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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Thanks and you are dong great also!!! Moving forward is the only way I want to go from here on out!

  2. Noturningback15

    How did I get there?

    I really enjoyed reading your blog!!! I also gained a lot of weight when I moved off campus! I think the walking around kept from gaining too much but I gained over 100 pounds during the 2.5 years I was off campus:( I was a size 24 pants when I left for college my freshman year and lost a few inches that first semester to get in a 22 and by senior year I was in a size 30 pants. My tops were a 5X or 34/36. I went from 270 to 388 over a five year span. I am back in my 24's and going down now!!! I weigh more than 270 but I guess the working out has me in a smaller size than I would be if I didn't work out.
  3. Noturningback15

    Why exercise??????????

    I was banded on 2-23-10 so 7 months. I didn't hardly do anything for 2.5 months and didn't lose any weight and then I just got fed up and I have been at the gym 5 days week for 1 hour or more each day. I was doing my Taboe tapes at home and walking but I was so unmotivated! I was walking so slow and didn't break a sweat with the Taboe except maybe once a week. The gym keeps me focused on my workouts and I keep up. I have lost 9lbs already this month which is the most I have ever lost in a month since being banded.
  4. Noturningback15

    9/30/2010.226 lbs

    Nice pic!!!! I bet you feel so much better! Is that a waist I see?
  5. Noturningback15

    Why exercise??????????

    Thanks!! I hope I can just keep up with my routine and not slack off!
  6. Yea, I noticed she had a huge vertical scar on her belly. I wonder is she the one that had the VGB?
  7. Noturningback15

    Band Slippage...It is a BIG deal!

    I agree with you!!! Any kind of surgery is putting your life at risk and it is a big deal! I hope your recovery goes well!
  8. It's so funny how at the first few vote offs everybody is so sad and give all these wonderful reasons why everybody deserve to be on the ranch at that time but somebody gotta go and it's you today! LOL! Mid-show that money get to talking and you see less tears and more coniving!!!!
  9. Noturningback15

    The Major Reasons for Weight Lost. What is yours?

    Oh wow that just made me cry!!! I am so sorry that happened to you! You are better than me because I would have accidently drop my bags on his head while trying to put them up top!!!! I have heard too many "look at the fat lady" from kids for so long it doesn't even bother me anymore"!
  10. Noturningback15

    How is everybody doing???

    Well, I wouldn't say I am at my sweet spot but I am getting close. I just gave up on having a sensation of feeling full. I just eat my half of a cup and go about my business. That was really hard to do at first but my doctor convinced me that I should be getting that full feeling anyways I should just eat until I am no longer hungry and feel satisfied. I guess it's working so far. I do miss the full feeling though. Depending on what I eat I get hungry 2 to 3 hours later also and I just eat again. I am still staying under 1800 calories so I guess it's okay to eat every 3 hours. I am trying to increase my water intake also because when you are dehydrated you get hungry quicker also. I hate water!!!
  11. Noturningback15

    Banded but don't work out

    Well, since I have started to work out I just feel better point blank! I love the energy that it gives me! I'm in love with it!!!:smile2: Plus my butt and legs looks better and you can't get that from just sitting at home. I have gotten two compliments about being sexy this month from men and that's more than I have gotten all year!! LOL!
  12. Noturningback15


    I think "PB" stands for productive burbing as in producing this nasty slimy stuff if your food gets stuck or doesn't go down well or if you overeat. This has never happen to me before but it has to my sister. I might be wrong though it might mean something else.
  13. I work so much harder at the gym than at home. I slack off big time when I am doing my excercise tapes at home. Who wants to look like a loser at the gym? I know we shouldn't care what other people think but I don't want people looking at me going why did she come here if she is going to slack off? LOL!!!
  14. Noturningback15

    Hello everyone!

  15. Noturningback15

    Weight gain before or during your lady days ?

    OmG! I was driving down a busy street with all the fast food joints lined up on this past Friday and I was craving all of them and I didn't know why! I usually drive past all of them without a second thought. I wanted fried catfish so bad and Mexican food. I couldn't resist the chocolate cravings though! I got a small bag of M&M's and enjoyed it. Around 9pm it came and I was like no wonder!!!!! I didn't know what was going on!
  16. Noturningback15

    I hate going to the gym!!

    I hate regular gyms also!! That's why I joined the rehab gym at the hospital. When your membership is up check out your local hospital to see if they have a rehab fitness center. It's cheaper than going to a regular gym and there is no commitments to make. The best thing about going to the hospital to workout is that most of the people are old or injured so I am usually moving the fastest HA!!!:smile:
  17. Noturningback15

    Another bump in the road

    If you ask to speak to someone in charge of setting up payment arrangements they may work with you. I was told I would have to have the whole 20% before surgery but after speaking to the supervisor over patient accounts at the hospital they worked out a payment plan with me. Well, I guess your surgeon would have his own account specialist.
  18. That's so funny!!!! (The eggs comment)!!!! LMBO!!:smile:
  19. Congrats on being banded!! I hope your journey is awesome!!!

  20. Congrats!!! This is sooooo motivating!!!!!!:smile:
  21. I just left the gym and I spent 30min on the eliptical and 30 min on the bike at a moderate pace for the most part. I increased the incline and went faster thoughout the whole workout. I weigh 322 and according to www.healthstatus.com calculater I burned at total of 1342 calories. 512 on the bike and 831 on the eliptical. I would say that it may not be quite accurate but I do burn more based on my weight. I lost 4 pounds last week eating around 1800 calories a day. M-F everyday for one hour in the gym. MWF I do my resistance bands and a little walking.
  22. Great outlook and good luck!!
  23. Noturningback15

    Turbo Fire and weight loss

    I gotta get ready for the Race for the Cure too!! I'm excited this will be my first one! Congrats on sticking with your workout goals!!!!!
  24. Noturningback15

    Halloween Challenge

    Yea me!! I lost 4 pounds last week!! Goal is 2.5 for this week and the following weeks since I joined the challenge late.:smile:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
