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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. Okay, I was doing my usual routine and I decided to step it up a notch in the gym! After doing the same thing and not sweating to much I figured that's why things are slowing up. Monday I went in the gym on a mission! I pushed harder and harder until sweat was dripping off my nose! LOL! I did the same thing Tues, and Wed and guess what I am 3lbs smaller this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoooo hoooooo!!!!!!! So, I can't promise the same results with those are stalling but if you are not pushing it up a notch then try it!:)

  2. You will have to come up with your own motivations to beat the head hunger. For instance, when I want to eat food when I am not really hungry I just tell myself "Okay, you have spent the last 20 years eating what you want, how much you want, and when you want. It's not gonna hurt you to spend the next few hours until meal time doing the opposite". I try to remind myself also that I am just really tired of being fat! I am sick of it! Uggggg!

  3. Some people really bounce back quick after surgery! Wow, I was so nausea and the gas was so bad in my stomach I didn't feel hunger until almost a week later and then it was a small amount of hunger because the gas was still really bad! I just felt bloated all the time! I don't know which one would have been better the crazy hungry or the crazy gas? I hope it gets better with you.

  4. YES!!! It was worth it! I'm so excited about the changes in my body and mind! I am 70lbs down from my highest weight and I am loving it!!!! I am not losing really fast like some people but I am still happy with what I am doing! I was banded 2-23-10 and 55lbs down since Feb. the rest was lost before surgery. Not one time have I asked myself was it worth it because I was 12lbs away from being 400lbs and felt so depressed about how I got that way. Now I am getting close to the 299 mark and I am pressing forward! I am one of the ones on here that can eat just about anything and I don't have problems with bread or anything that I have came across. I choose not to eat somethings because I know it's not healthy for me. I have never slimed or PB. I have never threw up either. I have 6.8ccs in my band and it feels okay at this time. I hope that it doesn't start once I post this but everyone experience is different with the band. I LOVE my band!:thumbup::thumbup:

  5. It took me two weeks to see a real difference and drop a pants size. I go to the gym 5 days a week for a min of 1 hour each time. I do 30 min on the eliptical and 30 on the bike. I try to switch it up sometimes but thats my usual routine. I started this on Sept. 7 and by Oct. 7th I was down 10lbs without changing my eating habits much. I wish I would have started a long time ago!!!!! I believe its time to change things up because I haven't lost much since Oct. 7th! I wish I could use the treadmill more but I have a foot problem!

  6. Yes, I agree with explaining to them that it is a life and death situation. Obesity can lead to so many diseases! I had this surgery because I want to live a long and healthy life and if I have children to be able to see my grandchildren grow up! My mother died when I was 27 years old from cancer. She was overweight also. Not saying that skinny people can't get cancer but your chances are lower and if they do get it and they are healthier and work out their chances of surviving is much higher than someone that is obese and not healthy. Hopefully, I can live past my 50's with this new change! I hope that you find a support group that you can participate in!

  7. How much do you weigh may I ask because sizes really doesn't give an accurate description of how much overweight you are. I wear size 22 pants but I weight 318!!!!!! Thats just a few sizes more than your 18. Our bodies are shaped differently and depending on how your fat is placed on your body would make you wear a smaller size than someone that weighs less than you. Height has something to do with it too. I know a lot of people that weigh what I do but wear a size 26 pants instead of my 22's.

  8. Speaking for my self only... These are the symptoms I had.

    1.I was not able to eat any sort of solid food, no matter how small the bite was or how well I chewed it. I was only able to get a couple of bites down and then I would have the build up of saliva and have to go and visit the bathroom.

    2. Once I vomitted I was not able to even drink Water unless hours went by and if I drank to fast I had to visit the bathroom.

    3. I was only able to get maybe 20 ounces of H2O a day and that is not good.

    4. When I sent to see my doctor she said my band was so irritated that she took out a little more so the swelling and irritation could go down.

    5. I was only able to eat ice cream and other slidder foods.

    6. My doc said that in the red zone for the lap and realize band you have no weight loss because you turn to comfort foods and you don't have any weight loss and poss weight gain.

    7. She has be taking a prilosec for 30days to help heal any irritation that was done.

    8. I honestly was vomitting anytime I ate or drank something.

    9. Often times when I went for a removal I was bummed that they had to take out Fluid but, this time I did not care. I was just very missrable.

    I hope this does help you guys. And remember I am speaking for my self and not for others.

    Okay, thanks for the info this was very helpful! No, I am not throwing up and can drink Water with no problem. Maybe I am just feeling restriction and I haven't ever felt it like this before? I go for a fill on Thursday and I will have them check things out to be sure. Thanks!

  9. Change your title from I am a failure!!! Sorry if I am being too direct but if you say you are a failure then that's what you will become or stay. You are stuggling and having issues with your band so that's different than just giving up! Failures give up and you said that you are going to start over and have hope. Good for you and I hope you have success from this point forward. :thumbup:

  10. i know you were asking the questions but I have a question for you. Sorry! How did you know if you were too tight? I got a fill 6wks ago and I was doing great and now I can barely eat without getting a slimy build up in my throat. I have been drinking liquids mostly for two days and eating mushys. Is that a sign something is stuck or did my band get tighter?

  11. Horrible week!!!!!! It was that time of month and I ate M&M's and frozen yogurt for 4 days straight!!!!! I gained 2lbs and now I am so glad it's over! I am not even gonna put my weight on the chart until the last day! Hopefully, I can get close to my goal by the first! Ugggggg, I get a fill on Thursday because I R/S my appointment from last week so I am sure I can at least lose 4 pounds this week. I am going to do liquids and mushys until Thursday. I hope....:huh2:.

  12. I was banded in February and really didn't feel any type of restriction until September. I understand what you are talking about. I was getting very small fills like .1 and .2 every time I went in until I got feed up and changed doctor's. I am not suggesting you do the same because .5 seems to be a good amount for your 3rd fill but I was like on my 7 month and she was playing around with me.:wink2:

  13. Okay, I am really slacking here! I didn't lose any weight until Monday morning and that was 1 pound. I only lost that because I did the 5K race for the cure Sat. and it really kicked my tail. My knees have been sore since then! I am really going to have to kick it up a notch if I want to meet goal. That means 4 pounds this week and next week. I get a fill in two days so I might can do the 4 pounds this week because I will be on liquids after the fill but I don't know about next week! I am going to try my hardest though because it will feel really good to get to 310!

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