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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15


    LOL! This thread is funny to me for some reason! LOL! I am sweating more but I contribute it to my weight loss and hormones just trying to regulate. I think once our bodies get stable or stop losing then our hormones will stop bouncing around and causing sweat...I HOPE!
  2. Noturningback15


    I burped and made all kind of noises right after surgery! LOL! It's completly normal. It's been over a year and I burb when my stomach is empty so I try not to go too long without eating.
  3. Noturningback15


    You look great! Keep it up!
  4. Noturningback15


  5. I don't have to use my CPAP anymore and I only snore when I am very tired. My blood sugar is normal but my blood pressure actually went up a year later. I think it's job related though.....
  6. Noturningback15

    Do you have a problem with Chicken???

    Sorry, but I don't have any issues with chicken. If I don't have any kind of sauce it will go down very slow but I use sauce the majority of the time. Try some sort of low calorie dipping sauce.
  7. Noturningback15

    4 weeks post lap band op, and......

    I'm a cry baby too! This made me cry! I am so happy for you! It's amazing!
  8. Noturningback15

    Lap band doctor's refusing..

    I have PCOS and yes my weight loss is a little slower compared to those without it but I am still losing so that's the point! I still crave carbs like crazy but now that I have lost the weight my cycle is regular as in comes every month but it only lasts 2 to 4 days and is still very light. I know WAYYY to much Info! LOL! I use to go over a year without having one so I am so glad I got this done.
  9. I can relate! It feels so good and makes you want to work harder! Congrats!
  10. Goal for August is 10 pounds! I gotta step it up!

  11. Noturningback15

    over eating

    The best thing to do is to practice eating now just like you have a good fill. Stick to your recommended serving sizes and drink protein shakes or eat greek yogurt in between meals to keep you from being hungry until you get a good fill. It's possible to overeat with no fill or with a good fill. I have 7.3 cc's in my band but if I chew my food to a liquid I could eat a whole meal just like in the past, but the difference is it would take hours to do that, and I don't have time for all of that! You can eat too many calories in slider foods which I did that when I first got my band and slowed my weight loss. I drank frappes almost everyday last summer! I am not doing that this summer...good luck!
  12. Noturningback15


  13. Oh, yea! I can hear gurgles while the food is passing though. Everybody else can hear it too! My stomach make chewbacca noises too! LOL!
  14. Noturningback15

    Chicken Salad Recipies

    2 small cans of chicken or 1 large can, I use fresh chicken sometimes, light mayo, paprika, 2 chopped eggs, small jar of pimentos, salt and pepper to taste, and a little bit of sweet pickle relish if I feel like it. I use whole wheat ritzs.
  15. Noturningback15

    Sub Sandwiches

    I eat Subway every blue moon. I don't have problem with eating bread but I do get them to dig out the center and toast my wheat bread. It's so good! Subway is the one food I really miss since being banded. I have had Subway 3 times since being banded.
  16. Noturningback15


    You look great! Congrats!
  17. Noturningback15

    A bad decision...

    I am glad you are on the right track now! Congrats! Are you planning on getting the band out since it's not helping you? Do you believe the band assisted in you not getting any bigger over those 7 years? The band gets no credit at all?
  18. Noturningback15

    10cc bandsters

    Alex just posted something in the POST Operation Section....He is discussing the Green Zone it may help you out.
  19. Noturningback15

    10cc bandsters

    Once I got over 6.5 cc's I asked for small fills until I got to 7.3 where I am now. If you ask for too much you may get to tight. I think I went from 6.5 to 6.8 and then 6.8 to 7.0 and then finally 7.0 to 7.3. I'm good now. I don't eat until I feel restriction though. I based my fills on how fast I was getting hungry. I am scared to keep eating until I feel a tightness. I don't think we are supposed to do that anyways. I can eat 1/2 cup of protein and about 1/4 cup of sides and not get hungry until 4 hours or more.I guess I said all of that to say try to base your fills on how long you stay not hungry and the other things your Dr. want as well.
  20. Great Job! I know you are too happy!
  21. Noturningback15

    Happy, Happy Second Band-Birthday to me ;-)

    Congrats!!!!! Did you get your arms done? If so, did they consider that cosmetic? Thanks!
  22. Noturningback15

    Hot mama

    Nice picture! You look great and so do they!
  23. Noturningback15

    I HATE being on another DIET!

    I felt just like you did for up to 7 months after being banded because I was making myself "diet" in order just to lose a little weight. I didn't get a good fill until my 7 month of being banded that took away my hunger sensation for up to 4 hours after eating. It will happen sooner or later so just stick with it! Some people only need a few fills or none at all to get to that point. I am a turtle at losing weight compared to some people. I average 1 pound a week since being banded! I am just as proud as someone that averages 3 pounds a week! Good for them and good for me! Keep your head up!
  24. 100 pounds down from my highest weight in 2008! 79 pounds down from when I met with the lapband doctor in Feb of 2010! I am not a super fast loser but I am very proud of my progress so far! Yea!

  25. Noturningback15

    eliptical nightmare

    I started the elliptical last September doing 10 min at a time until I built up to 30 min non-stop. I would rotate with the bike until I did a total of 45 to one hour. Good luck!

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