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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by pancake1271

  1. I just wish they weren't so expensive.
  2. pancake1271


    After a 3 long month stall, the scale finally moved! I've lost 2lbs since Sunday. For the last 4 days I have been really watching what I eat and started working out more. I've done Zumba the last 2 days and decided to do some sort of exercise everyday. I've upped my Protein and cut out simple carbs. I try to keep my calories about 900-1200 a day. It hasn't been easy. Most of you will probably tell my that many calories is too much. But my sleeve is irregular shaped. It is a little larger on top. I had a band to sleeve revision and had some scar tissue and my doctor had make adjustments to my sleeve. That's why i feel so hungry if i have under 1200 calories. But, so far it hasn't been too bad. Not sure if i will be able to keep it up but I'm going to give it my best!
  3. pancake1271


    Thanks! It was a very long 3 months. I had my revision Jan 13 2014 and up until now I've only lost 7-10lbs. I was getting very frustrated lately because the scale hasn't moved and I was reading how it seemed like every other person out there was dropping weight like crazy and it seemed liked they weren't doing anything to lose the weight. Since I can eat more that 600-800 calories at a time I will have to work harder at losing the weight. I am determined to get results and lose this weight!
  4. pancake1271

    Very upset!

    I'll ask to see what size bougie he used to to create my sleeve. I do know it is wider at the top of the sleeve because of scar tissue from my lapband. I could tell that from the swallow test the day after surgery . The fluid didn't go straight down. It kinda went over to one side a bit before down through the sleeve. That might be why I feel a little bit more hungry and can eat a little more than other sleepovers. Im just glad im not gaining and maintaining. I guess that is better than nothing.
  5. pancake1271

    Very upset!

    My doctor never game me a specific amount of calories i should be eating. He just told me to introduce regular foods as tolerated. I'm starting to really watch what I eat and log it in myfitnesspal and really try to make sure I a lot of Protein. I know my protein isn't where it should be and have been trying to find ways to increase it without adding a lot of calories. I'm also trying to up my fruits and veggies and complex carbs and stay away from simple carbs. I see my doctor at the end of April for my 3 month post op appointment so i will find out how big my sleeve is. Today I' been really good on my calories with only having about 900 calories and about 75g of protein. I didn't get all my Water in today and will definitely try to increase it tomorrow. I'm going to try and eat like this for the next week or so and hit the gym too and see if the scale will move in my favor. Today was pretty easy to keep my mind off food if i was hungry because i was out playing/watching softball and was busy most of the day. Hopefully by doing this will pay off.
  6. pancake1271

    Very upset!

    Yep. i'm in the same boat. I'm also 3 months post-op and had a band to sleeve revision this past January and only have lost 7-10lbs. I had originally lost about 65lbs with the band but after two slips the doc said it will slip again and removed my band and revised it to the sleeve in one surgery. I'm eating about 1400-1500 calories a day. If I eat any less than that I am hungry all day. I don't regret having it done. I know if I didn't I would weigh a lot more than I do now. I just joined the YMCA and will start going this week. Hopefully with working out the weight will start falling off.
  7. I just found Core Power Vanilla is really good. It has 26g of protein in a 11.5oz bottle. I added yoplait blended greek strawberry yogurt and it was really good. That upped the protein to 37g. Its kinda expensive but is the only vanilla i found that I like that doesn't have a chalky or weird aftertaste. I 've only found it as a ready to drink. There is also a strawberry banana that I'm going to try. They also have chocolate that's really good too but since you're allergic to it, you don't care!
  8. I just found Core Power Vanilla is really good. It has 26g of protein in a 11.5oz bottle. I added yoplait blended greek strawberry yogurt and it was really good. That upped the protein to 37g. Its kinda expensive but is the only vanilla i found that I like that doesn't have a chalky or weird aftertaste. I 've only found it as a ready to drink. There is also a strawberry banana that I'm going to try. They also have chocolate that's really good too but since you're allergic to it, you don't care!
  9. pancake1271

    Am I really the only one ?

    I am so glad im not the only one out there who hasn't been successful with the revision. I'm only about 3 months post-op and haven't lost anything since the full liquid stage after surgery. I have only lost about 7lbs the 2-3 weeks after surgery and nothing since. I know my sleeve is irregular shaped from the swallow test I did after surgery and I saw how Fluid went through on the live xray. I think I eat about 1500 calories a day. Any less than that I am so hungry. I don't eat a lot of sugar or bad things. I just think my body is used to the amount of food I eat in a day. I was about 185 when I when I had my revision done and now weigh about 177-179. Im really frustrated when I read about how this person lost 50 in 3 months and that person lost 30 in 2 months after their revision and I haven't lost anything. I have good days and bad days. It seems like there are days that I can eat everything and anything without restrictions. And then there are days I get full on very little. I guess I was hoping for this major restriction like I had with the band. I just joined the YMCA and hoping once I really start getting into working out the weight will fall right off. I haven't gone yet because I caught a cold and have been feeling really tired and worn out. Im starting to feel better and will be hitting it hard. My husband and I are going to join this running class that helps people train to run a 5k. We've done 5ks in the past but like to do this class because its fun and we get to meet new people. Its kinda nice because it's people from all fitness levels from the couch potato like me to the marathon runner. They encourage everyone on their running even if you can't run more than 30 seconds at a time. I just got to remember that everyone's experience with a revision is different and the weight will come off..... eventually.
  10. pancake1271


    I'll let you know when the registration is. I think its in late april, beginning of May. My husband got me started last year and I really had fun. I hate running but I had fun because everyone is so supportive, from the volunteers to the other runners. My husband started the "Beginner's Luck" program a couple years ago and now he's training for the Lincoln Marathon. He's going to go the full marathon and its his first one! He also had the lap band done in June 2012 and far he hasn't had any problems like I did. If he does he's just going have it removed and not revise it to the sleeve. So far he has lost about 75lbs. The last 20lb has been because of running. He's about 20lbs away from his goal weight! I guess its about time i get my big butt moving!
  11. pancake1271


    That's too bad... Its a lot of fun and you don't have to worry about not being able to run far because they will encourage you just to do your best! And give you credit for just getting out there and running! If you ever get on days and have evenings off, I would definitely recommend give it a try.
  12. pancake1271


    Beginning in June on Wednesday's for 8 weeks from 630p-830ish at Southwest High School is a running group called "Beginner's Luck". It's sponsored by the Lincoln Running Company. Its for people of all abilities on getting the training for running a 5k or you can do 5 miles. When I say all abilities, I mean all abilities. There are people who have never ran a day in their life to the avid runner that has done marathons! If you're looking for a way to get up and start running, its something to consider. Its only $25 and you get a shirt too! Each week they have a speaker come and talk about nutrition, injury prevention and motivation. Let me know if any one is interested and I will get you the information when it's available. I did it last year and had fun and I hate running but I can run farther now than I could when I first started. I'm planning on doing it again this year too!
  13. pancake1271


    All of my surgeries went well. Very little pain and i was back to work a week later. My lapband slipped twice, that's why i had my lapband removed and revised to the sleeve. I've hit a big stall. I've only lost 13lbs since my revision surgery. I feel i eat about the same amount with the sleeve as i did with my band. But it's a whole lot less than with out it! Now that the weather is improving i'm going to get out and start running. I'm also going to start kickboxing next week. Then the weight should just fall right off!
  14. pancake1271

    I'm Stalled?

    I am in a big stall! I had my band to sleeve revision January 13 2014. I have only lost 13 since then. That was in the first 2 weeks that I lost the weight. I haven't lost anything else. I am on a full normal diet and haven't had any issues with any food, except bananas, they make me sick and i throw up if i eat one on an empty stomach. I don't do much for exercise right now but going to start a kickboxing class next week and now that the weather is starting to get nice I can go out and start running. Hopefully that will get the scale moving for me.
  15. pancake1271


    I'm from Lincoln! I had my lapband back in June 2011 then band to sleeve revision January 2014 by Dr Taddeucci!
  16. I must be the only one out there that doesn't like Syntax Nectar! I've tried different flavors and can't get passed the smell of the protein. To me it tastes just as bad as it smells!! I'm still in search of a protein that I can't smell or taste. So far no such luck. Guess I'll have to make homemade protein shakes without protein powders!
  17. pancake1271

    Refried beans ideas

    I like refried Beans with enchilada sauce and cheese. It makes a great bean dip too and add ground beef to it too! Nummy!
  18. pancake1271

    does it get better?

    Ask for anti nausea and pepcid. I was sleeved on 1/13/14 and started getting very nauseous and started dry heaving when I got into my room. The nurses were right on top of getting me those meds right away and was on top of it the whole time. Once my IV was out they gave me pepcid orally. Hang in there, it does get better!
  19. pancake1271

    Scars and new incision locations

    Sounds like my tummy! I look like a human pin cushion! I had gall bladder removed about 14 years ago. Lab band about 2 1/2 years ago, band unbuckle because of slip Oct 2012, band repositioned Jan 2013 and now a sleeve Jan 2014! So I've had 5 laparoscopic surgeries! They will more likely be adding to your collection! My doctor put my incisions close to the ones that I already had if he could, depending on scar tissue. The incisions are about the size of the ones you already have but one will be a little bigger about 1 inches long to get your band and the rest of you stomach out. Good Luck!
  20. pancake1271

    Day 8...and really struggling

    I was also banded on 1/13/14 and still on a full liquid diet. I would love to have something other than yogurt, pudding, Protein shakes, malt o meal, runny mash potatoes,creamed Soups, applesauce, orange sherbert. That's about the extent of my diet for the last week and for the rest of the week! I have cheated a bit and had a few ritz crackers and everything was ok. I don't want to chance it any so I wont venture out more than that until later in the week. I'm right there with you!
  21. I was sleeved on 1/13/14 and I can eat a whole cup of yogurt too!
  22. pancake1271

    Gastric Sleeve or Bypass

    I had a band for 2 1/2 years. It slipped 1 1/2 years and had it repositioned last January 2013. Then I was taking it slow because I heard it it slips once the band is likely slip again. Well, I found out in October 2013 it slipped again and my Dr said it is best to come out because it will continue to slip. He said I could remove the band all together, remove the band and revise it to the sleeve later or remove the band and revise to the sleeve at the same time. I chose remove the band and revise to the sleeve in one surgery. I choose the sleeve because i didnt what my everything rerouted and have problems with malabsorbtion.My Doctor does very few bands nowadays, unless someone's insurance will not cover the sleeve. He still does bypasses but not as many as before because of the sleeve. He said it's kinda known in the profession as "sleeve 'em and leave 'em". Sounds kinda mean but it means there is less upkeep with the sleeve than with the band. Just do all the research you can on both and you'll make the best decision for you.
  23. I am a couple of Protein powders that I'm not finding appealing. I am having a hard time with protein powders. If I open the container and it has a weird smell of protein, I know it will have a strong protein taste and I can't drink it. I'm wondering if there is any one in the Lincoln NE area that would like to do an exchange of protein powders. I hate to see these sit in my cupboard and not get used. I have EAS Complete Protein vanilla and New Solution Nutrition whey Protein Vanilla. Any takers??
  24. I was revised from the band to the sleeve on 1/13/14 and have been feeling pretty good. Pain has been minimal and energy is coming back slowly. I am wondering if anyone has had this feeling. I'm on a full liquid diet and been having some weird feelings with it. After I take a drink of my Protein shake or have some Soup or yogurt (vanillia, no fruit pieces), I get this weird stuck feeling or pain (but its not severe or anything) more like pressure. My swallow test was fine and there are no leaks. I just wonder if this weird stuck feeling/pain/pressure is normal. I'm thinking that it is just because my new stomach is just swollen and will be fine in a couple days.
  25. pancake1271

    Day 3 post op - hungry

    I'm 6 days post op and I woke up hungry this morning. I had a protein shake and then a couple hours later some tomato soup I'm feeling satisfied!

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