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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    Average age of a Bandster?

    31 and yes if I could have had it in when I was 18 I would have! I gained over 100 pounds in less than two years right after I graduated. They say freshman 15 I had the freshman 100!!! Joking I think I actually lost 20 pounds my first semester and gained it all back by the end of the second semester with interest and the rest is history!!
  2. Noturningback15

    I did 35 min of Tae Bo!!

    I am so excited!!! I did 35 min of Taebo this morning with only one modification. I hope I can repeat in the morning. I haven't been working out like I should but I am getting disappointed because of my lack of weight loss this summer! It's up to me to get up and do something about it, so I am! I just hope I don't fail at this band because I don't want to have any other weight loss operations.
  3. Noturningback15

    I did 35 min of Tae Bo!!

    Well, I reached my goal of doing 30 min on the eliptical before the end of the month. I did 35 min today but I did take a 3 min break once I got to 20 min. I started back to grinding! LOL! I also did 25 min on the bike. I feel so much better since I have been working out and I look better too!
  4. Noturningback15

    Almost reached my 2nd goal

    Congrats!! Keep up the good work!
  5. Noturningback15

    Halloween Challenge

    I messed up somebody name on the spreadsheet!!! OMG, I clicked on a empty yellow box but it put my name above the empty one and I didn't know that you have to click the box below the one you need! Sorry!
  6. Noturningback15

    too little food

    I know one thing for sure we are all going to be experts on the NV of baked potatos!!! LMBO!!!!! All the research is making me have flashbacks from my Research Methodologies course!!! :thumbup:
  7. Noturningback15

    Need some advice, inspiration.. anything!

    I was close to your weight also at 388. In almost 7 months I am down to 326 (62lbs) and I am sure I would have lost more over the last couple of months but I was stalled because of lack of exercise and poor food choices and not enough fill in my band. It is something you will have to work at that's for sure. Good luck!
  8. Noturningback15

    Feeling good!

    Thanks for the advice! That's a good idea! I bet I am not the only one in this whole city that has the band. I wonder do a professional needs to be there to give advice or something? I've never been to a support group before.
  9. Noturningback15

    Feeling good!

    I am so happy I change Lap-band doctors!! Dr. Barker's office is so much better. The staff is friendlier and motivational. He gave me a .4cc fill which is more than the other office was doing each visit. They were giving me .1 and .2 cc and that didn't faze me at all. For the first time I am feeling good when I eat only 1/2 cup. Not full not hungry just satisfied. Awesome! I have lost 3 pounds since Thursday!!! Wow! I should have switched doctors when I first moved then I would be under 300 by now! I do have to say that I have been working out more too so I can't blame it all on not having good fills. I am going to go the YMCA to work out today. My regular gym is closed on Sundays. I hate to pay 10 for one day, but I want to kick my week off right. Plus I am 324.8 w/o being fully dressed and 326 with clothes on this morning and I wanted to start Monday off at 325 that means I need to burn around 1000 calories today! I cleaned this morning and I am going to wash so that will give me about 200 calories and 30 on the elliptical will be 700 and another 100 or so from the bike. I will eat 1200 min calories for the day. So far I have ate an egg with 1oz of cheese and 1/4 cup of oatmeal. This past week was awesome and I am looking forward to some more weight loss this week! Good luck everyone this week!
  10. Noturningback15

    too little food

    Yea, I think some doctor's focus on protein because it keeps you full longer as well as other benefits. But, I am not big on eating a lot of protein but it wouldn't hurt to try. Anyways, I noticed when you put certain foods on your plate together it seems to boost your weight loss. I got that from the Michael Thurman 6 week body maker over diet. I try to have egg whites with oatmeal for breakfast (protein + carb) and then for lunch protein+carb+veggie= chicken breast, sweet potato, cabbage. It seems to work for me when I follow this ( I have a hard time following this for too long). Oh, yea drink at least 80oz of water a day too.
  11. Noturningback15

    Advice/help - please!

    I got a fill on this past Thursday and until yesterday I was having some problems. I was only able to eat a little bit and even drinking made me really full, but today I am good and this fill is the best one I have had so far! I thought I would have to go get some taken out because it was also causing some reflux but that went away also. Oh yea, it was causing my sinus to drain a lot which was weird but that left yesterday too. Good luck!
  12. Noturningback15

    keeps getting better

    Congrats on the weight loss!!!!! I am so happy with my choice also!
  13. Noturningback15

    Feeling good!

    Well, I moved to Greenville, TX in April and the closest place for support meetings is in Dallas which is about a 40 min drive for me. I plan to attend one though because I think I really need to. Things changed for the better for me when I joined this site though. Reading all the other stories and seeing the pictures has really helped me. Thanks.
  14. Noturningback15

    Day 5

    That's great! I am so happy I made this decision also! One of the best ones I have ever made!
  15. Noturningback15

    Teenager on the rode to surgery

    Wow, I was around 288 when I was your age also and before I graduated college at 23 I was 388! I wish I would have done this at your age! Just to think of all the different opportunities or decisions I would have made if I was not ashamed of being so fat in college. I really believe it took me 6 months to find a job after graduating because of the interviewers judging me. Good luck!
  16. Noturningback15

    Out of control

    I don't really have any advice for you but to keep a hold to whatever faith that you have. I will pray for you now if you don't mind and if you do just ignore my comment about prayer. I went through the same exact thing with my mother three years ago and it was the hardest thing I have ever done! I didn't have my band at that time but I gained around 15 pounds so I know what you are going though. Going out to eat with my sister and eating seemed to help drown all my feelings I was having at that time, but it actually made things worse. On top of stressing over my mom I was embarrased over my weight gain. Keep your head up!
  17. Noturningback15

    List your NSV's here!

    1. Getting checked out by more men. 2. Fitting in the chairs at the movies. 3. Spending a whole day with my friends shopping and having fun without wishing they would say they was tired and ready to go home because my feet and knees were killing me! 4. Going down a shoe size 11's are hard to find in cute shoes! 5. Climbing in my bed at night and not being afraid I am going to crack something! (Same with the couch):thumbup: 6. And finally, I miss my dimple in my cheek! It's back!
  18. Noturningback15

    I don't get it? PIZZA??

    Wow on mushies already! I guess different doctors have different rules. I was on liquids for the first week and on the start of the second week I started cream Soups and watered down cream of wheat. Anyways, as you go along with the band you will discover that almost ALL unhealthy foods go down the band just fine but please don't sabotage yourself. I hate that I even started eating chips, m&m's and Ice cream a few months ago it really stalled my weight loss, but I am back on track now. I didn't even try junk food until 4-5 months but when I did it was hard to stop. I was so disappointed with myself and felt like a loser!!! So my advice to you is don't tempt yourself with even tasting pizza and brownies because it's easy to get hooked again.
  19. Noturningback15

    bcbs ppo

    Just to let you know I think you got a CSR on the phone that just didn't want to do their job! I called BCBS PPO of Texas before I went to the lapband Dr. to get the requirments and it took her a min to look it up but she found it and told me. The person that you spoke to probably just didn't want to take the time to look for the info.
  20. Noturningback15

    bcbs ppo

    Yea, they changed that requirement.
  21. Noturningback15

    can't stay on the diet...not losing weight !!

    Well, I was eating around my band too this summer and only lost 3 pounds between June-August. I also slacked on my exercise. I probably would have gained weight but I tried to get some exercise in to try to offset my eating. Anyways, it was easier for me to commit to the gym first and then I changed my eating habits. After spending one hour in the gym and 30 of that on a eliptical 5 days a week I didn't want to mess that up by eating unhealthy! So far I have lost 6 pounds since 9-7th. That's more than I did all summer. Good luck!
  22. Noturningback15


    I second that! When I was going to Curves I dropped inches like crazy and some weight, but I quit when I moved and didn't want to pay the fees to rejoin. They told me after the fact I could have transferred without paying extra fees but oh well. The fitness center at the hospital is cheaper anyways.
  23. Noturningback15

    How the Lap Band Really Works

    Yea, I think the band is just very individualized because my appetite has decreased a lot since my last two fills. I don't know if it's because I have increased my exercise or a combo of both, but I know one thing for sure is that my appetite has decreased significantly since my surgery. Before the surgery I would have the desire to eat all day and would actually think about all my meals and Snacks I would have for the next day before I go to sleep. LOL!
  24. Noturningback15

    Caloric Intake???

    So true, I have increased my exercise to 1 hour a day and I keep my calories no less than 1200 but no more than 1600 and I have lost 4 pounds in one week which is more than have lost in the past three months put together! It's important to keep your calories up if you are increasing your workouts just like the other posters stated.
  25. Noturningback15


    Do you take the Prevacid that dissolves in your mouth? My doctor prescribed me some of those and they work much faster than the pills.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
