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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. Maybe it hurts her or something. I have a friend that said it hurt for years while having sex but never told her husband. She finally went to the doctor and found out she had a fibroid. She didn't want him to leave her or cheat on her so she kept it a secret. I would have never went that long without getting checked out but everyone is different. She was scared she had cancer and didn't want to go to the doctor to get the bad news. She didn't even have cancer so she waited for nothing and had painful sex for about 2 years. I'm sure it could be a hundred reason's why she doesn't want to do it but....I guess your wife wouldn't have fibroids because they would have seen that when she was pregnant but some women have issues just from being penetrated.

  2. My acid reflux came back at almost two years of being banded. It happend one month after I got my last fill. I had an unfill and it's much better. I haven't lost any weight since that unfill and I am very disappointed that I can't get another fill because of the acid. I am trying to just do better with a low carb diet.

  3. Just wondering if anyone else is dealing with this? Also wondering if I'm not eating enough calories... hmmm.. whichever it is, I'm only down 10 pounds since surgery. I started out @ 339 pounds and eat mostly Protein throughout the day, not many carbs. And calories are usually less than 800, but I'm usually not hungry between meals. Any suggestions?! I'm really starting to question getting the band in the first place... :(

    Well, like most of us you probably lost a lot of Water weight at first. Water weight comes back sometimes when you get off of your liquid diet. Please give your body some time to adjust to introducing solids back.

  4. Hello Feb 2010 Bandsters! Congrats to all that made it to goal and to those that are still maintaining. I got married in Sept and it's been downhill from there! LOL! I pretty much stopped working out and eating right. I am back to working out on a regular basis and eating way much better. I had a hard time adjusting to being married and finding time to take care of me. I think I got it now!

  5. I am starting over again too. I got married 6 months ago and have gained 4 pounds a month since then........I was a slow loser too like you said, but at least I was losing. I joined Curves yesterday. I plan on going to Curves 3 times a week and to my other gym 3 times a week. I didn't know how to adjust shopping for two people, going out to eat (honeymoon phase), and cooking for two people. Before I got married I only cooked for myself and I ate the same foods over and over again. My husband told me he was going to eat chicken breast and sweet potatoes everyday! LOL! Sorry to read about your mother. My mom passed in 2007 and I gained 25 pounds right after she passed in a few months. Some people stop eating when they get sad but I eat more....I wish you well on this journey.

  6. F u not have motivation n really want lose weath u don't go c result I c a lot of people tha did the lapBand n don't lose anything u need to work hard for what u want lapBand is not magic, and peor need to follew the rule diet walk a lot for u can c some result but if u eat and eat u not go c not result.... We can do this my people

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

    I'm going off topic.....your IPHONE had me LOL! OMG! I tried typing on my kindle and I hate it.

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