick it up! I wish you well! We will do well as long as we don't give up and keep up with our lifestyle changes. I have accepted the fact that it will take me 3 years or longer to lose all of my excess weight. Hopefully, during that time I learned a new lifestyle and will keep it off!

  4. Well, I do it all the time and I know it's gross but I am terrified of getting stuck on food. I have never been stuck before and I am not planning on it! If I can't get my food to break down to an oatmeal consistency; I will spit it out and try with the next piece. I don't have an eating disorder lol! I hate throwing up and that's why I spit! Oh, that looks nasty typed!

  5. If you are not happy with your fills then I would consider switching to another doctor. Just make sure it's a very good Dr. that won't overfill you just because you want more but actually care and consider what's best for you. I wasted a little over 7 months with a doctor that treated my fills like a reward/punishment thing. I got a new doctor 8 months after being banded and he gave me good fills like .5 to 1 cc at at time and I started losing weight immediately. I lost more weight in the one month after my switch to a new doctor than I had lost in 4 months with the old Dr. I wish I would have not wasted time and switched a long time ago. I would be further along with my weight loss.

  6. You are right we are a very diverse group of people and I guess I should have not said "our community" like the whole race feels that way but that can't be true because I would have not had the surgery if it was! I am from the south so I actually laughed out loud when I read you are in California! :D In my opinion plastic surgery, WLS or any kind of cosmetic surgery is more accepted in Cali no matter what race you are! I have many relatives from Cali and it's amazing to see how liberated they are about certain issues that are shunned on us Southerns.....I am glad that I did what's best for me no matter where I live! I have a lot of support now but it took a while for them to warm up to it and now like I said before they are all happy I did this.

    I am sorry that you have been made to feel like an island by family and friends. Sometimes you have to take what you can get, where you can get it. This forum provides a lot of support, a well spring of information, and it is a great place to vent.

    That said, I have to say that as an African-American my experience has been just the opposite. Most of the people I know that have had WLS (mostly gastric bypass) are A-A and there's been no stigma attached to any of us. As for myself, my family and friends are super supportive. (With the exception of a former sis-in-law, but that's a story for another time) I was telling my best friend that my sister was my "biggest fan" and so proud of my weight loss and she said "hey, I'm your biggest fan". I was like "yes, you too, you are both my biggest fans" LOL My brother and his wife are full of compliments when they see me and make every attempt to accommodate my food needs when I go to their house for dinner. Even though I tell them just to cook as they normally do. Another friend that had gastric bypass about 9 years ago was absolutely thrilled when I had lapband surgery and her mom called me a few weeks ago to ask about the band because she is considering the surgery. Her granddaughter is considering it too and came to me for information. I always send them to this forum.

    I guess my point is that from my perspective the A-A community is very accepting of lapband surgery. Heck I know A-As that have had breast enhancements, tummy tucks and even a nose job (that was due to a medical sugery that resulted in damage to her nose so ...). At the same time, I have no doubt that your (and the Noturningback's) experience is real and that in your circle this is the way lapband is viewed. I just would not view my experience (or yours) as the norm of the entire A-A community. We are a diverse group. As it happens I live in L.A. which may (or may not) be the reason that WLS surgery is accepted in the A-A community. But most of all I would hope that knowing that our community is so diverse, you will not feel so much like an island. Thanks to the internet and forums like this you will find many A-As that have a lot in common with you. You will also learn how much you have in common with other cultures, especially when it comes to the lapband. This is a good thing. We are all in this together and can help and support each other.

    All the best to you on your journey.


  7. I agree with weight loss surgery being a stigma within our community but who cares! I did this to live longer and feel better about myself. Where were all those people when the pounds were adding up? They didn't have too much advice or help then and now all of sudden they want to advice people on not having weight loss surgery...LOL! When we are at our goals and living a more fulfilled life then they will start to say things like "I'm glad you did this or that because you look so much better now" Well some of my family members that initially had problems with it are already saying things like that and I am not anywhere near goal. So, hold your head up high and do what's best for you! Good luck!

  8. Thanks for sharing! In Feb and March I gained 8 pounds because I wasn't be honest with myself. I had those same thoughts your are having in April and since lost 13 pounds once I realized that it was really up to me to track my calories and stop eating sweets too much. I still have some but in moderation and I add them in my calorie tracker for the day instead of leaving them out.

  9. Sorry, I was one of those viewers but didn't reply because I really didn't know what to say because when I looked at your sample menu I don't really see anything wrong with it. I was wondering what did you have on your "non-typical" days to make you gain weight. I didn't want to come off as rude but sometimes we can do really good on several days and follow that sample menu and then on the weekend blow it with so many calories it takes away from the 5 days we did good and cause us to gain. Maybe, you could take a look at what you are eating on your not so typical days or high calorie drinks like starbucks or something?

  10. Have you tried chewing your food to the same consistency of the cream of wheat or pudding? I dip most of my meats in low-fat sauces or ketchup or something (mix with the side dish) to get it creamy and it goes down just fine. I make sure there is not one chunk of anything in my food before I swallow. It takes me forever to eat but it's working because I have never gotten stuck or PB'd. Another thing to consider is your diet. My body type works best with tuna, chicken breast, and egg whites. I also cut salt and dairy products. I have switched to Rice Milk and it's good.

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