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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    At A Standstill

    I will add that when you start eating solids again the weight loss will slow up a little bit too but stick with your small portions and it will start back again when your body get use to having solids again. Keep your head up!
  2. Noturningback15

    Starting Over

    I hope everything goes smoothly for you in this process and congrats on getting that insurance! I worked at a job for over a year that I really didn't want because I knew they had a policy that would cover me! I needed the paycheck too but I was mostly after the benefits!
  3. If all medications came in liquid or solutab! That would be really helpful in this journey.
  4. Noturningback15


    I shared a little toooo much! I wish there was a delete button!
  5. Noturningback15

    **WARNING** Must Read!!

    If the Obamacare would have actually been in affect it would have actually helped you more than likely in your switch instead of hurting you:) Obesity might just be considered a pre-existing condition one day and could be denied without the new laws they want to put in place? I am not positive and that's why I said may. I guess lesson learned now you can rejoice and be a bander with the rest of us! Yea!!!!!
  6. Noturningback15


    Sorry, didn't want to make you cry! But, I cried at the last appointment I went to with my old doctor, lol! I was so ashamed! While, I was making my next appointment I was standing at the window with tears just falling down my face like a big old fat baby!!!!!!!! That's when I joined the gym and changed doctor's! NEVER again! I am glad you doctor is encouraging though.
  7. Noturningback15

    How long of a wait for surgery date?

    They waited until I had met all the requirements to send in all my paperwork and I received my approval from BCBS in less than a week and half. It may have been 10 days. It's easier if everything is well documented and plus I had records verifying being Super Obese since High School even though they only needed the last 5 years lol! Just in case...
  8. Noturningback15


    I think the first step would be to go back to the doctor to check to see if you need a fill. I know how it feels to go to the doctor and haven't lost a pound and you have to see the look of disappointment in the eyes. But, just take it as a grain of salt and get your fill. Go home thinking this is the last time I will ever go back to the doctor and feel this bad!
  9. Noturningback15

    Orgasmic workouts?

    I want to delete this post because I guess I am the only one with this issue and there is no need to keep it up. How do you delete a post? After working out on the eliptical for 20 min I get on the stationary bike for another 20 min. Around 10 min in on the bike I start to get really horny!! Oh my!!! I almost came at the freaking gym!! Blushing!!! I had to slow down because I was starting to make noises!! LMBO!!!! It only happens after I get off the eliptical but if I start out on the bike I am good. Is this normal? Is it the endorphines rushing or something? Am I the only one????
  10. Noturningback15

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Congrats on meeting your goal! I know it feels awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I am still slow poking along but it's coming off and I am happy about that. I got a good fill in September and I finally started to lose again. I am 310 this morning so that's 50 down from my surgery date (avg. 5lbs a month). It's been 10 months and I am going to try to lose 15 more by my bandanniversary date.
  11. Noturningback15

    Please help if you can....burning stomach, gurgles

    I would continue to take the Prevacid everyday and see if it helps. It comes in Solutabs if you have trouble swallowing pills. Good you stop drinking coffee or whatever caffeine it was because it makes the acid worse. I have acid refux and it can flare up without coming up in your thoat. There is no telling what is actually wrong with you but it really sounds like reflux. I have been getting sick so much since I got banded in February. I can take a little sickness though because I really really wants to lose this weight! Good luck.
  12. Now, you would have to remind us we are getting old! LOL! I never thought about the trauma to our body though....
  13. Noturningback15

    Just when I thought this fat girl beat the lap-band...

    Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! I was just like you. I had surgery on 2.23.10 and didn't get a good fill until 9.16.10 and started to lose really well. I lost 10lbs in the month following that fill which is the most I have lost in a month since my liquids before surgery. So, being at a good fill really makes the difference for some of us! I got another small fill on 12.16 and lost 6 pounds within 2 weeks and I am so excited! I know you are just as excited!
  14. Noturningback15


    I have severe sleep apnea where I stop breathing over one hundred times a night. Since the lapband is such a short surgery 45 min they didn't have any problems gettting me up but when I had a breast reduction before (2hrs) I found out about the sleep apnea they had a hard time getting me up. They also said I starting fighting! LOL! I think they were talking about me during that surgery and I could hear it and that's why I was mad when I got up! Dont' worry if they know you have sleep apnea then the Dr. will take all necessary precautions. On the serious side, I don't think sleep apnea really affects you that much during surgery because they have you under oxygen anyways so there is always air flowing.
  15. Noturningback15

    Just Curious

    I enjoyed going to see my PCP doctor once a month for 6 months because I felt like I had someone to answer to besides myself. I didn't want to see disappointment on her face when I came in so I really tried to lose some weight. I lost 15 pounds over the 6 months. It's not a lot but I tried. I was only required to do 3 months but we decided to extend it ourselves to keep me on track until I had my surgery.
  16. Noturningback15

    4 days post op and STARVING!

    No, I am at 7.3cc's now and I don't get hungry too often. When your stomach adjusts to having the band placed around it and you start getting good fills you will feel a whole lot better. Good luck!
  17. Noturningback15

    4 days post op and STARVING!

    Yea, it's normal. I heard all kinds of growlings and gurgles coming from my stomach for almost 2 weeks after surgery. I wasn't hungry because I had severe gas for over a week. I thought it was weird for my stomach to be growling all the time without feeling real hunger. I guess the lower part below the band was hungry lol!
  18. Noturningback15

    Did Not Succeed

    Yea, maybe she should go to another doctor and get tests done because the one she is at now said there is nothing wrong when they did the x-rays?
  19. Noturningback15

    Did Not Succeed

    Maybe you should start over with the basics to get back on track again. Drink plenty of water and eat only 3 meals a day with no snacking in between. Join the gym and work out for at least 5 days a week. If you already workout do more. I hope you get back on track and start losing again!
  20. Noturningback15

    Goodbye 300 pounds!!

    That's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! I can't wait until I am in the 200's with ya!!!!!!!!!! I am so ready to get out of the 3's! I know you are too happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Noturningback15

    Nothng has changed!

    Nate, I feel your pain! I didn't get any real restriction until after 7 months of my surgery!!!!!!! I am at 7.3cc's now and I have great restriction but it's still like a diet and I have to monitor what I eat. It's up to me to do what's right. I am one of the few people that can eat whatever I want. Some studies stated that bread, certain meats, ect. may be an issue but in my case I haven't crossed a food or bread that I cannot eat. I don't know if that will stay the same after I get more in my band but as for now I choose not to eat hot fluffy rolls (my favorite)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad I got the band even though it's not working like I thought it would at first. It will get better though as time goes. I was so upset a few months in because I was seeing everybody losing all this weight so fast and I didn't start to lose good until after I joined the gym. I'm like why I gotta workout to pull big numbers every month. But, I just came to realize everybody is different and that's what's so great about life!
  22. Noturningback15

    Christmas / New Years

    I really love going to the gym! I have been going on and off for years but this time I am here to stay! I have found a place to workout for free so I don't have to worry about the extra money now. I am too excited about that so I have no excuses this time! LOL! Good luck!
  23. Noturningback15

    Mixed feelings

    I totally understand what you are talking about with the breast reduction! I had one too and I never knew how much my breast hid my stomach until they took 10lbs of breast tissue away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Noturningback15

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    1 cup of coffee with splenda 1 packet of maple and brown sugar oatmeal with splenda and 1/4 milk 160 plus 45 milk Lunch-Wendy's sour cream and chive baked potato-350 ? 24 pieces of hershey dark chocolate kisses (not all at once I started this morning) I know bad but I needed it today! 360 calories Dinner-1 packet of oatmeal again. Because I ate all that candy! I think I stayed under 1500 for the day. I am not sure how many calories that potatoe had in it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
