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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15


  2. Noturningback15

    Lost Of My Friend!

  3. Noturningback15

    Lost Of My Friend!

  4. Noturningback15

    Lost Of My Friend!

    Sorry for your loss:( Thanks for posting because you are right about going to the doctor if you are having complications....I think your post will inform people about the dangers of seeing if it's going to get better on it's own.
  5. Noturningback15

    Post Op Diet Cheat--Damage?

    I'm sending my condolence your way. You should be okay because the chocolate and candy melted through your band like liquids would.
  6. Noturningback15

    Have You Ever Experienced This?!!

    I have the same pain every blue moon. I think it's my band choking my stomach!
  7. Noturningback15

    Help!! Please.....fill Won't Go In Or Come Out.....?

    I have a very imaginative mind LOL!!! It was just a thought….
  8. Noturningback15

    Help!! Please.....fill Won't Go In Or Come Out.....?

    I may be wrong but I bet the other doctor decided not to give you a fill once he stuck the needle in but it was too late so he pretended to have issues! LOL! I know my office keeps track of how much is in me so your LB doctor would have found out that somebody else gave you a fill. Maybe he didn't want to be responsible if something went wrong with the fill?
  9. Noturningback15

    1St Fill Today

    It's not that bad LOL! I was scared my first time also.
  10. Noturningback15

    Nsv Woohoooo

  11. Noturningback15

    Permission To Conceive

    I hope you are successful!!!
  12. You should be a poster girl for lapband!!! You look great!

  13. Congrats!!!! I hope you have a healthy journey and baby!
  14. Noturningback15


    You look great! Congrats!
  15. Noturningback15


    I just got back from Vegas and I didn't have any issues with getting tight. I was scared the scanner would show I have an implanted device and not let me on!!! LOL!
  16. Noturningback15

    Lap Band, My Future And Possible Issues

    Maybe it hurts her or something. I have a friend that said it hurt for years while having sex but never told her husband. She finally went to the doctor and found out she had a fibroid. She didn't want him to leave her or cheat on her so she kept it a secret. I would have never went that long without getting checked out but everyone is different. She was scared she had cancer and didn't want to go to the doctor to get the bad news. She didn't even have cancer so she waited for nothing and had painful sex for about 2 years. I'm sure it could be a hundred reason's why she doesn't want to do it but....I guess your wife wouldn't have fibroids because they would have seen that when she was pregnant but some women have issues just from being penetrated.
  17. Noturningback15

    6 Year Anniversary

    Congrats! I'm glad to see that you are six years out and still doing well!!! Your story gives me some inspiration to keep on going!
  18. Noturningback15

    Our "lap-Band" Baby

    Awwww Congrats!!!!
  19. Noturningback15

    What Can I Eat.

    Oh, I wouldn't pay $80.00 just to ask questions!! LOL! Oh, btw your title says surgery date 5-25-12 and that's why Elcee thought you was on your pre-surgery diet...I think eggs are a good source of protein for breakfast so you should be okay. You can eat a protein bar after your shake.
  20. Leaving for Vegas tonight! I'm so excited!

  21. Noturningback15

    Sad :(

  22. Noturningback15

    Vegas Meet And Greet, Weight Lost, Workouts

    You have lost a lot of inches in one month! Congrats! Keep it up! The pics show your hard work!
  23. Noturningback15

    Acid Reflux 14 Months After Surgery

    My acid reflux came back at almost two years of being banded. It happend one month after I got my last fill. I had an unfill and it's much better. I haven't lost any weight since that unfill and I am very disappointed that I can't get another fill because of the acid. I am trying to just do better with a low carb diet.
  24. Hubby and I went for a late workout...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
