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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Your story almost sounds like mine. I would ask questions about how much I was getting and telling her I think I needed more and she always followed with rude remarks. She asked me how many patients did I have and not to worry about the numbers but how I feel...blah...blah...blah. I was paying her money and not the other way around so I switched doctors and I am in heaven now. I don't even have to ask how much I got now. He ask me how I am doing and assess my loss. He will say okay I will give you .5 cc's and we will see how that works or whatever the amount is. I love that! I was with that old place for over 7 months and wasn't losting and that messed my year up almost. I started losing so much better when I left. Encouragement is a big part of losing as well.
  2. Noturningback15

    How has your BMI changed?

    That's great! I am very happy to be out of the 60's with my BMI! I have dropped over 10 points! Yippie! Still morbidly obese but better than before!
  3. Noturningback15

    I'm so Disgusted!!!

    Mine got paid about 4000.00 and the hospital got paid about 10,000 or more. I was shocked to find out that the hospital got paid more money than the actual surgeon! I was required to pay the hospital the remaining 20% of the hospital bill (1850) and I paid my surgeon 500 deductable plus 110 intial consult fee.
  4. Noturningback15

    Why are men so stupid?

    I have been trying to figure out why I am not getting phone numbers now! I have dropped several sizes and it seems as though I am getting less attention now. My brother in-law said that I look really shy and like leave me alone when I go out in public.....I am going to try to look like please bother me from now on.....we will see if that works! LOL!
  5. I guess both of my degrees are fake since I didn't go to a "real school". Oh, Crap! I should ask for a refund and stop paying on my student loans immediatley!
  6. Noturningback15

    Getting back to cabbage meals!

  7. Noturningback15

    Getting back to cabbage meals!

    LOL! I will try it anyways because I think I am smart enough to track my calories and fat for the day to still enjoy a 1/2 cup of it at meal times. LOL! Knowing me I will make it even un-healthier by adding cheese to it! I LOVE Cheese!
  8. Noturningback15

    Getting back to cabbage meals!

    I think I want to try this! Is there more to the receipe or just cabbage, alfredo, spicy lean meat, and meat sauce?
  9. Noturningback15

    almost there

    LOL! Yep, that explains it! I had a reduction awhile ago and they took 10lbs off of me in one day! 5lbs from each breast! I was a G as well.
  10. Noturningback15

    Anyone been told this?

    Nope, it doesn't sit up there that long and I am thinking they are recently discovering this. But, the idea is it goes slower if you don't drink and therefore is pressing on the nerves that gives you that satisifed feeling.
  11. If you have not been banded longer than 6 weeks don't go crazy over not losing extreme amounts of weight! LOL!

  12. Noturningback15

    March Madness Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ MEKA Age~31 Weight on February 28th~308 Goal Weight for March 31st~299 Exercise Goal for March~5 DAYS A WEEK Dietary Goal for March~1400 CALORIES ON WORKOUT DAYS/1000-NON-WORKOUT Personal Goal for March~DON'T CHEAT Date Banded~2-23-10 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 52
  13. Noturningback15

    The Sweetheart's Challenge

    I gained 4 pounds this past week! I ate M&M's, and got frozen yogurt treats with chocolate and waffle cone pieces mixed in it from Braum's on more than one occasion this past week! I know what not to do this week. I felt like I needed a break and so I took it. I'm not upset about it but I am going to move forward and meet my goal for March! Great job to everybody that stuck with the program and lost!
  14. Noturningback15

    What can you eat?

    I am at a good restriction and I can eat all the meats I have tried so far. I am not a real big meat or veggie eater but I can eat fish, white meat chicken, and ground turkey meat...man I just realized that I haven't been eating enough vegetables cause I can't really name any for you lol! umm I had some spinich in some quiche this morning if that counts! But, since I haven't had any trouble getting anything down so far I am thinking I can pretty much eat anything with 7.3 cc's in my band.
  15. Noturningback15

    emotional breakdown!

    Please don't let him get to you because it may halt your success with the band! I am so glad I read this because it is confirming a dream I just had this morning! I was married to a total jerk that didn't even talk to me right or loved me. I was living in a glass house and he slept with his back turned from me and didn't want me to touch him while he slept because he said my body temp was to hot! I bet you are like why am I telling you a dream! It is because I want to be loved and married so bad and I guess the dream and reading your post is telling me that sometimes being married is not always good! I will be patient and wait on a good one and I hope you will do the same too! I don't know your whole story but sometimes those that wait get the best! I hope you feel better soon!
  16. Just did one hour at the gym and I feel great! Hope I see some results really soon!

  17. Noturningback15

    sooooooo slooooooooow

    I am a so called slow loser as well.....I am losing a pound a week on average but I try to stay positive and just believe that one day it will all be gone even if it takes 2 years or more. I am down 80 something pounds but only 57 of those are since being banded a year ago. But, if you think about it 50 more this year will put me at a weight that I haven't been since junior high school and I am very excited about that!
  18. Noturningback15

    band unbuckled

    Yea, it sounds like he didn't fasten it properly! It unbuckled....funny! Good it's going to get fixed and you can start back losing! I know you are too excited about that!
  19. Noturningback15

    Everyone says only eat if you are hungry, but...

    Thanks! Good luck on your journey! It will get better once you learn how your body responds to food and exercise. I am still working on it but it's getting easier.
  20. Noturningback15

    Scale not moving

    Most people don't lose too much weight the first month after surgery. I lost 4 pounds when I went for my 6 week check up and first fill. Good luck and keep your head up!
  21. I have been at a stall for 2 weeks! Tomorrow is a new day and I need to change some things up apparently!

  22. Noturningback15

    OUR One Year Surgiversary!

    Well, today is my one year anniversary and I am not at my 1 year goal but I am very pleased with the progress I have made so far! 1 pound a week loss is okay for me as long as it never comes back! I plan to lose another 60 pounds this next year as well! Good luck Feb 2010 bansters!
  23. Noturningback15

    Lap band removal

    I hope you are successful in your weight loss journey! It's good to see that you still have a positive attitude towards it all!
  24. Noturningback15

    Being a female, will my fills ever stop?

    Maybe your band is too big? I started at 360 on surgery day and I have a 10cc band. I know they go by the shape of your stomach and other things but still I think women should have the smaller bands. JMO.
  25. Noturningback15

    Restriction question

    I think I am at a good fill now. I don't get hungry (except after 4 to 5 hrs) and I am satisfied after eating about 2 to 3 oz of meat and about 3 oz of veggies or sides. I would say if you are always getting hungry you are not at a good spot. I didn't get hungry one time yesterday but I was still trying to eat which made me mad because now I got to battle the head hunger now that the physical hunger is gone! Good luck!

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