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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by pancake1271

  1. pancake1271

    What does it feel like?

    I asked my surgeon before i had my band to sleeve revision what happens to my body one part of my stomach is out, will i have this empty area where it used to be? He told me that the body is air tight. The body will squish in and take up the area of the missing stomach. I feel the same as if i have a whole stomach, but with only being able to eat small portions of food. I now look at portion sizes differently. When i go out to eat at a restaurant, I know that it's going to be too much for me to eat. I eat part of it and take the rest home. I also never lost the hunger post-op. I get hungry between meals but i usually eat a piece of fruit, like an apple or an orange and that tides me over until my next meal. There will be no way you'll be able to eat a foot long sub any more. I'm lucky if i can eat half a 6in! and by then i'm really full. Good Luck!
  2. pancake1271


    This is on my 39th birthday 2010, 6 months before my surgery in Jun 2011. I weighted 233lbs. I thought I looked good until I saw this picture. I didn't realize how big I actually was until I saw this.
  3. pancake1271

    1 year later

    From the album: pancake1271

    Here I am 1 Year after surgery. I'm down to 166lbs. I look goooood!!!
  4. pancake1271


    I live in Lincoln too! I have Dr Taddeucci and really like him. Hes about my age (42) I feel totally at ease with him. Hes answered all my questions and took the time to fully explain and let me know the good and bad. He encourages me to keep up with my running since he is an avid runner himself. I would totally would recommend him!!
  5. pancake1271

    Abdominal Drainage Bag

    I'm a band to sleeve revision and no drainage tube here. I guess it all depends on the doctor!
  6. pancake1271

    Is it true?

    I had a band to sleeve revision 3 months also. You sound about like me! I've only lost about 15lbs since January. I just say my doctor today for a 3 month check up and mentioned how I see people on here lose 25lbs in a month and i haven't. He said its because I have already lost the bulk of my weight. I still have about 40-50lbs to go. As long as i'm losing, I'm happy with that!
  7. pancake1271

    Why Band to Sleeve?

    Band and sleeved all in one surgery! Nope! No complications or regrets... just that I wish I had done the sleeve as my first surgery then I wouldn't have had just a set back in my weight loss. But I'm on the road to success now!
  8. pancake1271

    Why Band to Sleeve?

    I had my band back in June 2011. I had two slips and a prolapsed pouch, so my doctor recommended it to come out and revise to the sleeve. I have my revision surgery Jan 13, 2014. I wish I would have had the sleeve to begin with and avoided 3 surgeries.
  9. pancake1271

    Flat line none lost none gained!

    It's possible with only having 600 calories a day and working out as much as you do has put you in starvation mode. I'd up the calories a bit and see what happens. Your body might be trying to hold on what it has. Try changing something in your diet,more calories, less working out, something will make the scale move again.
  10. pancake1271


    I see Dr Taddeucci. I had the band back in June 201. and lost about 70lbs in one year before my first slipped band. He went in and unbuckled my band and I gain 20lbs from Oct 2012-Jan2013. He repositioned it in Jan 2013 and lost the 20lbs. Things where going good then in May of 2013 the pouch was prolapse but he didnt think it slipped. He took out some Fluid to see if it would correct itself. In August 2013 I went back in the xray showed nothing changed so he deflated my band by taking all the fluid out and said come back in a couple months. Oct 2013 I went in and the xray showed it definitely had slipped again. So, another surgery for me. I went in Jan 13, 2014 and had my band out and revised to the sleeve. I gained the 20lbs back between Oct and Jan again. Now just 3 months post-op, I've finally lost that 20lbs and counting! If I could do it all over again, I would have had the sleeve to begin with. I feel great and still eat what I want but only a lot less. With the band, the chances of it slipping and having another surgery is high. Keep reading these forums. There are a lot of people that had the sleeve and got had babies with no problem. Just remember WLS is a tool, you still have to work to lose the weight.
  11. pancake1271


    There is a reason your doctor has you follow an eating program.Your stomach is still healing. Even though you feel fine and ready to move on to regular foods, your new stomach isn't quite ready for it. I would slow down and wait for your doctor to tell its ok to move on to the next stage.
  12. pancake1271

    How long after surgery did you

    When my husband had his lapband(had surgery on a Monday, home on Tuesday) and we went hot and heavy in the sheets that Friday night! I guess it just depends om how you feel!
  13. Now you got me feeling for a phantom port! Not finding anything other than a scar on my tummy from all my surgeries! Band removed and sleeved also in one surgery. 2 nights in the hospital. I had very minimal pain but i made sure i was honest and asked for more pain meds when i needed it in the hospital and only needed the pain meds at home for a day or two. Sail right through with no problems. Just wish the weight loss was like a "virgin" sleever. I've only lost about 12lbs since January, but I've also lost about 12in! so I guess that is progress too!
  14. pancake1271

    Am I really the only one ?

    So far keeping my eating in check and exercising, im down 6lb since April 1st. Sooo... I guess I'll keep it going! I try to exercise 3-4 times a week, eat about 75-85g of protein, more complex carbs or no carbs (except what is in my foods naturally) more fruits and veggies.l and drink more water. I allow myself on cheat day and that is usually on the weekend. Im hoping to be down 8-10lbs by the end of the month!
  15. pancake1271

    I can't calorie count...

    Everyone questions WLS. Its a natural response. My husband had the lapband almost 2 years ago and has lost about 40lbs initially with it and has lost the last 40 since January. He doesn't count calories but then again he is training for the Lincoln marathon that's in 2 weeks. Hes running about 3-4 times a week so he can get away with not counting calories. WLS is just a tool to help you. Its not going to do all for you. Its still about calories in vs calories out. Once you get you get to a point in you time with your WLS you will probably not need MFP. You'll have learned what a portion size is and a approximatelybhow many calories you've eaten without having to log it in. Your thoughts are normal. Just remember the reason why you are considering wls in the first place. Hopefully the benefits of wls definitely out weigh the petty issue of measuring and logging your food. Good luck! We are here for help and encouragement!
  16. pancake1271

    I can't calorie count...

    I also would be lost with out MFP. I might not religiously enter everything like today but I do it pretty much all week long. Yeah its a pain in the butt to measure everything but it helps me keep accountable for what I eat. As long as im measuring and using MFP, I can keep tabs on my eating habits. Also us the guide I mentioned before. That way you have an idea what a portion size is.
  17. I found a website to help you get an incentive to lose weight. It's called dietbetter.com. I heard about it on the Today show website. You join or start games by betting a certain amount of money that you'll lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks or 10% in 6 months. The bets start as low as $10 and go up to over $100! I joined a game on April 1st with a bet of $25 that I will lose 4% in 4 weeks. So far I've lost just over 5lbs since April 1st. and i have about 1.8 lbs to go until April 29th. (which i know i can lose!) If you meet your goals you win a portion of the pot! It's a great way to make yourself accountable for losing weight and get rewarded for your efforts too!
  18. pancake1271

    weight loss incentive!

    It explains it all on the website. You have to submit a photo of you at the very beginning with you on the scale and a picture of the scale with your weight. Then at the end you do the same thing. Its not fool proof but most people are gonna be honest about it.
  19. pancake1271

    I dont understand ! Help

    If you like tea, start drinking it. It's a natural diuretic!
  20. pancake1271


    I think i was about 6 weeks when I added salad. It was so nice to add have at that stage!!
  21. I found a website to help you get an incentive to lose weight. It's called dietbetter.com. I heard about it on the Today show website. You join or start games by betting a certain amount of money that you'll lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks or 10% in 6 months. The bets start as low as $10 and go up to over $100! I joined a game on April 1st with a bet of $25 that I will lose 4% in 4 weeks. So far I've lost just over 5lbs since April 1st. and i have about 1.8 lbs to go until April 29th. (which i know i can lose!) If you meet your goals you win a portion of the pot! It's a great way to make yourself accountable for losing weight and get rewarded for your efforts too!
  22. My doctor did the sleeve revision the same time as removing the band. I had gain about 10lbs from Oct to Jan when he removed all the saline from my band. I went in to the hospital on Jan 13 2014 at 185 and Im now down to 173 as of today. He said he didn't know of any reason he couldn't do the sleeve at the same time unless there were complications, obviously there wasn't any.
  23. pancake1271

    Hate my protein shakes

    I'm the same way. I have tried all kinds of Protein powers and hate them all, Max Muscle, Bariatric Advantage, Muscle Milk, Syntrax nectar,unjury, Jay Robbins..... Yuck!!! So I have given up on protein shakes! I make my own protein shake! I use Yoplait blended greek yogurt, fat free milk, and fruit! I get about 17-20 grams per shake and no awful protein taste. It might have more sugar in it than most people want because of it being blended greek yogurt, but its the only greek yogurt I found I like. This morning I used Vanilla blended greek yogurt, milk, and fresh strawberries and it was really really good! It had 225 calories, 1g of fat, 36g of carbs, 21g sugar, 18g protein. If you want a little more protein, then I will add one wedge of the laughing cow cream cheese. It will add 45 calories, 1g carbs, 2g sugar and 2g protein. Or you could add one scoop of Beneprotein to it and it wont alter the taste of it. I've used Beneprotein in the past and as long as you use one or two scoops you'll wont notice the taste of it. Anything more than that you probably will. Hang in there, I'm sure you'll find something you'll like!
  24. I'm also one of those had the band/ slipped twice/ then revise to the sleeve. I had my band for 2 1/2 years before I had my revision. My doctor didn't even mention RNY. He says he hoping to never do another RNY because of malabsorption problems. He felt the sleeve was the best option for me. He would even like to move away from the doing the band because of all the problems that can happen. I originally lost 70lb with the band but ended up gaining 20 back. I had the sleeve revision in January and have only lost 12lbs since, but I've also lost 12in so it hasn't been a total discouragement. I know i can eat more than a "virgin" sleever because of my sleeve being oddly shaped. My doctor had to start my sleeve under the scar tissue from the band. I still have restrictions but not as most sleevers do. I read about some only being able to eat 600-900 calories or less and I can easily eat around 1200-1500. So i really have to watch what kinds of foods I eat and make sure I exercise. I've found life is much more easier with the sleeve. I don't have to worry about something getting stuck or throwing it up later because it was. I can eat anything without problems, except bananas on an empty stomach.... they make me sick and throw up! I don't even think about my sleeve because I feel totally normal as if i had a whole stomach. I know I'll be fine years down the road with just a sleeve of a stomach. My husbands grandmother had 2/3 of her stomach removed many, many many years ago because of bleeding ulcers and she is still alive and 94yrs old and feisty as ever! Good Luck to all!!
  25. pancake1271

    I can't calorie count...

    I know a chicken breast should be about a deck of cards or the palm of your hand for 3 oz . cheese should be the size of a domino for 1oz. 1/2 cup ice cream is the size of an ice cream scoop. 1 cup is the size of a tennis ball. here is a link to a guide that should help you with portion sizes. I found i have to do the tedious job of measuring things out to before i eat them to make sure I get a pretty close to accurate count of calories. I use the app "MyFitnessPal" on my phone to help keep track of calories and Protein and it is helping. Good luck!!

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