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Blog Comments posted by Noturningback15

  1. Mmmmm....I felt extremly happy and grateful on yesterday!! Well, I paid cash for all of my Christmas presents and I started on my New Year goals before 2011 even got here and I am still following through so that may explain it! LOL! Anyways, I don't have any problems eating chips so I can't help you with that one. I try not to buy them at all because they are a waste of calories but sometimes a girl gots to have some chips and chocolate once a month if you know what I mean! I have severe cravings for chips, M&M's and fried fish during that time and I can't stand it! I did good though this month though! I fought the cravings and only had one bag of M&M's and some low-fat frozen yogurt.

  2. I enjoyed going to see my PCP doctor once a month for 6 months because I felt like I had someone to answer to besides myself. I didn't want to see disappointment on her face when I came in so I really tried to lose some weight. I lost 15 pounds over the 6 months. It's not a lot but I tried. I was only required to do 3 months but we decided to extend it ourselves to keep me on track until I had my surgery.

  3. I really love going to the gym! I have been going on and off for years but this time I am here to stay! I have found a place to workout for free so I don't have to worry about the extra money now. I am too excited about that so I have no excuses this time! LOL! Good luck!

  4. I lost 3lbs over the week! I stayed with my aunt that made a comment or shook her head every time I ate something. So thanks to her I felt guilty the whole week and never finished eating anything! I went to the gym a few time also. Congrats on staying on track!

  5. I agree! I love the gym and I love the changes that my body is making because of working out! I am getting more compliments than ever! I feel really good after working out too. I feel like I just accomplished something big even though it's not to some people lol!

  6. Well Chirper one of the craziest comments I've gotton from my Dad is "I'm gonna have to go buy a gun now"! LOL! I told him Dad please no I am 31 and it's time for men to be paying some serious attention to me before I get too old! On the flip side I lost a potential boyfriend because he told me that I wasn't going to want him anymore when I lose all my weight. He left me alone a couple of weeks after my surgery!!!!! Loser!

  7. Believe it or not....my son said he thought he would miss his soft and fluffy mom ( smile...that sound a lot better than morbidly obese). However, when I explained that this would help me to live longer...he was all smiles.

    Your comment reminds me of my 6 year old niece that told me"Why are you getting smaller? I like your Jiggly Jiggly"! Kids are so funny!!!!

  8. I did it too. In a full length pink princess gown and tiara...and was amazed that I wasn't exhausted. Congratulations on your success. It is such a moving experience. Next year I'm running it!

    LOL! It was so fun to see all the people dressed up with those pretty gowns and tiara's. I saw a lady in a tutu and a pink wig!

  9. I lost 13 pounds in the 4 days I was on liquids only. I didn't cheat so I am assuming if you drink slimfast, protein shakes, eat sugar free jello, sugar free fudge bars for 4 days it's possible. I didn't work out either. I was stressed though with my family eating burgers, fries, and cake all around me.

  10. Thanks for posting this. I was so defecient that my doctor put me on 14,500IU for one month on two different occasions. I took one pill every 7 days and I noticed the difference in my body at the end of the 30 days and I did lose more weight than before I started. By the ways I was scared to take one pill that contained 14000 of anything but it didn't kill me!

  11. That's great! I understand about the body aches! I worked out for 1 hr 20min on Sunday and boy Monday was a killer for me! My knees hurt so bad but I didn't let that stop me though instead of spending an hour the elliptical I did 20 and stayed on the bike awhile. Good luck! I loooooove going to the gym!

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