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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Noturningback15

  1. Congradulations.. Your doing great...You definately also help keep me inspired. When I truly started this journey I was orginally 265. Now I'm down 197. It's not easy but it can be done..... Go girl!!!!

    You are doing great! I know you are so excited to be under 200! I know i am going shopping when I get under 300! My goal for that is by Thanksgiving so I got to get to moving! LOL!

  2. Congrats on deciding to get the band! OMG! I was addicted to refried beans!!!!! My whole family was like please stop eating those beans (if you know what I mean) LOL! In response to your stomach problems if you are 5 days post op it may be to soon for you to be having mash potatoes unless you are thinning them down with milk or something. I was on liquids and thin soup, grits ect.. for my first two weeks. They said starting the second week I could thicken it up some. Every doctor is different though.

  3. Yes! I enjoy many of the foods I enjoyed before. With the exception of white bread, sodas, and brownies I am good to go with all the foods I eat. I love coming up with low-fat and healthier versions of all my favorite meals. I go out to eat at restaurants and have fun with my family and friends at least once a month. I just pick the healthiest choice on the menu and leave the appetizers alone so I won't get full off of them. Sometimes I eat a couple of chips and salsa though but I leave room for the main course.

  4. How many calories are you eating on your workout days? 2 hours in the gym is a long time assuming you are working hard and you may not be eating enough? IDK, but I bet if you keep at it and don't give up the pounds have to eventually budge!

  5. I really enjoyed reading your blog!!! I also gained a lot of weight when I moved off campus! I think the walking around kept from gaining too much but I gained over 100 pounds during the 2.5 years I was off campus:( I was a size 24 pants when I left for college my freshman year and lost a few inches that first semester to get in a 22 and by senior year I was in a size 30 pants. My tops were a 5X or 34/36. I went from 270 to 388 over a five year span. I am back in my 24's and going down now!!! I weigh more than 270 but I guess the working out has me in a smaller size than I would be if I didn't work out.

  6. Christmas 2009. Flying home from Dallas. I fly a lot for work, and I've gotten used to getting to the airport early, getting exit row or upgraded seating. I was coming home from my mom's house and I was late getting to the airport and the last to board. I'm walking down the aisle toward my assigned seat (row 7 or 8 aisle) and the man next to the open seat said OUT LOUD "I hope that fat ass doesn't sit next to me". I had no choice there were no other seats. No one said anything. I cried for the 2 1/2 hour trip home. Got up on Monday and saw a LAP-BAND® billboard on the way to work. I have tears in my eyes now as I write this.

    Oh wow that just made me cry!!! I am so sorry that happened to you! You are better than me because I would have accidently drop my bags on his head while trying to put them up top!!!!:) I have heard too many "look at the fat lady" from kids for so long it doesn't even bother me anymore"!

  7. Congrats on your weight loss!!!! Yippie!!! I can't believe you are still eating jello after the liquid diet though!! I won't touch that stuff now! I still like the taste of it but I ate too much during my liquids. It may be years before I eat some more!! LOL!

  8. Hi :)

    OMG! I know exactly what you are talking about! Haters are out there and they love to talk tons of Sh*t!!! My mother in law asked me "oh girl what size are you trying to get too"? I said I'm not sure but my dream is like 160. She laughed and laughed and was like "you can never be that small you aren't built for it". The thing is she was serious I don't even think she was being mean just hating without knowing...And my sister in laws got real defensive when they found out I was having the band done. They were all like' date=' "its not cute to be small and I would never want to lose my shape". I mean I don't want to either, I think 160 will be perfect, but who says something like that. And then I have come across the mean ones who are like "how long is that gonna last and oh we'll see or what about your skin is it just gonna hang there". Girl I say prove them all wrong!!! LOL Thats all we can do! You will do and look great! Good luck and keep us updated. :)[/quote']

    That is so mean spirited for people to just laugh in your face like that!!! I have learned to keep my goals to myself and my sisters because everybody else got something negative to say or think it's funny! I am going to prove everybody wrong including myself! To be honest at first I couldn't see myself in a size XL shirt either after being in 4X and 5X's for so long. But, now that I am down to a 3X and it's getting roomy I can see it now!!

  9. Awe gurl!! Its all talk.HATER's!!! I say..you learn to bypass all that negitave stuff. Your going if not already! start to feel and looking good, all that talk it not going to phase you.Just keep on doing what your doing..Best of luck to both of you..Best choice I ever made.Stay Strong!

    Thanks i am going to keep going...I got that size XL shirt in my room right now for some motivation!! LOl!

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