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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. When I avg the whole time I've been banded it is 1lb a week. When I am doing things right I avg 2 to 3lbs a week. I have lost 15 pounds in the last 8 weeks. From June to Sept I lost only 3 lbs:(. So, the key is to stay on track and you will do fine! I think most people go through slumps like me though which will knock your weekly average down.

  2. I complete understand! I was thinking the same thing this morning after reading some rude responses. Some people are so quick to display their superior knowledge about weight loss they do not even know their replies are rude. I have also noticed how people are trying to outdo each other with who knows the most about the band, calories, and freaking formulas! It’s actually hilarious sometimes because if you are such an expert then why you are in the same position that I am in?

  3. I started tracking my calories at the start of the day to prevent this because I was shocked one day like you when I added it up after the fact. So, every morning I plan what I am going to eat and I try to give myself a little room if I want to throw in a snack. It's helping but then sometimes I look at my chart and throw it out! Rules get on my nerves sometimes! LOL! I am hoping I can get to the point where I have gotten use to my menus and don't have to count calories. Good luck! I bet you are going to do fabulous now!

  4. Yes, I have had Protein in my urine but mine was due to a certain type of birth control pill I was on. I stopped taking them and problem solved. I was anemic because I don't like too much meat and survived off of carbs mostly. I have increased my protein intake but it's still a struggle to eat all of my meat first. I eat mostly white meat and fish.

  5. I am sure you will get more in-depth replys so I will keep this short:) I am 21 days shy of being banded for a year and I am loving it! I can eat without any discomfort. I chew until my food is basically a liquid no matter what it is. I take my time as well. I have never slimed, vomit, Productive Burp (PB) or any of those gross things. The only problem I have is with my acid reflux. I am losing slow compared to some people but right on time with the doctor's expectations. I am averaging almost 4.8 pounds a month. I hope your journey is sweet!

  6. The most I have ever gained is 2 or 3 pounds while on. I would contribute most of that to the extra sweets and frappucianos I had during that time period. This last time I didn't gain a pound. I actually cut back on my calories on purpose for this special occasion! LOL! I decided I don't like seeing any kind of gain no matter what so for now on I will be doing a repeat of last month. I must have at least one bag of M&M's though and one frozen yogurt treat with chocolate and waffle cone pieces in it. Those sugar free fudge popcicles seem to help control my cravings some though.

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