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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Noturningback15

  1. Hello, I have plantar fascitis and it's a pain! I can only do exercises that doesn't require stomping up and down, so Zumba is a no go .The elliptical and bike is all I can do. I can't walk more than 5 min without pain. I knew something was wrong when I woke up every morning and the first step was painful. I hope it gets better for you.

  2. Hello, I am glad you took control of your situation and started back on this journey. It's a long and tedious road but we can do it! I think it's important to remember that we will all have set back but don't get to comfortable in them. I would suggest when you get off your your liquid diet take small steps back up to solids like you did when you first had the surgery. Tuna, eggs, greek yogurt, chicken salad (I make mine like tuna), and plenty of water. I would suggest oatmeal for breakfast but I know a lot of people have problems with oatmeal. I eat it for breakfast almost every morning because it keeps me going until lunch time. Good luck! Oh, yea work out like you never have before! LOL! (If you don't have any physical limitations).

  3. When I had my surgery last year I was working a second job as a caregiver for a disabled lady and I had to cook her dinner and breakfast every morning while I was on my liquied diet and it was horrible! She even had me order pizza for her! I know the pain you are going through now but it will get better once you start the mushies.

  4. Wow, it seems like you got a lot going on right now! I am sorry about your mom passing:( It's been a little over 3 years since my mom left and it feels like yesterday! I know I promised her I will get my health in check so I am going to follow thru no matter how hard it gets. I hope things get easier for you and I wish you well!

  5. Yes, over my one year of being banded I averaged 1 pound a week....I will take it though because it's better than nothing. I just hope to lose that 1 pound a week over this next year and that will put me almost at goal. I figured it would take me 2 to 3 years to get to goal anyways. I had a small setback on vacations but I am back on the grind this week! Wish you well and keep your head up!

  6. I switched jobs and my new insurance did not cover WLS or anything related to it but I think my doctor's office knew how to code my fills where it is still being covered? I am not sure how or why but I did look at my statement one day and it just listed injections. I guess if they don't ask what kind of injections then I am not going to worry about it LOL!

  7. 1 pound! LOL! That's my avg. Now, I have lost 2 pounds a week since my last fill on Dec. 16 but that's not my usual. I avg my total loss since surgery day and it avg out to be 4.8 pounds a month. I am happy though because it's staying off! That was the point of me getting the band is to keep it off! I have never kept off this amount of weight for 11 months!

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