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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    How I Will Eat Next Week/daily

    Hey good to see you back on here!
  2. Noturningback15


    Congrats!!!! I am not sure about your insurance policy but my approval was only good for 1 year.
  3. Noturningback15

    Day 2 Of My Restart

    Good job! I'm going to try to break some sugar habits next week:)
  4. Noturningback15

    3 Weeks Post Op And Gaining!!

    Well, like most of us you probably lost a lot of Water weight at first. Water weight comes back sometimes when you get off of your liquid diet. Please give your body some time to adjust to introducing solids back.
  5. Noturningback15

    Bmi Too High...

    It's weird that they make some people lose weight before surgery because I had a bmi of 60 something. I weighed 373 when I went in for my initial consult....maybe it has something to do with how much fat you have around your stomach area?
  6. Noturningback15

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Hello Feb 2010 Bandsters! Congrats to all that made it to goal and to those that are still maintaining. I got married in Sept and it's been downhill from there! LOL! I pretty much stopped working out and eating right. I am back to working out on a regular basis and eating way much better. I had a hard time adjusting to being married and finding time to take care of me. I think I got it now!
  7. They pulled it from Wal-Mart but they still have it at CVS but its the generic brand. I can't tell the difference.
  8. Noturningback15

    Considering Lap Band Surgery? Know Thyself First

    Thanks for writing this! I enjoyed reading it.
  9. Aww, my workout felt great! I feel so much better when I get my workout on..

  10. Noturningback15

    Starting Over

    I am starting over again too. I got married 6 months ago and have gained 4 pounds a month since then........I was a slow loser too like you said, but at least I was losing. I joined Curves yesterday. I plan on going to Curves 3 times a week and to my other gym 3 times a week. I didn't know how to adjust shopping for two people, going out to eat (honeymoon phase), and cooking for two people. Before I got married I only cooked for myself and I ate the same foods over and over again. My husband told me he was going to eat chicken breast and sweet potatoes everyday! LOL! Sorry to read about your mother. My mom passed in 2007 and I gained 25 pounds right after she passed in a few months. Some people stop eating when they get sad but I eat more....I wish you well on this journey.
  11. Noturningback15

    Six Weeks Post Op

    Hey, I enjoyed reading this blog. Thanks for posting. I haven't been a good bandster lately but I am starting to get back to doing my best with this tool. Your post reminded me that it's not easy and I should really try harder. You lost 60 pounds without the band which is awesome!
  12. Joined Curves again...I had fun this morning...hittiing they real gym later on today for another 30 min.

  13. Noturningback15

    Starting All Over And Frustrated

    Congrats to all of you on your babies!
  14. Just what I needed to read! Thanks!
  15. Noturningback15

    Lapband Is Not For Everybody

    I'm going off topic.....your IPHONE had me LOL! OMG! I tried typing on my kindle and I hate it.
  16. Noturningback15

    Salmon Patties

    Thanks for posting this. I think I am going to make some this week. I have a pouch of salmon that's been in my cabinet for a couple of months now and I need to use it.
  17. Noturningback15

    Anyone Unexpectedly Have Sleep Apnea?

    I already knew I had sleep apnea because I had all of the symptoms! Falling asleep at the wheel at 9AM...loud snoring....gasping for air while sleep...and feeling tired all the time no matter how long I slept. Sleep apnea is a very serious condition for some of us. Oh, to answer your question, it wasn't unexpected...lol!
  18. Noturningback15

    Best Kept Secret ..

    You're doing really good! Keep it up!
  19. Who's going to the WLS Meet and Greet in Vegas? I'm excited!

  20. Noturningback15

    My Journey!

    My highest weight recorded at a doctor's office was 388 but I have seen 394 on my scale. I hope that I can soon add some pictures of me being 188! That's 200 down!
  21. Noturningback15

    On my way to "The Rattlesnake Roundup" in Whigham, GA

    You look great! Keep up the good work!
  22. Noturningback15

    100Lbs Gone And Loving It!

    Great Job! You look good!
  23. Noturningback15

    Pre-Op Diet Day Two

    Good job!
  24. Noturningback15

    Jan 20 2011 / Nov 16 2011

    Great job!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
