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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. My first fill was 10 days ago and it was 6.4 cc's. I feel some restriction, like if I drink Water to fast, I can feel it for a sec or if I don't chew well enough, I feel it pass, but as long as I chew, no restriction on how much I can eat yet.

    Oh, I wish I could have had that much put in my band on my first fill! They were taking baby steps with me. It took 7 months after surgery to get to 6ccs!

  2. Yea, I think people that don't do the pre-op diet lose faster right after surgery because their body is just now being introduced to the sever reduction in calories by being on the liquids and mushies but the people that did the pre-op already lost that same weight before and it's not such a shock after surgery because the body is starting to get adjusted to doing liquids anyways.

  3. Yes, it happens if I go more than 25 min on it non-stop. I am not sure how many miles that is but I decided to do 20 min go get on another machine for 20min and then I come back around and do another 20 min on the elliptical and that makes it easier.

  4. Hi guys, I am here browsing the site. I am looking for any input, I have surgery in less 10 days and I feel so lost. I have no idea what I should be doing but I am feeling pretty lost and a little scared of the unknown.


    Well, I guess the most important thing to do is follow your doctor's orders. It's not as bad as it seems though. The worst part for me was the gas after surgery! I hate GAS! LOL! They have to fill your belly up with gas in order to go in there with the camaras and everything to see good I guess. Well, I think a lot of it was still in me after surgery because I was gassy for 2 weeks.

  5. I am one of the few people that can eat pretty much anything I want. The band only helps me eat smaller portions than before. I have tried (not overate just tested) just about everything including biscuits and ribs and it went down well. I don't eat certain foods because it takes too long to break down and it seems as though I am chewing forever! I am at 6.8 ccs and 9 months post op. I have been at 6.8 for 2 months now and have lost 16 pounds in those 2 months. You can still lose weight and not have trouble eating foods. I didn't get the band so I could get sick or throw up if I ate certain foods but to help me with Portion Control.< /p>

  6. I am glad that I found this site because it has really helped me! I was in a slump this summer and lacked motivation to workout and eat healthier foods. When I got on here I was inspired by so many different people! I love the NSV and the SV! It's awesome that a site like this can help so many people. It's to bad some people use it to be negative. I must say that I am tired of all the articles comparing food to drugs. It seems as though they are trying to come up with excuses to why so many people are obese. I know that they are also trying to come up with treatments. Not all fat people are addicted to food just like all of us don't have thyroid problems. People take things like this and run with it. For so many years obese people used the excuse of the thyroid but in all actually how many times a week did they exercise or choose to eat healthy? I was on thyroid medications in high school and I lost a few pounds but I must admit I didn't eat right or exercise at all. I love to shop but everytime I see a Wal-Mart commercial I don't jump in my car and go to Wal-Mart. I hope people just realize that it's all about personal choices and taking responsibility.

  7. I started out comparing myself with all the fast losers and then I realized this is not a race and now I am happy with my slow weight loss. I avg 5.5 a month if I divide all of my loss from my surgery date and that is great! I am very satisfied because it's a loss and not a gain! You should feel the same way. Just keep moving and don't give up! Eventually those 5lbs a month will add up!:thumbup:

  8. I've had similar experiences a handful of times at the gym. while on an exercise bike and in yoga.

    I figure on the bike its caused by the vibrations. and as for yoga my theory is that some of the positions cause uterine contractions (which occur normally when a woman orgasms) plus a lot of the asnas are super sensual to begin with anyway, and my mind wanders.

    when I have a workout that I'm not looking forward to I download an erotica audio book onto my ipod and it helps me to stay with it LOL

    did I just admit to that ?!? :)

    I am going to have to get me one of those audio books!!!!!!! LOL! Wow!:crying:

  9. I don't believe in cutting out all carbs. I think it's a quick fix but not a long term solution. Your body needs carbs just like it needs a certain amount of fat. If you find the right combination of carbs, veggies, and Protein they will work together to fuel you body and you will start back losing. I try to follow the Michael Thurman's body makeover combination for my body type A. 3oz of protein, 1/4 of carb like a sweet potatoe, and 1/4 cup of greens. I can't eat it all but I do what I can. Breakfast he suggests 1/2 cup of oatmeal (good carb) and 1 egg white (protein). This really works if you follow it and drink you Water for the day. Of course working out always help.

  10. :thumbup:Well, I weigh myself daily except when it's that time of month because I already know it's not going to be a true weight. I have tried not to do it everyday but I just can't help it! I don't let it determine how I feel for the day as far as being sad or depressed. I use it as a motivator to work harder in the gym or watch what I eat for the day. I have never missed a meal because I was not satisfied with the numbers. I know I must eat to live! I am so excited to see those numbers on the lower end of 300 instead of 12lbs away from 400!

  11. Does anyone have planter faciatis? I have this condition and it makes it hard to exercise, any ideas? I was banded 9/23/10 and have lost 20 but now I'm at a standstill so I know I need more exercise.

    I have this condition and it is a pain in the butt!!! The only relief is to go get shots in my foot which are very expensive and of course to keep losing weight to relieve some of the pressure. I found some Dr. Sholls called Trails I think and they are great! They come with extra padding and they were on sale for 20.00!!! These are the best ones I have found so far even better than my 100.00 Nikes. I still have minor pain but it's not so bad to stop my workouts. The elliptical and stationary bike was recommended for people with my condition. The treadmill is constant pounding and makes the condition worse. If I just have to get on the treadmill I limit it to 10 mins. Good luck!

  12. I don't have any statistics to report but I do understand what you are going though. I am terrified of my band slipping, PB, sliming, getting stuck ect. I have been banded for a little over 8 months and I have never experience any of the above due to this fear. I chew my food and use sauces or ketchup to help liquify whatever I am eatting to make sure does not have a single chunk in it! LOL! It takes me forever to eat doing this but I am proud to say I have never been stuck or vomit!

  13. I am not sure about the "lower class" but it could be jealously because we have to actually put in more work than they do. They may feel like they took the easier way out. Plus, there are a lot of doctors that try to paint such an ugly picture of the band to convince them not to get it. I know my sister's doctor kept trying to convince her to do the Gastric Bypass but she stuck to her wants. Some of us are still able to eat some of our favorite foods vs. them getting sick (some of us do too). We have the option of going to get adjustments vs. them streching their stomach back out over the years. I know we can strech our pouch too but if we follow the rules and get our adjustments we don't have to worry about that.

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