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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    No Results, No Success

    You are not alone!!! I feel like a slow loser, but I have realized that I haven't been following the program just right. I eat M&M's at least three times a week and not just the small bag, but the the king size that has two servings. I love homemade vanilla frozen yogurt. It only has 90 cal for one serving, but I eat two servings at a time. I must start making better choices and eating more protein. I got this way because of poor choices and if I don't change I will not be successful with or without the band! I joined this site and sparkpeople hoping that the support and advice will help me. I hope that you will be successful also. I will make a goal starting right now to not eat any candy or icecream for 7 days! Will you join me? I need somebody working with me!
  2. Noturningback15

    I love my band!

    That's awesome!!!!

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