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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. I think just about everything I eat has been covered already! I would like to add Special K Protein Bars (really good)! 10 grams of Protein 170 cal depending on the flavor you choice. Adkins Advantage Dark chocolate Royale shake 160 cal 15g of protein. My fish of choice is talapia and tuna! I also make chicken salad like I make my tuna salad. Can chicken, light mayo, pickle relish, chopped pimentos, eggs, and seasonings. I put a little paprika in it also. Yummy! Oh, yea those can tamollys by hormel are really good! I only eat those on the days I have a taste for Mexican.

  2. I lost 30 pounds since late February but haven't lost a pound all summer. It's completely my fault. I am at my sweet spot I think but have found that of my two bad habits, overeating and eating junk food, the band has only helped with overeating. It doesn't take a lot to make me feel full. That's why I haven't gained it all back, in spite of the junk food. The junk food problem is a willpower thing and I need to re-commit to changing that habit. I also don't seem to be able to motivate myself to exercize and need to work on that too. I'm going to Costa Rica in March so I plan to use that to motivate myself to get back on track. Good luck to you all.

    I really wasn't motivated to work out. I just made myself do it! Some days are easy and some days I don't want to go but I was so tired of not seeing results. I am not one of those people that can lose weight without working out. Maybe one pound a week if I ate right 100% of the time. I hope you find your inspiration to workout before March. You can do it!:puke:

  3. Well, I finally made it to 319 on Thursday and I was so happy but I am still 319 on this morning. I guess I got to happy and didn't work out on Friday:( I tried to go to the gym yesterday to make the scale move so I can have a 3 pound loss for the week but nope just 2.6. My goal for the week was 2.5 I think so it's okay. Good luck everybody this week! Goal for this week is 3.:puke:

  4. You need to remember that the band restricts the quantities of food that you can eat not the calories.Compare a cube of cheese with an apple. the cheese is smaller but much higher in calories. It would be fairly easy to eat a large quantity of cheese wheras apples would be more difficult.

    The band is a tool that helps to control your hunger you still choose what you put in your mouth.

    You need to choose your calories wisely. Pick foods that are high in nutrients and dense so that they will fill you up for a long period of time. Proteins are generally the best e.g meat, chicken, eggs etc.

    Avoid "slider" foods. Slider foods are foods which are high in calories, low in nutritional value and slide through the band easily. things such as chocolate,cookies,cake, icecream,milkshakes. The band will not stop you eating these you have to have the control not to eat them.

    Great reply!!!! I would have never thought to use that example of the cheese and apple! Perfect comparison!

  5. This is a funny thread! LOL!!!!!!! Well, I have always been a drooler so I can't say for sure. I have noticed that even with my C-Pap machine on I still drool a little bit but before my last fill I didn't slob at all when I was using my machine. I have noticed with my last fill and I have more restriction my sinus is always draining too! OOOoooooo this is gross! Sorry yall!:thumbdown:

  6. I have issues with going to a regular gym. I am not envious of anyone but I do feel like everyone is looking at me. When I was almost 400lbs I had two women rush over to me while working out and asked me was I okay! LMBO! I must have looked like I was about to pass out or die or something. I wasn't grabbing my chest or anything but they must have felt sorry for this poor Super Obese person and just had to come to my rescue! I am now going to a rehabilitaion gym at the hospital. Everyone is either old, injured, or doing some type of rehab. There are very few people from the community that come. They are very friendly and I don't feel like they are all staring at me or watching my big butt bouncing up and down on the elliptical!

  7. Can someone please add me it's not letting me. I'm in for 15.

    I added you on line 77. It was a blank line there because I messed it up a couple of weeks ago:( but anyways I didn't know to you need to click on your number hit the tab button and even though the other person info under yours is highlighted it will change only your info. I hope I didn't confuse you. I didn't know your starting weight for this challenge I used your starting weight from your profile minus how many pounds you lost on your ticker. Go in and make adjustments.

  8. Yep, I have lost a lot of inches after losing 67lbs and I am still having a hard time figuring out my walk. After I stand up it takes me a min or two to adjust. As a matter of fact, I went out on a date and after standing up from the table I started to walk and he said "are you drunk" oh my I was so embarrassed considering that I don't even drink!!! I'm still scared I won't fit in booths at resturants and and the seats at the movies. When I get in my sister's eclipse I wonder is the seatbelt going to fit? I am wondering how I am going to think when I lose the rest of my weight!!!! After I had a breast reduction several years ago, it took me almost a year to adjust to not being able to put my Cereal bowl on my chest!!! LMBO!!! I was like how am I going to eat my cereal now!!! Uggg! It finally clicked to use a table like normal people or sit it in my lap if I am sitting on the couch!:)

  9. For the past couple days I've noticed i've not had any difficulty with any food I've tried and I haven't pushed it to the limit but I notice I'm eating a little more than usual. I'm not sure if what I'm eating is a slider (boneless wings from Walmart deli, egg salad, cereal....sorry I can't remember all the things I had this weekend off hand) I know this will be tmi but usually when aunt "flo" is here I'm tighter and nothing likes to go down, well....she's in town and I have no issues. I even notice I can drink right before and after I eat if I want. I'm scared. It's been 8 months since my surgery and 2 months since my last fill. What are the odds of the tubing coming apart or something? I just started working out at the gym and now I've got myself really worried. I can always make an appt with my doc, but I wanna give it a lil more time and get some feedback. Thanks guys!!

    Okay, here is my theory which may not be worth anything but......first of all the band is tricky and sometimey! I think with the sudden workouts it caused you not to retain as much Water as you normally do when it's that time of month and you are not as tight. I noticed that I didn't retain a lot of Water this time since I have been working out for almost a month non-stop. I didn't lose any weight but I didn't gain 3 pounds like I normally do during that time. Oh, I almost forgot don't worry chicken is not a slider:)

  10. I find that when I exercise my back feels better. If I miss a day I can tell. I work from home so if I don't go to the gym I don't go anywhere all day. I need to get out of my house or I go nuts.

    I work from home for the majority of the time unless I need to go to the office for something, meetings etc. But I might start back going to work at my office eveyday now because I find myself snacking too much! I just hate my office because it's about the size of walk-in closet!

  11. Yes, I changed doctors this month and it was a great choice! At the consult he explained to me that I would be meeting with the person that does the fills more than him but if there is ever a problem with my fills then he will come do it. My past doctor's office was very weird.....and she kept giving me these tiny fills of .1, .2, .5 and I wasn't feeling anything for almost 7 months. My last fill was on 9-7th with her and I went to the new doctor on 9-16. He gave me another fill this month and it was enough to feel something!! Finally!!!

  12. How long have you been banded? I still slack off every now and then it will be 5 months the 3rd of Oct. I try to do 4 or 5 days a week at the gym but sometimes it just doesn't happen. The important thing is we get back on the wagon the next day... Good Luck..

    I was banded on 2-23-10 so 7 months. I didn't hardly do anything for 2.5 months and didn't lose any weight and then I just got fed up and I have been at the gym 5 days week for 1 hour or more each day. I was doing my Taboe tapes at home and walking but I was so unmotivated! I was walking so slow and didn't break a sweat with the Taboe except maybe once a week. The gym keeps me focused on my workouts and I keep up. I have lost 9lbs already this month which is the most I have ever lost in a month since being banded.

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