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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Noturningback15

  1. kick the negative people to the curb! You dont need the negativity! You' date=' and your sister, have taken a HUGE step in getting yourselves healthy for the rest of your lives! Congratulations on that!

    People who dont understand why we want to be thinner, will never get it - and you dont have to explain yourself to anyone on this earth. keep it up, and I wish you and our sister good health, and awesome clothes as you shed the pounds![/quote']

    LOL! I am dreaming of awesome clothes! I love shopping!! I think I am going to get shoes and purses to match each outfit! LOL!

  2. Have some haters in my life. Some actually I don't spend much time with some of them anymore. I just don't want to deal with it. Others (my mom in particular) I either ignore their comments or remind her over and over to stop with the negative. The other day I told her if she couldn't stop it I couldn't go visit at Thanksgiving. I just can't deal with it.


    Wow, and I bet Thanksgiving is going to be ruff on a lot of new bandster. I am so use to getting stuffed!! I hope it gets better with your mom. I would love to have my mom here for support but she passed away in 07. You are blessed to have her.

  3. You have such a beautiful face now, its such a shame that we overweight can't get it in our head that we might just be beautiful whatever our size. But, I will be banded on 9-28 and can't weight. It's my only hope for better health. Be sure and post a picture when you get married in that size 12, bet you'll make a beautiful bride.

    Thanks, I hope your surgery goes well and it is a success for you!!

  4. I say hold onto support' date=' release all negativity.

    Note: A size 12 wedding dress is in the 135-148 pound range. Wedding dresses run small! Don't kill yourself for a number on a dress. Depending on your height 199 will be between a 14-18 and BEAUTIFUL!

    I'm 5'7 and at 194 still wore a tight 16![/quote']

    Yea, I remember my sister wore a size 14 but had to get a 18 and she was so sad!!! But, I figured I will be a real size 14/18 at 199 (5'5 1/2) and a size 18 wedding dress probably, but she still didn't have to shatter my dream. LOL! Yea, I would have to be a size 8 prob to get in a 12 wedding dress. IDK?

  5. Well, I reached my goal of doing 30 min on the eliptical before the end of the month. I did 35 min today but I did take a 3 min break once I got to 20 min. I started back to grinding! LOL! I also did 25 min on the bike. I feel so much better since I have been working out and I look better too!

  6. Well, I moved to Greenville, TX in April and the closest place for support meetings is in Dallas which is about a 40 min drive for me. I plan to attend one though because I think I really need to. Things changed for the better for me when I joined this site though. Reading all the other stories and seeing the pictures has really helped me. Thanks.

  7. I don't really have any advice for you but to keep a hold to whatever faith that you have. I will pray for you now if you don't mind and if you do just ignore my comment about prayer. I went through the same exact thing with my mother three years ago and it was the hardest thing I have ever done! I didn't have my band at that time but I gained around 15 pounds so I know what you are going though. Going out to eat with my sister and eating seemed to help drown all my feelings I was having at that time, but it actually made things worse. On top of stressing over my mom I was embarrased over my weight gain. Keep your head up!

  8. Well, I was eating around my band too this summer and only lost 3 pounds between June-August. I also slacked on my exercise. I probably would have gained weight but I tried to get some exercise in to try to offset my eating. Anyways, it was easier for me to commit to the gym first and then I changed my eating habits. After spending one hour in the gym and 30 of that on a eliptical 5 days a week I didn't want to mess that up by eating unhealthy! So far I have lost 6 pounds since 9-7th. That's more than I did all summer. Good luck!

  9. I am going to see a new lapband doctor today because I am not losing weight with my old one. I had surgery on 2-23 of this year and so far down 30 pounds and yes I work out. I was slacking a couple of months ago and eating sweets, but I stopped. I feel like they are power tripping with my fills because I keep complaining about not feeling restriction. Like you Dr. they refuse to tell my how much I am getting and tell me not to worry about that. She keep telling me to eat 1/2 cup regardless of feeling restriction. I am so tired of their negative attitude and looking at me like a loser because I am not one of the "star" patients. My last fill was on 9-7 and this was the first time I can honestly say I feel some type of restiction. I have been working out for an hour a day lately and still havent' lost anything! I have no idea what's going on. I am praying when I go in today I have lost at least one pound of sweat from all my working out:) Good luck with you. I have tried to stay positive with this journey but it gets hard sometimes.

  10. Oh, reading this bought tears to my eyes! Your story is similar to mine. I just don't understand why I continue to eat even though I am not hungry! I guess with time I will get it though my head that I eat to survive not the other way around. I believe you can do this and so will I! I wish there was support groups where I live but there are none and that's why I joined this site. Reading all the stories and seeing other people progress has helped me join the gym and make healhier choices. I am so tired of being disappointed and seeing the disappointment in other people faces!

  11. I agree with the prior posts. Even though it is none of his business it will still stop the questions or comments. I went out with someone and I told him on the first date just to avoid why I wouldn't be eating all my food and chewing like a thousand times!!!! I just threw it in the conversation while we were trying to decide on what to eat. I was like by the way I won't be eating a lot because I have a band on my stomach and he thought it was cool! He laughed and said well from now on I only got to get you happy meals! LOL!

  12. Well, my insurance paid 80% and I was told by the hospital that I would have to pay the remaining 20% which was around 1600 before the surgery but I asked to speak to the person in charge of making exceptions to the rule because I know at every company there is someone that can overrule decisions!! When I got that person on the phone she let me pay 400 on the day of surgery and set up monthly payments for the rest. So, you just have to get the right person on the phone. Good luck.

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