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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Noturningback15

  1. OMG, what an irresponsible article! They make it sound like the sleeve procedure is safer than the lap band?!?! the sleeve has a 1/200 mortality rate, while the band only has 1/200. And they don't even mention the long-term, hugely painful complications that potentially come with the sleeve, namely stomach leaking...

    Regardless, I do wish taogirl well!! It makes me so sad to hear that you've had trouble since the very beginning!! I don't know why it is, but it seems that there are as many different experiences as there are people.

    Every surgery has a potential risk, and it's a really good reminder that there are no guarantees... Some people have a really hard time with the surgery, need revisions, removals, or even die...

    And of course we all know the potential up side, which is why we're all here in the first place!

    Yea, it was not the best informational article but I can agree with one thing that I copy and pasted below.....

    In fact, he notes, none of the weight-loss surgeries works without being performed in conjunction with lifestyle changes. "The surgery simply allows patients to get much more benefit out of proper eating and physical activity," he says.

  2. http://m.uclahealth.org/body.cfm?xyzpdqabc=0&id=18&ref=1083&action=detail&no_server_init

    I guess this is what she read...

    I'm so sorry you went through this.

    I would be curious in seeing that article from UCLA, do you have a link by chance?

    It seems to me that while some people do have problems with the bands by no fault of their own, the majority aren't successful at losing weight or have slips because of their own bad decisions. Overeating, walking around for months with over-filled bands, eating around the band, carbonation, etc. I have seen similar studies but very few take the patients part in it into account. The few that do differentiate between band errors and patient errors put the success rate at around 70%.

    Best wishes to you.

  3. My doctor told me that many people fail the lapband but people succeed as well...he said if I was 60 he wouldn't have even brought it up. With me being 23 he said I should think about erosion and what will happen in 20 years with the band. Other surgeries may need to be done, or even have the band replaced. He also said that weightloss is much slower with the band. He expects me to lose 60% of my excess in 6 months!!! I just think this would be best for me, I am not trying to sway anyone else to the sleeve just stating what he told me :)

    I think it's a good choice at your age like your doctor said. I'm just hoping mine doesn't cause any erosion in the next 10 plus years:) I got it when I was 30. I wish you well!

  4. Makin sure im not drinkin pointless calories stickin to Water n crystal light ... I got a Protein mix called just right smoothies its vanilla you mix it with 8 oz of milk or juice n i drink two a day as meal replacements and them i have what i want for dinner just make sure its one serving! And im walkin daily

    Thanks! I guess I will stick with the skakes if it keep the weight off with an unfill!

  5. Things happen.. I dont regret it ida never lost 150 lbs without it .. Plus im almost back to normal health now and managing to lose with

    an empty band :) so all is well

    I'm glad to see you are losing with an empty band! I am so scared they will take all of mine out because of the reflux and I will blow up! LOL! What's your diet like? I lost 5 pounds last week from cutting my calories by replacing a meal with a shake and I cut out cheerios. I know that I will get tired of the shakes soon so what do you eat and how many times a day?

  6. I had severe acid reflux for 12 years prior to being banded. OTC meds had quit working for me, so I was on a very expensive prescription medication for it. That medication was one of the first I was able to eliminate after being banded. I haven't had any reflux at all between the pre-surgery diet and my last fill. I'm a little bit too tight now and I've had a couple of nights where I've had to take OTC meds for heartburn/reflux. From everything I've read, if you're having reflux with the band, you're probably just too tight.

    That's good for you. My reflux went away for a long time after my surgery but came back after my last fill. I got an appointment this Friday to see what's going on. GERD is one of the listed complications from Lapband though. I just think it's weird that one of the benefits from the band is to reduce the amount of food intake but if you have GERD you may have to get unfills which cause weight gain in most. I am hoping I can fight the weight gain if I need another unfill. I think I have 4.5 or 5 cc's in my 10cc band after my unfill in December.

  7. I'm glad they did this because I believe certain people should not be allowed to have lapband. I had acid reflux before the band and now it's even worse even though I am eating better and taking medications. I think people with severe reflux should stay away from having something sqeezing their stomach......besides that I like the band because I believe I would be over 400 pounds without it....I'm just not sure if the long-term results of having sever GERD is worth the weight-loss however. I'm going in Friday for another un-fill hopefully it helps. I'm praying not to gain with the unfill. I have already bought Protein Shakes and other low calorie foods to not gain! LOL!

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