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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. back to working out on a regular basis...

  2. Noturningback15

    Trouble With Meds

    I bought a pill crusher at CVS for less than 10.00. You have to ask your pharmacy if it's okay for it to be crushed because some pills don't work as good if not taken whole.
  3. Congrats on losing 56 pounds so far! I didn't do too much of anything in 2011 but I plan to make up for that in 2012! Happy New Year!

  4. Got my first workout in of the year done! My husband actually went to the gym with me! Yea!

  5. Down 6 pounds since getting an UN-fill 4 weeks ago!

  6. Noturningback15

    Wow...i Gave Up Sugar

    Congrats to you! That is a major accomplishment because it is hard to give up sweets once it becomes one of your favorites! I am slowly cutting back:) I went from 4 tsp of sugar in my coffee to 1. I'm taking baby steps lol! I stopped buying M&M's too:) Congrats to you again!
  7. Hi Tina, I got an unfill yesterday because I was too tight. I didn't want to believe it at first but now that I can eat normal foods again I wish I would have done it sooner. Yes, I ate the sweets and chips because I wanted, but also because it was easier to eat. Oatmeal was even starting to hurt going down.....I'm hoping I can start losing weight again now. She took out almost 1cc and I feel great. I was scared I would be hungry but I'm not. I wish you well!
  8. Finally, got an unfill and so happy I did! Hopefully, I can start losing weight again.

  9. Noturningback15

    Sinus Drainage After Lap Band Surgery ?

    awww it's horrible this time of year! I had sinus issues before being banded but since my last fill it's worse. I called to schedule an unfill but I think I am going to stick through it and hopefully this medicine helps. I didn't get any sleep last night from blowing my nose! Good luck!
  10. I made it through the holiday without gaining!

  11. Your doctor may be right because if it's too tight you will eat more slider type foods which equals slow or no weight loss. If he wants you to get a slight unfill then maybe you should test it out to see what happens...
  12. Eating pizza doesn't mean you need a fill. I can eat anything with time. I think some people get stuck on some foods because they get tired of chewing. I think if you ate those 2 slices really fast and took big bites then you may need to get checked out...
  13. Hit the gym today after the game. I'm moving very slow towards my end of the year goal! Grrrrr!

  14. Noturningback15

    Treadmills for a obese beginner!!!

    When I was around 390 I started walking for 30 min, 5 days a week, at 2.2 speed. I was moving in turtle speed compared to everyone else but I think I was the only person in the whole gym almost 400 pounds! I worked my way up to 2.8 before I developed some sort of foot condition that I can't spell (plantar ficiatis) LOL!! Good luck! Btw...I went to a local hospital rehab gym and they ran those stress test on me before I started and I was cleared to go! I didn't have to pay extra either for the test. I lost around 30 pounds in 6 months..............I really didn't change my eating habits so I could have lost more.
  15. Noturningback15

    Getting Stuck- is it a choice?

    I have never been stuck before or PB from eating food. I chew, chew, chew, chew, and chew! I took an advil however and it felt like it was stuck or something and I could not breathe. I am not sure if it was fear or was it actually blocking my airway! Btw...this only happens when I take advil. I bought a pill crusher.
  16. Noturningback15

    Really Disgusted

    I think I would be eating those foods not matter what zone I'm in...I think I'm in the green zone but I crave sweets and carbs (blame it on my PCOS) lol! I have never been big on Protein but I gave it a good try when I started this journey but now I need to get back to eating meat again or at least tuna. I went years without eating meat because I don't desire it. I really really could live off of mashed potatoes, oatmeal, and Cereal forever! I am going to seek some help very soon.
  17. Noturningback15


    Did she have any hair on her head? They must take many, many vitamins in order to have energy to get through the day! Shame on those fill techs or doctors!
  18. Noturningback15

    Really Disgusted

    Well, did the new doctor give you another fill or did he just put the 1 1/2 cc's back in? I hope he added more. If you think having more in your band will help then go for it. Sometimes we can make wrong food choices no matter how much we have in our band. I say "we" because I have been making poor food choices lately. I am at 7.7 cc's and it feels perfect but I am still eating ice cream, Cookies, and chips like a doe doe head! I was doing fine before I got married but now....oh, I'm supposed to be encouraging you! Sorry! Well, good luck with getting better fills and getting back into smaller sizes.
  19. had an awesome time at the gym today!

  20. Noturningback15


    I did a 6 month supervised diet with my PCP and made sure all of my qualifications were met before I met with the lapband doctor. I think I met with him on Feb 2nd 2010 and had my surgery on Feb 23. He was able to submit my paperwork to the insurance company a few days later because I had already did everything. I found this process easy.
  21. Gotta get 15 pounds off by December 31st! I got married last month and gained some weight celebrating a little too much! Well, I gotta fill yesterday and I am ready to get back on track! Enough is enough!

  22. It's good see you are doing well. I just got a fill today so hopefully that will get me back on track! My last fill was in 12-2010! Wow! LOL!

  23. I'm getting a fill Thursday! Yea, I am gonna lose some more weight!

  24. I guess it's time for a fill. I haven't had one since December and I haven't lost any significant weight since April:(

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
