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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    Good Fill!!!:)

    Well, I went to my new Dr. today and I love his office. They gave me another fill to put me at 6.8 cc's I think that will do it for a while because I am feeling this one already!!!
  2. Noturningback15

    Non-Scale Victory

    That's awesome! I felt that way went I went to the movies last month. I didn't have to worry about not fitting for the first time since I was a teenager!
  3. Noturningback15

    Gaining wait after surgery.

    I am going to see a new lapband doctor today because I am not losing weight with my old one. I had surgery on 2-23 of this year and so far down 30 pounds and yes I work out. I was slacking a couple of months ago and eating sweets, but I stopped. I feel like they are power tripping with my fills because I keep complaining about not feeling restriction. Like you Dr. they refuse to tell my how much I am getting and tell me not to worry about that. She keep telling me to eat 1/2 cup regardless of feeling restriction. I am so tired of their negative attitude and looking at me like a loser because I am not one of the "star" patients. My last fill was on 9-7 and this was the first time I can honestly say I feel some type of restiction. I have been working out for an hour a day lately and still havent' lost anything! I have no idea what's going on. I am praying when I go in today I have lost at least one pound of sweat from all my working out:) Good luck with you. I have tried to stay positive with this journey but it gets hard sometimes.
  4. I have a 10cc band also. I went for a fill on last week on the 7th and it's my first time feeling some real restriction. It's been so frustrating for me because I am only at 5.5 cc's and my sister that weighs 240 pounds is at 6.4 cc's and it would seem the bigger you are the more you would need but now I see that's not true. Now, I am getting full at 1/2 to 3/4 cups a food and before it was at 1 or more cups. Now, that I have this fill I am starting to lose weight again.

  5. Noturningback15

    Frustrated to tears

    Yea, something sound fishy to me too! But, at the same time I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so try to see the positive side of it!
  6. Noturningback15

    Me 334

    From the album: My Journey!

  7. Noturningback15

    Me 334

    Thanks and so are you!!!
  8. Noturningback15

    Anyone else going through this?

    Oh, reading this bought tears to my eyes! Your story is similar to mine. I just don't understand why I continue to eat even though I am not hungry! I guess with time I will get it though my head that I eat to survive not the other way around. I believe you can do this and so will I! I wish there was support groups where I live but there are none and that's why I joined this site. Reading all the stories and seeing other people progress has helped me join the gym and make healhier choices. I am so tired of being disappointed and seeing the disappointment in other people faces!
  9. Noturningback15

    Favorite foods since being banded?

    Mine Too!! I just made some this weekend and it was so good!
  10. Noturningback15

    Over fill- 5 days of hell

    It is so weird how some people can only have 3cc's and any more cause problems like you had and I am at 5.5 cc's and want a tad bit more. So weird! Glad you are feeling better.
  11. Noturningback15

    Banding and dating?

    I agree with the prior posts. Even though it is none of his business it will still stop the questions or comments. I went out with someone and I told him on the first date just to avoid why I wouldn't be eating all my food and chewing like a thousand times!!!! I just threw it in the conversation while we were trying to decide on what to eat. I was like by the way I won't be eating a lot because I have a band on my stomach and he thought it was cool! He laughed and said well from now on I only got to get you happy meals! LOL!
  12. Noturningback15

    i have to pay 20%

    Well, my insurance paid 80% and I was told by the hospital that I would have to pay the remaining 20% which was around 1600 before the surgery but I asked to speak to the person in charge of making exceptions to the rule because I know at every company there is someone that can overrule decisions!! When I got that person on the phone she let me pay 400 on the day of surgery and set up monthly payments for the rest. So, you just have to get the right person on the phone. Good luck.
  13. Noturningback15

    Good Fill!!!:)

    Thanks!!!! It's getting easier now that I have lost weight but at 388 it was so hard to workout!!!!
  14. Noturningback15

    Good Fill!!!:)

    Thanks Marw! I am excited about going back to the gym in the morning! I love the eliptical!! I guess I just needed to get started...
  15. Noturningback15

    The grass really IS greener in Onederville!!!

    Awesome you are really working hard and doing a great job!
  16. Noturningback15

    Quick Breakfast foods?

    Instant oatmeal in the one serving packets made with milk. Oatmeal is a slow release carb and is good for you. With the milk depending on which kind you have you can get up to 10 grams of Protein. I stay full for at least 3-4 hours when I eat oatmeal for Breakfast and if I pair it with egg whites I can go longer.
  17. Noturningback15

    1st day with the band

    Man 25 bucks!!! I wish! You have great insurance! I was made to pay the 20% before the surgery and put 400.00 down the day of the sugery and paid my lapband doctor 600.00 a couple of weeks before that. Luckly the hospital will let me pay the remaining 1000 in monthly payments because they had to rush my sugery two weeks ahead of time and I told them there was no way I could drop that kind of money in one day!!! I would miss my car note all over again to have this surgery! LOL!
  18. I hope your sugery is a success!!!

  19. Noturningback15


    That's awesome!!!! 388 was my starting weight also and I can't wait until I get in the 200's also!!!!
  20. Thanks for the friend add! You are doing great I was looking at your pics earlier today and seen the awesome transformation!

  21. Noturningback15

    39141 1542639244808 1199786556 31551865 5851991 n

    Congrats!!! You look awesome!!!!
  22. Noturningback15

    Bread crumbs??

    I haven't had any problems with bread crumbs. Everyone is different though. This journey is full of tests and trials. I am trying to stay away from chicken strips and other foods that are breaded because I believe that's one of the reasons my weight loss has been very slow over the past two months!
  23. Noturningback15

    Me 334

    Thanks Staeofzen! It's been rough these past couple of months but I am back on track now!
  24. Noturningback15


    That's awesome!!! And even if the scale is off by 3 pounds or so, she still lost!!!!!!! Yea!!!!
  25. Noturningback15

    No caption

    From the album: My Journey!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
