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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    More drooling while sleeping???

    This is a funny thread! LOL!!!!!!! Well, I have always been a drooler so I can't say for sure. I have noticed that even with my C-Pap machine on I still drool a little bit but before my last fill I didn't slob at all when I was using my machine. I have noticed with my last fill and I have more restriction my sinus is always draining too! OOOoooooo this is gross! Sorry yall!:thumbdown:
  2. Yep, I am doing good! I just weighed myself and I am so happy!!! I have lost a little over 10lbs in one month and I am 7 months post op. I haven't done that since my liquid diet! Thanks for checking up! I hope all is going well in your neck of the woods? LOL! I'm country now!

  3. How did your fill go? Do you feel any more restriction than you did from your 2nd one? I think I am on my 6th fill and I am just now feeling anything as of 9-7th.

  4. Noturningback15

    Anyone else intimidated by the skinny's at the gym??

    I have issues with going to a regular gym. I am not envious of anyone but I do feel like everyone is looking at me. When I was almost 400lbs I had two women rush over to me while working out and asked me was I okay! LMBO! I must have looked like I was about to pass out or die or something. I wasn't grabbing my chest or anything but they must have felt sorry for this poor Super Obese person and just had to come to my rescue! I am now going to a rehabilitaion gym at the hospital. Everyone is either old, injured, or doing some type of rehab. There are very few people from the community that come. They are very friendly and I don't feel like they are all staring at me or watching my big butt bouncing up and down on the elliptical!
  5. Noturningback15

    Halloween Challenge

    Sorry, I think it was me!!!
  6. Noturningback15

    Whoop the're is!!!!!!!!

  7. Noturningback15

    Why exercise??????????

    I usually hate when people try to post all these different facts that they have researched but I needed to do this to help keep my motivation up for working out as well. If you are feeling stressed exercise is one way to help! I feel so much better since I have been working out. Everyone is different so I can't promise the same results but it's worth the try. I feel like some people on this site tries to give reason why they are so healthy without working out but truth be told they would be better with some good exercise that will get their heart to pumping. Now if you can get a good heart rate up with working in the garden then go for it! My mom loved working in the garden and doing other activities but she died from cancer 3 years ago. It may have just been her time to go but research has shown that people who exercise more and weigh less have better chances at survival. Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity You know exercise is good for you — but do you know how good? From boosting your mood to improving your sex life, find out how exercise can improve your life. By Mayo Clinic staff sleep. 6. Exercise can put the spark back into your sex life. 7. Exercise can be — gasp — fun!
  8. Noturningback15

    Halloween Challenge

    I added you on line 77. It was a blank line there because I messed it up a couple of weeks ago:( but anyways I didn't know to you need to click on your number hit the tab button and even though the other person info under yours is highlighted it will change only your info. I hope I didn't confuse you. I didn't know your starting weight for this challenge I used your starting weight from your profile minus how many pounds you lost on your ticker. Go in and make adjustments.
  9. Noturningback15

    Halloween Challenge

    Well, bummer only 1lb for the week!! I wanted a 2.5 loss. I guess with 4 last week it would have been pretty hard to pull off 2.5 unless I changed something and I didn't. I kept my calories the same and workout routine. I am going to add 3 extra workouts this week and see what happens!
  10. Noturningback15

    after you lost the weight ...

    Yep, I have lost a lot of inches after losing 67lbs and I am still having a hard time figuring out my walk. After I stand up it takes me a min or two to adjust. As a matter of fact, I went out on a date and after standing up from the table I started to walk and he said "are you drunk" oh my I was so embarrassed considering that I don't even drink!!! I'm still scared I won't fit in booths at resturants and and the seats at the movies. When I get in my sister's eclipse I wonder is the seatbelt going to fit? I am wondering how I am going to think when I lose the rest of my weight!!!! After I had a breast reduction several years ago, it took me almost a year to adjust to not being able to put my cereal bowl on my chest!!! LMBO!!! I was like how am I going to eat my cereal now!!! Uggg! It finally clicked to use a table like normal people or sit it in my lap if I am sitting on the couch!
  11. Noturningback15

    Sudden loss of restriction??

    Okay, here is my theory which may not be worth anything but......first of all the band is tricky and sometimey! I think with the sudden workouts it caused you not to retain as much Water as you normally do when it's that time of month and you are not as tight. I noticed that I didn't retain a lot of water this time since I have been working out for almost a month non-stop. I didn't lose any weight but I didn't gain 3 pounds like I normally do during that time. Oh, I almost forgot don't worry chicken is not a slider:)
  12. Noturningback15

    Where to find liquid tylenol?

    After looking for over 5 min I found it at CVS. I refused to give up! LOL! It was on the very bottom row. It was not next to the other Tylenol products so that may be why you are missing it. They may not sell it in your area either? They even had the CVS brand. Me being cheap got the off brand!
  13. Noturningback15

    Negative comments about getting LapBand

    I have came to the conclusion that people get a little green because they know if you have the surgery you will really lose the weight this time and they have a hard time wrapping their head around the fact they you might just look better than them when it's all said and done! (Wow that was a long sentence)! LOL!
  14. Noturningback15

    I finally did it!!

    That is something to be very proud of!!!!! Yea!!! Congrats!!!!
  15. Congrats on getting your band!!!!! Remember to stay motivated! I lost mine for a couple of months but I am back at it. I lost a total of 10 pounds in September and I am so happy!!!! No secret just a lot of sweat! LOL! I spend a total of an hour in the gym M-F. 30 on the elliptical and 30 on the bike. Sometimes I will stay a little longer and get on the treadmill for 10 min and lift some weights. I wish I could do the treadmill for longer but I have foot problems (from the weight)! I am hoping once I get under 300 it will get better. 388 was a lot of pressue on my poor feet! Now at 322 I can tell the difference but they still hurt. I have started to bake my fish also instead of fying it. Good luck!

  16. Kudos!!!! I love foster parents!!!!!!! I hope to adopt too one day!!!!!! I couldn't be a foster parent because I was a CPS worker but now that I am not a caseworker anymore I have signed up to become a foster parent.:thumbup:
  17. Noturningback15

    Why exercise??????????

    I work from home for the majority of the time unless I need to go to the office for something, meetings etc. But I might start back going to work at my office eveyday now because I find myself snacking too much! I just hate my office because it's about the size of walk-in closet!
  18. Noturningback15

    Will I be able to enjoy yummy food again?

    Yes! I enjoy many of the foods I enjoyed before. With the exception of white bread, sodas, and brownies I am good to go with all the foods I eat. I love coming up with low-fat and healthier versions of all my favorite meals. I go out to eat at restaurants and have fun with my family and friends at least once a month. I just pick the healthiest choice on the menu and leave the appetizers alone so I won't get full off of them. Sometimes I eat a couple of chips and salsa though but I leave room for the main course.
  19. Noturningback15

    Monthly Recap

    i am so happy for you!!! Great job!! Your screen name fits you well "LoseIt"! I am so glad I joined this site bc people like you are so inspiring and motivational and reading the posts keep me going!
  20. Noturningback15

    New Month. New Start.

    I am going to stick to my goals this coming up month as well!!! I am ready to see some REAL progress!
  21. Noturningback15


    How many calories are you eating on your workout days? 2 hours in the gym is a long time assuming you are working hard and you may not be eating enough? IDK, but I bet if you keep at it and don't give up the pounds have to eventually budge!
  22. I hope it goes well and you get to that sweet spot! I am still searching for mine. LOL! But I am doing good and feeling some restriction. I don't go back until Oct. 21st so I am praying this one is good until then. Thanks for checking up. Have a good weekend!

  23. Noturningback15

    Starting over- Changing my doctor

    Yes, I changed doctors this month and it was a great choice! At the consult he explained to me that I would be meeting with the person that does the fills more than him but if there is ever a problem with my fills then he will come do it. My past doctor's office was very weird.....and she kept giving me these tiny fills of .1, .2, .5 and I wasn't feeling anything for almost 7 months. My last fill was on 9-7th with her and I went to the new doctor on 9-16. He gave me another fill this month and it was enough to feel something!! Finally!!!
  24. Noturningback15

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    B-1pck of quaker maple syrup oatmeal w/FF milk, butter and splenda. 285 calories. S-Ritz peanut butter crackers in a 6pck. 190 calories L-3oz grilled chicken breast meat. 110 calories S-Ice Cream-360 opps! D-1/4c sweet potatoe with butter & 3oz of blackened talapia. 300?calories. 1245 calories for the day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
