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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    50 pounds lighter!

  2. Noturningback15

    I'm back and I'm ready to shine

    I know exactly how you feel to be in a slump! I was in one to for 3 months but I dusted off my shoes and hit the gym and started making healthier choices! Good luck and keep it up!
  3. Noturningback15

    Food Diary

    I started tracking my calories at the start of the day to prevent this because I was shocked one day like you when I added it up after the fact. So, every morning I plan what I am going to eat and I try to give myself a little room if I want to throw in a snack. It's helping but then sometimes I look at my chart and throw it out! Rules get on my nerves sometimes! LOL! I am hoping I can get to the point where I have gotten use to my menus and don't have to count calories. Good luck! I bet you are going to do fabulous now!
  4. Noturningback15

    Protein in Urine and Anemic

    Yes, I have had protein in my urine but mine was due to a certain type of birth control pill I was on. I stopped taking them and problem solved. I was anemic because I don't like too much meat and survived off of carbs mostly. I have increased my protein intake but it's still a struggle to eat all of my meat first. I eat mostly white meat and fish.
  5. Hey how are you? I am doing great. Since my last fill on Dec. 16th I have lost 14 pounds so I like this fill but it was too good to be true because it has caused my reflux to get worse so I am going in on the 10th to go from 7.3 to 7.0. I hope that helps.

  6. Noturningback15

    Clothes are Tricky!

    Same thing happens to me all the time. Some people are like Oh my goodness you are looking great and then you have the others that just look me up and down and ask how am I doing with the weight loss? Well, can't you see? LOL!
  7. Noturningback15

    Milk and Orange Juice

    Orange juice and lemonade are the two drinks that travels very slow for me. I don't slime but I noticed I can feel it going down and it's like a gurgle before it empties into the lower part of my stomach. No problem with mild though or any other liquids.
  8. Noturningback15

    Reappearing period?

    I went without a period for months at a time up to a year at one point. Once I lost about 30lbs it has been coming on it's own without birth control pills. It's not on time sometimes but at least its coming for a change. I have never had cramps and I still don't.
  9. I was banded almost a year ago on 2-23-20. I was 360 on my surgery day. I have been losing about 1 to 2 pounds a week. I did have a 3 month period this summer where I didn't lose anything. I wish I wouldn't have waited that long to get out of my slump!

  10. Hello, how are you doing? Thanks for the pic comment! It's been a long process! I am sure without hitting the gym I would look way much bigger than I do! LOL! I am trying to get under 300 by Monday!

  11. Noturningback15

    The Sweetheart's Challenge

    Hello! I had a pretty good week. I am down 3 pounds. I know it sounds crazy but I reduced my workouts some and on the days I did workout I tried to eat a little more. I think our bodies need a little break sometimes.
  12. Can anyone actually feel the band squeezing their stomach? I have these sharp pain and it feels like I'm being squeezed!

  13. Noturningback15

    Breakfast anyone?

    I usually eat breakfast before 9AM each day. I have around 300 calories. Today I had one egg with cheese 70 + 80 cal, 1 1/2 piece of bacon 75 cal , and 1/4 cup of fried potatos 110 cal. I eat what I want on Sat and Sun and stick to a routine during the week.
  14. Noturningback15

    Oh, so much...

    I hope things get better for the both of you and btw that is the cutiest little girl!
  15. Noturningback15

    8 months Post Op Down 91 lbs

    Wow! You are doing awesome!
  16. Noturningback15

    Tight Band

    Yes, sometimes but then there are times when it feels wide open after a good workout? Weird!
  17. Noturningback15

    8 pounds in 6 days

    Are you feeling better?
  18. Did you weigh 244 on the day of your surgery? Well, if you did you are doing great! 53 pounds in a year and that avg out to be a little over 4 pounds a month which is what they told us to expect with the band. I like others expected to lose more than the average but I didn't. Call me a slow loser if you want but it's coming off and so is yours! Cheer up!
  19. Noturningback15

    If your band is tighter in the morning...

    If it was not for my one cup of coffee in the morning I would have to wait until 9 or 10 am to eat. I have my cup around 6AM and I am ready to eat a good breakfast by 7 or 8. I have no problems finishing my meal either! LOL! Without the coffee I get full really quick (only 3 or 4 tsp of oatmeal).
  20. Noturningback15

    What is it really like?

    I am sure you will get more in-depth replys so I will keep this short:) I am 21 days shy of being banded for a year and I am loving it! I can eat without any discomfort. I chew until my food is basically a liquid no matter what it is. I take my time as well. I have never slimed, vomit, Productive Burp (PB) or any of those gross things. The only problem I have is with my acid reflux. I am losing slow compared to some people but right on time with the doctor's expectations. I am averaging almost 4.8 pounds a month. I hope your journey is sweet!
  21. The most I have ever gained is 2 or 3 pounds while on. I would contribute most of that to the extra sweets and frappucianos I had during that time period. This last time I didn't gain a pound. I actually cut back on my calories on purpose for this special occasion! LOL! I decided I don't like seeing any kind of gain no matter what so for now on I will be doing a repeat of last month. I must have at least one bag of M&M's though and one frozen yogurt treat with chocolate and waffle cone pieces in it. Those sugar free fudge popcicles seem to help control my cravings some though.
  22. Noturningback15

    Simple Math

    I thought I had it down too but apparently not! I was burning too many calories in the gym and needed to increase my intake to lose. I have been stalled for three weeks but I layed off the workouts some and I have lost a pound since Sunday.
  23. Noturningback15

    average # of fills

    It took 8 flls to get to 7.3 and I had a delayed reaction with this last one like the other poster was describing. I feel like I am in a good place. I lost 11 pounds right after my last fill very quickly in 3 weeks and then it stopped. It has taken me 3 weeks to lose 1 pound lol! I got my last fill on Dec. 16 and will not get another one any time soon. I may want a small unfill because of some reflux.
  24. I have suffered from Acanthosis nigricans since the age of 11. I was made fun of continuously because most people don't know it's a condition related to being overweight or having diabetes. Most people think it's from poor hygiene like not cleaning your neck well. I scrubbed my neck so hard with alcohol and soap so much growing up I made it rough which makes it look worse. Anyways, my question is I noticed that with the 80 pound weight loss it's better but still there. Is there anyone out there that has lost all of their weight and it cleared up significantly?
  25. Noturningback15

    Amy's Story

    ooooooo...I enjoyed reading this blog so much! What an amazing thing to happen to you! After a few days of doing liquids you won't be as hungry and it will get a little bit easier. Good luck!

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