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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. Just to let you know I think you got a CSR on the phone that just didn't want to do their job! I called BCBS PPO of Texas before I went to the lapband Dr. to get the requirments and it took her a min to look it up but she found it and told me. The person that you spoke to probably just didn't want to take the time to look for the info.

  2. I searched on here for people that talked about Curves and read alot of negative things. BUT...I LOVE IT! I started about a month ago, and when I leave, I'm dripping in sweat and my legs are wobbly. I started using their Smart Technology last week, and was in for quite a shock once I started that. I only THOUGHT I had been working hard. That pushed me to work even harder. The thing with Curves is that you get from it what you put in to it. If you go in and watch the older ladies just bee bop along and gossip, of course they're not going to get anything out of it. But if you go in there with the mindset of working as hard as you can, you will stand to be successful. I have my first weigh in and measure next week, and I know that I will have been successful in dropping inches. I can already tell what a difference it has made in the way I look and feel.

    Now...with all that said...could I get bored of it in a few months since it's such a repetitive workout, maybe. But again, I will have to make the choice to do it and stick with it. And if I'm successful, why quit?

    I second that! When I was going to Curves I dropped inches like crazy and some weight, but I quit when I moved and didn't want to pay the fees to rejoin. They told me after the fact I could have transferred without paying extra fees but oh well. The fitness center at the hospital is cheaper anyways.

  3. I have a 4cc band and have been totally unfilled (now) to filled to 3cc (lots of problems - had to have a slight unfill) and the band has NEVER, EVER, EVER reduced my appetite. Not for one minute, not for one second. Even at 3cc filled I never reached anything near to satiety. Just pain, pressure and the inability to eat to satisfaction.

    So, if that is the real purpose of the band then mine is a total failure. I have followed all the LAP-BAND® rules, and I exercise daily and all the food I eat is healthy. I count calories and keep a food journal. I have gone as far as I can go with the healthy food and exercising part of this process.

    I have lost about 75 lbs but it has been due to dieting - including on my own, the 6 month pre-op diet, the liquid diets before and after surgery.

    I cannot emphasize enough that my band has never affected my appetite (no it's not head hunger) and that was the ONLY reason I got the band because it was promoted as doing so. Big disappointed on my part.

    Yea, I think the band is just very individualized because my appetite has decreased a lot since my last two fills. I don't know if it's because I have increased my exercise or a combo of both, but I know one thing for sure is that my appetite has decreased significantly since my surgery. Before the surgery I would have the desire to eat all day and would actually think about all my meals and Snacks I would have for the next day before I go to sleep. LOL!

  4. Research has proven that those on a diet of 1200 calories lose more weight, more consistently (fewer plateaus) than those eating less. The lower you drop your calories, the more efficient your body becomes (metabolism slows) at hanging on to the calories you're eating. It's a survival mechanism.

    Obviously, as evidenced by famine victims in third world countries, your body will eventually have to give in and you'll lose weight, but why do it the hard way? I read about people on this forum who spend 2-3 hours per day every day on strenuous exercise, eating 800 calories a day and I just shake my head. Seems to me they're doing it the hard way but then each to his own.


    So true, I have increased my exercise to 1 hour a day and I keep my calories no less than 1200 but no more than 1600 and I have lost 4 pounds in one week which is more than have lost in the past three months put together! It's important to keep your calories up if you are increasing your workouts just like the other posters stated.

  5. I'm always starving in the morning, but usually running late. Any suggestions for band-friendly, grab-and-go breakfasts?

    Instant oatmeal in the one serving packets made with milk. oatmeal is a slow release carb and is good for you. With the milk depending on which kind you have you can get up to 10 grams of Protein. I stay full for at least 3-4 hours when I eat oatmeal for Breakfast and if I pair it with egg whites I can go longer.

  6. Man 25 bucks!!! I wish! You have great insurance! I was made to pay the 20% before the surgery and put 400.00 down the day of the sugery and paid my lapband doctor 600.00 a couple of weeks before that. Luckly the hospital will let me pay the remaining 1000 in monthly payments because they had to rush my sugery two weeks ahead of time and I told them there was no way I could drop that kind of money in one day!!! I would miss my car note all over again to have this surgery! LOL!

  7. Well, I have just started working out everyday. Like you I only did it every blue moon but on my last weigh in on Tuesday I had only lost one pound and the month before that two pounds! I was so embarrased because it was obvious I wasn't working out. I am tired of feeling like a failure and want success!! I have been working out everyday this week and I have lost 2 pounds in a couple of days and that's more than I lost in a month. Working out is the key for some people. I can't explain why some people can have surgery and never set foot in a gym and lose more weight than others but since I know I am not one of those people I got my butt up and got to moving!! I was knocking the door at 400lbs, the highest I have ever seen on my scale was 394 uggg unbelievable!!!! I jump off the scale so fast when I seen that and didn't get on one again for a long while. Today I am 329 and I should be smaller because I had my surgery 2-23 of this year. On surgery day I was 360 so 30 pounds in 6 months shows that I haven't been working out right. I am so close to being under 300 and I can't wait!!!!! I am a 31 year old single female and really believe my weight has stopped me from meeting new (decent) people. I am ready to love and have a family. Now, if I get skinny mini and still don't get a good man than I don't know what's wrong! LOL! Good luck and get to the gym please!

  8. I haven't met a food yet that didn't agree with me!! That may be part of my problem! LOL! I can eat any and everything, but I haven't tried white bread yet because I am scared too but I bet it's like everything else. I don't eat pork because it takes longer to eat, but if I mix it with the other food on my plate that breaks it down, but I don't have time for all of that so I just gave it up. As of today I am at 5.5cc's and haven't felt much restriction since my band date of 2.23.10.

  9. Since my Lapband I am having problems with acne. I have never had acne before even as a teenager! Maybe an occasional bump or two, but now I look like a teenager and I am 31. Am I having a reaction to the band or something? I have noticed since I have went from 388 to 327 my periods come every month on there on and before the weight lost I had to be on Birth Control to even have one. So, I am not sure if the Acne is from the band or from having a regular period. Either way I am embarrassed and want it to go away!

  10. Well, I love oatmeal! Try the Quaker Instant Cinnamon Roll or Maple Brown Sugar. I make mines with milk to make it thicker and I stay full for at least 4 hour hours if I pair it with egg whites. Of course the above recommended is not the healthiest oatmeal because of the sugar but it tastes a whole lot better!

  11. You are not alone!!! I feel like a slow loser, but I have realized that I haven't been following the program just right. I eat M&M's at least three times a week and not just the small bag, but the the king size that has two servings. I love homemade vanilla frozen yogurt. It only has 90 cal for one serving, but I eat two servings at a time. I must start making better choices and eating more Protein. I got this way because of poor choices and if I don't change I will not be successful with or without the band! I joined this site and sparkpeople hoping that the support and advice will help me. I hope that you will be successful also. I will make a goal starting right now to not eat any candy or icecream for 7 days! Will you join me? I need somebody working with me!

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