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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    Quick Check-in :)

    Great job!!! Keep it up! I am thinking about joining one of those Zumba classes.
  2. Noturningback15

    How is everybody doing???

    I really wasn't motivated to work out. I just made myself do it! Some days are easy and some days I don't want to go but I was so tired of not seeing results. I am not one of those people that can lose weight without working out. Maybe one pound a week if I ate right 100% of the time. I hope you find your inspiration to workout before March. You can do it!:puke:
  3. Noturningback15

    Halloween Challenge

    Well, I finally made it to 319 on Thursday and I was so happy but I am still 319 on this morning. I guess I got to happy and didn't work out on Friday:( I tried to go to the gym yesterday to make the scale move so I can have a 3 pound loss for the week but nope just 2.6. My goal for the week was 2.5 I think so it's okay. Good luck everybody this week! Goal for this week is 3.:puke:
  4. Noturningback15

    Halloween Challenge

    LOL! Congrats!
  5. Noturningback15

    New day

    Yea! I hope you reach your goals!
  6. Noturningback15

    4 days post op....i licked a twinkie!

    No, you are not losing your mind! LOL! I think there are plenty of people on here that did the same exact things or worse! I would chew food to get the flavor and spit it back out right after surgery! It felt so weird at first but I still do it to this day.
  7. That's a pretty dress and you look great in it! Congrats on your weight loss!
  8. Noturningback15

    Movie Star

    LOL! I feel ya! That's awesome! So far the only man paying me some attention at the gym would be a 70 year old! He waits for me everyday and lets me know if he thinks I am slacking!
  9. Noturningback15

    Almost one year: here's my results thus far

    Thanks for sharing and you look amazing in your wedding dress!
  10. Thanks! You look great also!!!!! I am so happy I got the Lapband!!!

  11. Noturningback15


    From the album: My Journey!

  12. Noturningback15


    LOL! I know right! My face was blowed up! LMBO! Now I am down 69 total from my highest recorded weight. I was banded 2-23 of this year. I stalled all this summer and only lost 3 pounds but I am back on it and has lost 11 pounds since 9-7 when I joined the gym.
  13. Noturningback15

    10lbs in one month!!!!!

    I am so excited right now!!! I have been working so hard to see some results on that dreadful scale! I went for a fill at my old Dr.'s office on 9-7 and I weighed in at 331. Today I am 320.2 this morning!!!!! Yea!!!!!! I did have another fill on 9-16 though because my old Dr. was acting like the fill police and I lost 3lbs between June-Sept.7! After being stalled for 3 months and my doctor not listening to me about still being hungry all the time and not feeling any kind of restriction I decided to move on. It was the best decision for me. I feel like it's my body and my money! I paid her 150.00 for a fill and she gave me .1cc and I told her I needed more. She turned to me and asked me how many patients did I have? LOL! Well, now she has one less! HA on her!!!! I am doing great now! I can't blame it all on the poor fills because I have also been busting my butt in the gym 5 days a week to get this 10lbs off! I can't wait until my next vist my new doctor to show my results!:confused:
  14. Noturningback15

    10lbs in one month!!!!!

    You are doing great! I know you are so excited to be under 200! I know i am going shopping when I get under 300! My goal for that is by Thanksgiving so I got to get to moving! LOL!
  15. Noturningback15


    From the album: My Journey!

  16. Noturningback15


    LOL! Thanks! Yea, I am on a mission now sister!
  17. Thanks Angera!!!!! It's a journey for sure but it's well worth it! I wish you the best!!!!!! I am really enjoying this working out thing! Who would have knew! It was hard when I first got started but it's getting better with each workout. I started out so slow on that eliptical and took so many breaks at first but now I can go 30 min non-stop.

  18. Noturningback15

    10lbs in one month!!!!!

    Thanks everyone! I am on a cloud floating this morning! I really worked hard in the gym yesterday and ate well. I am 319 on the dot! I took a picture of this one! Yea! I am going to post it to my pictures on here!
  19. Noturningback15

    How Im Feeling....5 Days in...

    Congrats on deciding to get the band! OMG! I was addicted to refried beans!!!!! My whole family was like please stop eating those beans (if you know what I mean) LOL! In response to your stomach problems if you are 5 days post op it may be to soon for you to be having mash potatoes unless you are thinning them down with milk or something. I was on liquids and thin soup, grits ect.. for my first two weeks. They said starting the second week I could thicken it up some. Every doctor is different though.
  20. LOL! I bet you are! You lost a lot of weight really fast!

  21. Noturningback15

    10lbs in one month!!!!!

    Thanks ladies!!!!!
  22. Noturningback15

    200 pounds lost, 34 more to go!

    Wow this gives me hope I can lose 200lbs also!!! My goal weight is 199 but to get to 188 would be awesome!!!!! You are proof that people with more than 100 to 150lbs to lose can be successful with the band!!!!! Congrats!:thumbdown:
  23. Noturningback15

    Yes We Can!

    Very inspiring!!!! This is a good blog!
  24. Noturningback15

    10lbs in one month!!!!!

    Thanks!!!! I am happy too! I can't wait until tomorrow so I can see 319!!! Out of the 320's! I am going to work extra hard in the gym today and count every calorie!!!!
  25. Noturningback15

    Amount of Calories??????

    Great reply!!!! I would have never thought to use that example of the cheese and apple! Perfect comparison!

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