Hi.....I can imagine how discouraged u must be.....May I ask u a question?....Do u exercise? I am the type that no matter HOW MUCH I cut back, the weight just ain't gonna go NOWHERE unless I work my Tushy off!!LOL! The best thing I have done lately is that I purchased a bike...not a "KMART' or WALMART Bike but a Bike shop Bike...believe me there is a difference in the ride.....I had truied to bike a few miles on my WLAMART Special and it killed me...Those same miles are sooo easy and actually FUN on the bike I got....ues, it cost me money I really did not have but my life is important so i sacrificed in other things ot get it...I personally got a DAHON and I layed it away until ti was paid for....the best thing I have done...also, maybe u could invest in a gym membership...I feel soooo much better since I strted swimming and biking and I even took a Spin class yesterday! believe me, if u are just walking now, pick up a few more things and see what results u get! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!