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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Noturningback15

  1. You are working out a lot! Give yourself some credit for that -- I couldn't do that and I consider myself a driven woman lol (no make that a driving woman -- I drive a lot to and from work). Keep up the great work!!!

    Thanks!!!! It's getting easier now that I have lost weight but at 388 it was so hard to workout!!!!

  2. So, I got in 60 min of or workout time today! I could only do 15 min on the eliptical but it's only my second time getting on it so I hope by the end of the month I can do 30 min! I am glad I joined the gym because doing the tapes at home was boring and I was slacking! Having the trainers in the gym stopping by to encourage me really helps. I hope I can keep this up! So far my new fill is working good.

  3. For me, eating is an ADDICTION. Telling you to stop eating after 1/2 cup is like telling an alcoholic to stop after 1 sip. WE have to eat to live, we need food. it's not like just stop going to the liquor store. I got the band because i needed HELP. I agree with you that if you're not feeling restriction, whats the use having the band? I couldn't do it on my own before. I really really need the help. I'm not losing much, but i'm always looking forward to a good fill that will give me restriction and actually make me feel FULL after that /2 cup of food. i beleive it's out there, i just need patience and not lose my mind when i'm having a hard time with no restriction. hang in there with me shurmeka, we're truly in the same boat. we'll get there eventually!

    I agree with everything you said! I do believe I will get there. I am on day two of going to the gym and that eliptical is not a joke!!! I am sure if I stick with the gym it will help me burn those calories!

  4. Thanks everyone! I only lost one pound at weigh in today and they all looked at me so disappointing. I am never going back! They kept asking me why was I eating more than 1/2 cup of food and I kept saying I only feel a little full at 1 cup and she said to stop at 1/2 a cup regardless. I had the surgury because I can't stop if I don't feel full Lady!!!!! If I can stop at 1/2 cup without feeling restriction what was the point of the surgery? After my 5th fill today she said I am at 5.5 cc's which I thought I already had that amount. Well, I scheduled another appointment in Dallas next week.

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