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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15


    I just found this today... [/url] Common Signs of Weight Loss Acne It is a common knowledge that acne is primarily caused by the clogging of tiny skin pores. When the skin has too mush sebum or oil, it tends to accumulate more dirt and pollutants, which could settle into the pores and cause acne formation. The main culprit is hormonal change in the body. Usually, acne occurs when androgen, or male hormone, levels suddenly rise in both men and women. This explains why pregnant women are more susceptible to encountering acne problems. Some people may assert that weight loss could also prompt formation of acne. This is especially true especially to those who are drop dead serious about drastically losing weight. It is not a far possibility to have the skin problem while into a strenuous weight loss program. It would help if you could easily identify common signs of weight loss acne. After knowing that, you can decide which<a title="acne-treatment" href="http://www.acneassasin.com/tag/acne-treatment/"> Acne treatment or regimen to take to curtail and control the situation. The first and major sign of weight loss acne is breaking out of cystic acne in the facial, neck and back skin. To some people, the extent of such breakout could depend on how much weight is drastically lost. There is an apparent and logical relation between weight loss and acne breakout. Of course, the more drastic the loss is, the more significant the acne formation is. When there is weight loss, the skin tends to dry more. This is because as fats loosen up and disappear, the skin tends to sag. It would take some time before elasticity gets hold of the situation. For sudden weight loss, dryness of the skin is almost inevitable. You know what happens when the skin dries. The oil glands tend to secrete and produce abundant supply of oil to naturally curtail dryness. The oil production could turn uncontrollable that the skin will be too oily and accumulation of dirt heightens up. When there is weight loss, the body is also taking time to cope and adjust to body changes. When there are sudden changes, the body senses the situation as stress. stress can also be a main reason for acne formation. The physical body becomes restless, stress is increased and the skin suffers and dries up. What to do to control acne during drastic weight loss? Actually, the situation will get better over time. When the body finally adjusts to the changes, stress levels will be lowered and eliminated. After some time, the skin will also get back to its normal state and elasticity and the pores will be adjusting as well. Some huge pores, resulting from weight loss, would start shrinking and possibility of clogging is lowered effectively. Do you have to stop your weight loss scheme? Definitely not. Weight loss will certainly have a more significant long-term benefit not just in the skin but also in the overall being of the body. It is perfectly okay to lose weight and initially experience acne breakouts. There is no need to fret about it.
  2. Noturningback15


    Yep, I have always had clear skin until I got banded and started losing weight. I posted about this last year as well. The only answers I got that made sense was my hormones was starting to regulate with the weight loss...I guess it makes sense, since I was never regular and now it comes every month. I sure used sense and since a lot in that paragraph! Well, it's late!
  3. Noturningback15

    Some people are SO IGNORANT!!!

    I may be wrong but I think this AD is computer manipulated by some jerk that's trying to make a point!
  4. Noturningback15

    Had my band removed...now what?

    I would suggest eating just like you did when you had the band. I know it's easier said than done but act like you still have your band. I have read that some people still have some type of restriction after it's taken out because of either scar tissue or the reshaping of your stomach. If you stll do take advantage of it and don't force certain types of foods just because it's easier to go down now. Well, that's my plan if I ever have mine taken out. I am hoping after years of changing my eating habits it will just stick with me. I pray! Wish you well and work out twice as hard!
  5. Just tried on a size 24 dress I ordered and it's too big! I need a 22! Oh, yea! I am too happy coming from a size 32/34 dress! 34 suit!

  6. I only averaged the 4 pounds a month my first year with the band too so I understand your concern. Some people lose it faster but what matters is if comes off:) I think I am only doing 3 pounds average now so I gotta pick it up! I wish you well! We will do well as long as we don't give up and keep up with our lifestyle changes. I have accepted the fact that it will take me 3 years or longer to lose all of my excess weight. Hopefully, during that time I learned a new lifestyle and will keep it off!
  7. Noturningback15


    Congrats! You look great! I love those shoes!
  8. Noturningback15

    Some people are SO IGNORANT!!!

    I could care less about what people think about me and my band! I am happier than I have been in years and they can't take that away from me! We shouldn't have to defend or explain ourselves...I am very happy with my band! YEA ME!
  9. Once I got over 6.0cc's I started to feel satisfied for 3 to 4 hours after a meal without getting hungry again. Now, I don't get hungry until 4 or more hours depending on what I ate. 1/2 cup of oatmeal lasts me about 2 to 3 hours but 1/2 cup of tuna or chicken breast last the longest.
  10. Noturningback15

    Chew and Spit?

    Well, I do it all the time and I know it's gross but I am terrified of getting stuck on food. I have never been stuck before and I am not planning on it! If I can't get my food to break down to an oatmeal consistency; I will spit it out and try with the next piece. I don't have an eating disorder lol! I hate throwing up and that's why I spit! Oh, that looks nasty typed!
  11. Noturningback15

    I'M READY TO SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry to hear this! If you can dedicate yourself to a liquid diet for 2 weeks or liquids and one meal a day, I am sure you will lose most of that 25 pounds in those 2 weeks. I lost 13 pounds in 4 days of liquids only. Good luck!
  12. This heat is swelling my band up! I am getting full way to quick! I can't wait until summer is over.

  13. Congrats! I am hoping to reach the 100lb mark by the end of the year.. .
  14. Only thing I am crying about is my bat wings! My arms look horrible!
  15. Noturningback15

    Did not know there was Fluid in my band

    I started out with about 2cc's at the time of surgery. I think a lot of doctor's do this and most people don't know. It's funny how some people brag about losing all of their weight without ever having a fill but I bet if some of them checked with their doctors they have something in that band!
  16. Noturningback15

    How should I handle my next fill visit?

    If you are not happy with your fills then I would consider switching to another doctor. Just make sure it's a very good Dr. that won't overfill you just because you want more but actually care and consider what's best for you. I wasted a little over 7 months with a doctor that treated my fills like a reward/punishment thing. I got a new doctor 8 months after being banded and he gave me good fills like .5 to 1 cc at at time and I started losing weight immediately. I lost more weight in the one month after my switch to a new doctor than I had lost in 4 months with the old Dr. I wish I would have not wasted time and switched a long time ago. I would be further along with my weight loss.
  17. I made it through the weekend and lost weight instead of gaining!

  18. I think you will be fine! I have never heard of cream of wheat or eggs slipping a band. I know it's hard but try to stick to your doctor's order whatever they may be. I think I was already on eggs and cream of wheat by week 4 though. Wish you well! * EDIT: I thought you was on week 4. Well I was eating thinned out cream of wheat on week 2 however.
  19. Lost .4 oz! LOL! Whoppie! I will take it!

  20. I am so happy to report I didn't give up at the gym!

  21. Edit: Congrats on starting your 6 month diet!

  22. Thanks for the friend add! Congrats on completing you 6 month diet! I hope you have great success when you are banded:)

  23. Noturningback15


    You are right we are a very diverse group of people and I guess I should have not said "our community" like the whole race feels that way but that can't be true because I would have not had the surgery if it was! I am from the south so I actually laughed out loud when I read you are in California! In my opinion plastic surgery, WLS or any kind of cosmetic surgery is more accepted in Cali no matter what race you are! I have many relatives from Cali and it's amazing to see how liberated they are about certain issues that are shunned on us Southerns.....I am glad that I did what's best for me no matter where I live! I have a lot of support now but it took a while for them to warm up to it and now like I said before they are all happy I did this.
  24. Had a late workout! I almost skipped but decided do better!

  25. Noturningback15


    I agree with weight loss surgery being a stigma within our community but who cares! I did this to live longer and feel better about myself. Where were all those people when the pounds were adding up? They didn't have too much advice or help then and now all of sudden they want to advice people on not having weight loss surgery...LOL! When we are at our goals and living a more fulfilled life then they will start to say things like "I'm glad you did this or that because you look so much better now" Well some of my family members that initially had problems with it are already saying things like that and I am not anywhere near goal. So, hold your head up high and do what's best for you! Good luck!

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