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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    Success? Does 10 Sizes smaller equal Success? I think so!!!

    Very Nice!!!
  2. Noturningback15

    Negative family and friends?

    LMBO!! That's what I am thinking too!
  3. Noturningback15

    Negative family and friends?

  4. Noturningback15

    Negative family and friends?

    Yes, I truly understand that one!! I haven't seen any of my non-immediate family members in almost a month and I am feeling way much better about myself. For some reason I feel like they are always sizing me up when I go home to visit (I moved 2 hrs away).
  5. Noturningback15


    I am not sure if you have a PCP doctor but I started my weight loss plan way before the insurance company required the 3 months of documentation. I started 8 months in advance going to my doctor each month to report to her my eating habits, exercise program, and weigh in. I only lost 15 pounds in those 8 months but for me that was a success. I started out at 388 and when I went for my first consult with the lanband doctor I was 373. For some odd reason I didn't want to let my doctor down every month that I went to go weigh in and that was a motivator not to gain. Some months I didn't lose any thing but I didn't gain. It's been a struggle but this was the best choice I have made in a while regarding my health.
  6. At 15 I lost over 40 pounds in 2 months after working out for one hour a day and restricting my calories to 800 a day. I have tried every diet you can think of and was successful at most but the weight always came back with interest. I got my band to help me keep it off for good this time. Maybe age doesn't have any thing to do with it. Maybe it's just a mind thing?
  7. Noturningback15

    Post Op/cycle-hormonal changes

    Yep, mine came early too. I thought it was because of the dramatic weight loss. I loss 13 pounds after four days of liquids and that's what I thought caused mine to come. IDK?
  8. Noturningback15

    Went from a 57 inch waist to a 38

    Great Job!!!!!!
  9. Noturningback15

    ♫?*??♪♫ Blech!!!! ♪♫?*??♪

    LOL! This is so funny to read because that's exactly how I felt! I won't touch Jello now!
  10. Noturningback15

    Hi! How much work on a daily basis?

    No, I am excited!!! LOL! Sorry if I wrote it wrong. I have lost more weight in two weeks than I did in over two months. :smile2:
  11. Noturningback15

    Hi! How much work on a daily basis?

    Manda87, I lost 2 pounds at my August weigh in and 1 pound on September 7th. Since the 7th I have lost 8 pounds!! Talking about a slap in the face. I have been in the gym for one hour a day on M-F.
  12. Noturningback15

    Hi! How much work on a daily basis?

    If I understand you correctly you sound like you may want to have the Gastric Bypass. It is a lot of work involved with the lapband and It has never made me sick. I can pretty much eat what I want too unlike most GB patients. I was even stalled for a couple of months because I learned to eat around my band and was drinking too many calories. But, I got my act together because I didn't spend all this money and have surgery to gain a single pound! I have been working out now on a regular basis now too. Without the workouts I would probably still lose weight but it would be like one pound a week if I stay below the recommended calories. Losing weight is something I have done before in the past but keeping it off was something different. I got this band to assist me in losing weight and more importantly as a way to keep it off for good this time. For me it's more mental work than just a strict diet because I have to actually make a wise choice about what food do I want to use my 4oz on. Do I want 4oz of carbs or 2oz of protein and 1oz carb and 1oz of veggies. If I slack off I don't get a slap on the head from the band but the scale gets stuck on the same numbers for weeks or months and that's discouraging. I don't see it as a strict diet though because I still eat most of the foods that I enjoy just in smaller portions.
  13. Oh, yea I would clean my plate at dinner time to like I just hadn't ate a twinkie, suzy q, granola bar, and a brownie (my past favorites)!
  14. Yes, parents are responsible for the meals they prepare and for the health of the child. My mom sent me to a nutritionist, doctor, and tried to motivate me but it was unsuccessful for the most part. At 14 I was in the marching band and would walk to the bakery right after band practice and buy all kinds of goodies and have them ate up before my mom came to pick me up. At that time the schools had coke machines and I would drink at least 4 can cokes a day!!!!! OMG! Looking back it seems so horrible! My mom had no idea that I had just had just ate two or more days worth of calories before I even touched dinner!
  15. Noturningback15

    Aren't Chinese people small? Or am I making that up?

    Yep, that stuff is loaded with sodium!!!
  16. Noturningback15

    The Girls 2010 334

    From the album: My Journey!

  17. I am not a growth hormone expert but wouldn't a 14 year old still be going through puberty and other things? Even though she was severly obese at that age it would seem like your mind and body would have a hard time adjusting to WLS at that age. Maybe by 16 it would have been better for her. I can remember 14 and my hormones were raging!!!! It would take a really mature 14 year old to be successful at WLS like the Lapband. Diet, Exercise, and a dietary evaluation would have been better.
  18. Noturningback15

    Choosing a goal weight

    When my doctor ran all those test on me during my consultation meeting they came up with a goal weight of 199 based on my body composition makeup, whatever that means. My highest weight was 388 so anything under 200 sounds great to me. 199 is my goal for now, but I will evaluate how I feel and look at that time and determine if I want to lose more. I am 5'5 1/2. I was 13 I think the last time I was around my goal weight and I know as an adult I would look completly different now.
  19. Noturningback15

    So who Didn't watch the Season Premier of "The Biggest Loser"????

    I have never missed a season! I love this show! Last season I worked out during every commercial break. It was really motivational! I was so sad when I seen people that weigh less than me and couldn't finish the mile without falling out!
  20. Noturningback15

    One Year with my LAP-BAND? !!

    That shirt is falling off of you now! Good Job!
  21. Noturningback15

    1 week Post Op & not HUNGRY ...

    Yea, my gas was so bad I didn't get hungry or want to eat until like week 3 and then it still wasn't a real strong hunger but I would fill hunger pains maybe every blue moon. I actually enjoyed not being hungry for ONCE in my life!
  22. Oh, yea I had my Lapband put in on 2-23-10. Yea if you walk around the house a lot the gas will go down some. Yours may be gone by now but I know I was bloated for about a week!! I didn't even want to eat it was so bad.

  23. I looooooooveee! the biggest loser! I watch it every season!!! I even work out during the commercial breaks! It's totally motivational to me! I even tried out for the show in Dallas last year! It was so fun!!! To see all the people like me and the stories while waiting in line was amazing. I will never forget that experience.
  24. Noturningback15

    Scale Obsession?

    I am obsessed too! Over the past year I have weighed myself almost everyday and sometimes Morning, mid morning, and night. I tore up one scale for weighing so much it's off by 10lbs. I got a new one and I have tried not to step on it so much because I want this one to last but it's no use. By the way you do weigh less in the morning but not as soon as you get up because your body is heavy from laying down all night and it needs to adjust to gravity (now that's my theory)! LOL! It may sound crazy but I have tried it several times just to make sure. When I first get up I weigh myself and then I walk around and do things to get ready for the day and come back about 45min later and it's down at least a pound or more every time. I also weigh with no clothes, then I put on my weigh in clothes that I wear to the doctor's office to get the same number that I would get when I go for my fill. I make sure I wear that same outfit also. Yea, I got issues!!!
  25. To my surprise I have remained celibate since my surgery on Feb. 23rd!! My ex got lucky 3 days before my surgery and then he dumped me! He said that he didn't know where our relationship was going because I was having this surgery and that I wouldn't want him anymore when I lose all my weight!! So, my reply was oh you thought I only wanted you because I was fat and didn't think I could do better. With that it was dissolved! I am happy without him though! I have met someone new though.

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