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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    May Challenge

    Meka checking in at 297.8 TOM last week:(
  2. Noturningback15

    Advice -Not losing

    You have only been banded for four weeks so you are doing just fine! Your body needs to adjust to the band and the new phases you are going through with foods. Keep up the good work!
  3. Noturningback15

    Something to get me back on track...

    Thanks for sharing! In Feb and March I gained 8 pounds because I wasn't be honest with myself. I had those same thoughts your are having in April and since lost 13 pounds once I realized that it was really up to me to track my calories and stop eating sweets too much. I still have some but in moderation and I add them in my calorie tracker for the day instead of leaving them out.
  4. Noturningback15

    What's your #1 food weakness?

    M&M's, ice cream, and brownies:(
  5. just had one of my best workouts ever!

  6. Noturningback15

    Beyond Discouraged

    Sorry, I was one of those viewers but didn't reply because I really didn't know what to say because when I looked at your sample menu I don't really see anything wrong with it. I was wondering what did you have on your "non-typical" days to make you gain weight. I didn't want to come off as rude but sometimes we can do really good on several days and follow that sample menu and then on the weekend blow it with so many calories it takes away from the 5 days we did good and cause us to gain. Maybe, you could take a look at what you are eating on your not so typical days or high calorie drinks like starbucks or something?
  7. Loving my band this morning! I am so happy I did this no matter how I think it's going slow! I am under 300 which is a blessing for me! 10 years is a long time seeing a 3 in front of your weight!

  8. Noturningback15

    feeling happy :)

  9. Thanks for the add! I hope your journey is great!

  10. Noturningback15

    May Challenge

    Meka checking in at 297.8.
  11. is about to start my morning off with 30 min of Taboe! Let's get it!

  12. Have you tried chewing your food to the same consistency of the cream of wheat or pudding? I dip most of my meats in low-fat sauces or ketchup or something (mix with the side dish) to get it creamy and it goes down just fine. I make sure there is not one chunk of anything in my food before I swallow. It takes me forever to eat but it's working because I have never gotten stuck or PB'd. Another thing to consider is your diet. My body type works best with tuna, chicken breast, and egg whites. I also cut salt and dairy products. I have switched to Rice Milk and it's good.
  13. Noturningback15

    13 lbs!

  14. Noturningback15

    Ready For A New Me

  15. Thinking some people are so blind it makes me sad:(

  16. Happy Monday! I am going to stay focused this week and lose some more weight! I managed to lose 1.8 pounds this weekend and I usally don't lose on weekends! Everybody stay motivated and have a great week!

  17. Noturningback15

    The Sweet Spot

    I don't think being at the sweet spot means you wouldn't be able to eat everything. I don't have any issues with any types of foods including bread. I consider myself being at a good fill now because I can eat whatever I want in moderation, last 4 hours without physical hunger, and my portion sizes are not too big, and I am losing weight. At this point now I am fighting head hunger and wanting to eat junk food. I am glad I am able to recognize this now because I was at a stall for a little over a month and not losing because I was eating too many sliders and not enough protein. I have lost a little over 8 pounds this past month because I am eating right again and paying attention to my band when I am satisfied.
  18. Noturningback15

    May Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Meka Age~ 31 Weight on May1st~ 299.8 Goal Weight for May 29th~ 291.8 Exercise Goal for May~ 5 days of 30 min on elliptical and 30 min on bike. Jump rope for 5 min each of those days. Dietary Goal for May~ Stay between 1250 and 1450 and no fried foods or candy! Personal Goal for May~ Go on my first date with my new friend on May 6th and feel confident about my looks! Buy a size 18 jeans by the end of May! Yea! Date Banded~ 02/23/2010 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 61 pounds
  19. Noturningback15

    No caption

    Nice! I love your dress!
  20. Noturningback15

    Switched to Soy milk...feeling better

    I think rice milk tastes better than soy if you never get use to it.
  21. Noturningback15

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Yesterday meals: Breakfast-Oatmeal with Rice Milk, Truvia, 1tb of smart balance butter and Cranberries-270 Snack- 2 frozen fudge bars-180 Lunch- Rotisserie chicken breast and 15 chilpolte sweet potato fries w/ketchip-260 Snack-2 frozen fudge bars-180 (I'm addicted) Dinner- The remaning chicken I couldn't finish and 1 light and fit yogurt w/granola-150 2 cups of coffe with Carmel flavored Creamer 3 tb in each cup-210 Total Calories 1250
  22. I did it! 299.6! I haven't seen a 2 in front of my weight in over 10 years!

  23. Noturningback15

    The 200's yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, it took me 14 months to get into the 200's and I am so excited! Everytime I got close I would sabotage myself but not anymore! I stayed focused and here I am! Yea me!
  24. Noturningback15

    A milestone reached!

  25. I lost 4 pounds between my surgery and post op visit 4 weeks later. I was prepared and aware that it was not going to be a huge loss because they had already told me that. I am glad I did not find this website until a couple of months after my surgery because it would have been a big disappointment seeing a few people that was losing major pounds right after surgery. Then, after I did a little research I noticed that some people didn't do the liquid diet until they had the surgery; so their water weight didn't come off until then which made it look like they was losing more after surgery but me on the other hand lost 13 pounds in 4 days right before my surgery so my body had already had it's shock of liquids. You are doing just fine and keep up the good work!

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