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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Noturningback15

  1. Noturningback15

    Foof gets stuck??

    Don't be surprised if you never get stuck. I have a pretty good fill and I have yet to get stuck after a year of being banded. I am so excited!
  2. Noturningback15

    Got my gym membership tonight!!

    I am joining Curves again in the morning and a 24 hour gym. I am so excited! I've been working out at a rehab gym but it really doesn't fit my schedule so I am ready to go now! I haven't lost any real weight in a while so I hope this gives me a boost! I have been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for over a month now!
  3. Noturningback15

    Does this Sound Right?

    Don't worry about the people trying to tell you what food choices to make. We all know what's healthy for us. I understood you when you said "What I ate today is not typical"...btw my meals on the weekends is 10x worse than yours LOL! To answer your question...when you get full I think depends upon your fill level, brain receptors, and maybe the type of food you are eating. I am sure some other things may determine when you feel full. I really don't get full anymore like I use to. I just stop eating when I am satisfied. If I am eating chicken strips it's usually 2 of those and about 10 regular fries but if it's steak fries about 5 or 6.
  4. Noturningback15

    Removal of Lap band

    Sorry it didn't work out for you and I wish you well with your next surgery.
  5. Noturningback15

    Surgeon setting goal weight??

    My surgeon set a goal weight from me based on what the computer said after they entered in all of my info..like body composition, frame, ect.....it came up at 199. I think I am going for 265 for now so I won't get discouraged and then if I make it I will assess at that time.
  6. Noturningback15

    sleep apnea/CPAP machines

    I've had my machine for almost 4 years and I never got use to it! I told the people at the sleep study if they didn't take that mask off my face I was gonna tear it up and they ran in the room then! LOL I thought I was suffocating and they kept telling me "sweetie you can breathe because that's air blowing in your nose"....whatever! I couldn't breathe lol! Eventually, I calmed down and went to sleep. I can't remember if I was sever or not but I do remember that I stopped breathing like over 100 times during that study... They never asked me did I use my machine but it's in my files that I had one ordered.
  7. Noturningback15

    What does "full" feel like for you?

    Pressure is the only way I can describe full. I stop at the first sign of pressure in that area (stoma) I think. I didn't take anatomy and hated biology when we went over that section so I am not sure if that's the right spot. I am at 7.3 cc's in a 10cc band and I have never PB, slimmed, or vomit from eating too much, taking big bites or ect. I don't want to either so I don't test my limits with food because It will be there later! I googled stoma after I posted this and lets just say you can't listen to everybody!!!! It's the sternum! I am laughing to hard about this one! It's bedtime!
  8. Noturningback15

    Dr. Michael Feiz - Very Dissapointed

    Oh Wow! That is horrible! I wonder why the ER Physician didn't take some out since your Dr. wouldn't answer the phone? I couldn't imagine going all night like that! I would have made somebody get it out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you handled it well because I would have been acting up in his office the next day lol!
  9. About to go get my jump rope on!

  10. Noturningback15

    What's on your menu today?

    Breakfast-eggs and oatmeal Snack-Greek yogurt/1 TB of honey granola Lunch-3oz of chicken breast and 1/2 baked potato Snack-Yogurt again Dinner- Left over chicken and potato Snack-Ritz crackers w/PB
  11. Noturningback15

    problem with cold fluids

    I noticed after my last fill as well I was having a hard time with cold liquids making my band too tight. I ask for no ice when I go out now or when I take it out the fridge I leave it sitting on the counter for a few minutes.
  12. Noturningback15

    Exercising...how do I talk myself into be complaint

    Join the gym even though you already have the equipment at home. You may go because you don't want to waste your money. Then once you get in the habit again start using your own equipment instead of paying. They have plenty of gyms now where you don't have to sign a long contract.
  13. Noturningback15

    Hello from Texas

    Welcome and I wish you well on your journey!
  14. I just started as well!
  15. Noturningback15

    Realistic weight loss

    After a year of being banded I changed my first goal weight to something more realistic for me (265). I was almost 400lbs so it seems impossible to get to a normal weight of 175 but the doctor gave me a goal weight of 199 which can be done but it will take years for me! I am such a turtle but I am going to get there! Looking at a goal of 75lbs to lose is way much more realistic than looking at a goal of 200lbs to lose lol! So, I think you can do it!
  16. If you have a rehab hospital in your area they usually have a gym in there and they can show you exercises for a person with your condition. I workout in the gym at my local rehab hospital and they are always helping people with disabilities.
  17. I put the consult date too. I think that's what they are subtracting from when you go in for check-ups and fills.
  18. I seen the new picture you posted..keep up the great work! Congrats!

  19. Noturningback15

    2009 2011

  20. Noturningback15

    This is HARD!!!!

    When I had my surgery last year I was working a second job as a caregiver for a disabled lady and I had to cook her dinner and breakfast every morning while I was on my liquied diet and it was horrible! She even had me order pizza for her! I know the pain you are going through now but it will get better once you start the mushies.
  21. Well, if you want your junk food then put in extra extra work at the gym to burn those calories off. I don't eat as healthy as I should but I know if I didn't put in time at the gym I wouldn't lose a single pound! Sometimes after a really good workout I don't want to mess up all the work I just did by eating sweets.
  22. Hey! I was looking through your pics today! Great job! i can't wait until I get 100 + down! You just inspired me to go for a walk! I wasn't going to workout today but now I am!

  23. Noturningback15


    Congrats! You look great!
  24. Noturningback15


    I know exactly how you feel! Enough is enough!
  25. Noturningback15

    Jealous fellow lapbander...

    One good thing could come out of this she will gain some motivation to work harder if she has lost it!

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