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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. I just caught a sale at lane bryant and I got my jeans a little on the tight side so I can at least get 3 months of good wear out of them. I wore a pair yesterday and before 3 hours was up they were loose! So disappointing. I know I can't button up the 18s of the 20's will do. I tell you the elliptcal does wonders because at 300lbs I should not be in a size 20 at 5 "5 1/2 lol. I remember being in college at 270's wearing a 24? Well, I know they make the clothes a little bigger now days to but still! But, now that winter is almost over I plan on catching all of the winter clothes on sale and I am going to buy all size 14 and 16's and I better be that small when winter roll back around!
  2. Noturningback15

    So how effective is this?

    Oh yea, I don't get full like I use too. If you are eating the required portions of food you will never get that old "full" sensation again. If you do that means you are eating way too much and will eventually stretch your pouch out. Sad to say but I miss that feeling sometimes!
  3. Noturningback15

    So how effective is this?

    Once you get to a good fill whatever that may be physical hunger is never a problem. I rarely get hungry but it doesn't help with wanting to eat just because I like to eat. I stopped getting hungry at 7.3 ccs but some people its 3 or 4cc's. So, if you don't have any issues with head hunger you will do great at this!
  4. Noturningback15

    Out with the truth

    I switched jobs and my new insurance did not cover WLS or anything related to it but I think my doctor's office knew how to code my fills where it is still being covered? I am not sure how or why but I did look at my statement one day and it just listed injections. I guess if they don't ask what kind of injections then I am not going to worry about it LOL!
  5. Noturningback15

    31 single and banded

    I have only been on 2 dates since being banded last year and it was no problem. I was up front that I will not be eating a lot because of it. One person said good I can order you a happy meal then you are a cheap date! NOT! LOL!
  6. I went shopping today and was able to wear size 20 jeans coming from a size 30! Whoop Whoop!

  7. Noturningback15

    sonic food

    I stopped at sonic today and 2 chicken strips have 200 calories in it. Whenever eat out I usually get 2 or 3 chicken strips only. They always put more in the bag and I am not sure why because before my surgery they would never give me extra! Now, that I only want 2 they always put 3 or 4! I guess they are looking at me thinking she knows she wants more than 2! Oh, a small popcorn chicken is worth 380 calories.
  8. is so glad I didn't have to get an unfill yesterday! My reflux is so much better!

  9. Noturningback15


    I don't have a 12cc band but I am at 7.3cc full in a 10cc which may compare and my fill did not completly kick in until a month later so give it some time and it may get a little tighter to help with the hunger.
  10. By the way you are doing awesome!

  11. I am doing better now with the reflux. My Dr. was happy to see I have lost 15 pounds since Dec. 16 my last fill. He did not do a unfill because he said everything look fine and I could eat and drink without issues. He gave me a bunch of nexium samples and told me to refill my prescription. I haven't had any reflux in the past 3 days so I am good.

  12. Noturningback15

    NutriSystem Foods

    I thought about doing something like that when I first started out on this journey to make sure I didn't go over my calories but then I seen how expensive It was and I had already spent over 2000 last year to get this band put on and with going in to get fills every 6 weeks I just didn't want to spend another dime on my weight loss. I'm not self-pay but my insurance made me pay 20% of the surgery plus a 500.00 deductable. I am doing okay with tracking my calories now. I get off sometimes but I pick myself back up fairly quick. Good luck!
  13. Noturningback15

    Really...Seriously...Come On!

    On fitday mine said 1950 for moderate activity so I set it for low and got 1495 I think. I was thinking the same thing that you are! I would have to work out for 2 hours a day to eat 1950 calories a day.
  14. Noturningback15

    Almost a Year after Surgery....and soooo Happy!

    Congrats! We were banded on the same day and I am excited about my weight loss as well! I can't say it's been easy but it's getting easier as the days go by!
  15. Noturningback15


    I'm fat all over! LOL! My biggest problem areas are my arms and thighs though. My arms are so large I will probably get them reduced. They are already sagging bad from the 85lb loss.
  16. Noturningback15

    It's official

    Good it went smoothly!
  17. Noturningback15

    Everyone says only eat if you are hungry, but...

    Now, I eat by the clock because I have good restriction and I am only hungry when I first wake up (sometimes). I try not to let 3 or 4 hours go by to keep my metabolism up.
  18. Yes, this is very normal like you said you are still healing. You can't stay on liquids and mushies forever so as you introduce new foods to your body it will slow the process down but it will start back as soon as your body has adjusted. Keep your head up! I think I only lost 4 pounds at my 6 weeks check up. Some people gain our don't lose any during that time period.
  19. I love quiche as well! I made one Monday but I used the pie crust:(
  20. Noturningback15

    weekly lost average?

    When I avg the whole time I've been banded it is 1lb a week. When I am doing things right I avg 2 to 3lbs a week. I have lost 15 pounds in the last 8 weeks. From June to Sept I lost only 3 lbs:(. So, the key is to stay on track and you will do fine! I think most people go through slumps like me though which will knock your weekly average down.
  21. Noturningback15

    Soda, "Chips" and Cake and still losing weight....

    I lost 4 pounds the week of Christmas eating cakes and pies! I was surprised as well! I agree with PJ my body probably appreciated the boost in calories for that short time period! LOL! At least that's what I want to believe.
  22. Noturningback15

    Has anyone noticed?

    Yes, I can't eat without having a hot cup of coffee to loosen things up.
  23. Noturningback15

    please help! I cant hold liquids.

    Go to the ER.
  24. Noturningback15

    No fill for me today

    Oh, wow! I hate to hear that but you are doing so good! Keep up the good work and motivation!
  25. I complete understand! I was thinking the same thing this morning after reading some rude responses. Some people are so quick to display their superior knowledge about weight loss they do not even know their replies are rude. I have also noticed how people are trying to outdo each other with who knows the most about the band, calories, and freaking formulas! It’s actually hilarious sometimes because if you are such an expert then why you are in the same position that I am in?

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