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About Noturningback15

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  • Birthday 08/29/1979

About Me

  • Biography
    I am from Arkansas but currently living in Texas. I am a married lady about to turn 33 years old and I love life!
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  • Interests
    Singing, watching movies, reading, and shopping.
  • Occupation
    I am a service coordinator for people with IDD.
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  1. How are you doing? Thanks for checking up on me. My third fill went very well! I was very careful not to eat the wrong things due too my bad experience during my 2nd fill. I actually have a lot of restriction and it takes very little to satisfy me. I do thank God for that. I have an appointment in 2wks for my 4th fill, but I really don't know if I should get another fill or maybe just a little. I hope you will soon reach a point where your restriction kicks in. It feels so good not to feel hungry all of the time. I really believe am burning more fat and losing inches instead of pounds. That may sound crazy but it’s true! My clothes are all too big but the scale is moving very slowly. Good luck!

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