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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by pancake1271

  1. Krasher, its nice to here about the sleeve from someone who is older( sorry no nice way to put it!) My husband, sister in law and I and trying to convince their mother ( shes 71ish)to get the sleeve done but she keeps coming up with excuses. Medicare.. Problems coming out of anesthesia, the recovery... Blah blah blah... I think recovery from the sleeve was easier than the band. Hopefully she will see its not as bad as the other surgeries she's had, 3 back and one heart. We are so concerned for her health.
  2. I had a revision one year ago (January 13 2014) and I have been in a massive plateau. I've only lost about 25lbs in the last year but I've also lost about 18inches. I've hit a major major major plateua. Its been about an 8 month stall. I work out about 3-4 times a week with either running 3miles or doing Zumba. I was keeping my calories to 1200 before exercise but then realized I need to eat back and to up my calorie intake. So I have been netting about 1400-1500 calories a day. And forget about any more inches coming off. I measure myself about once a month and nothing changes!!! GRRR!!!! Its just so frustrating since I am more active than I ever was and now I cant even lose 1 pound or 1 inch! I'm gonna change up my fitness routine a bit and the foods I'm eating and see it that will break this stall. Instead of Zumba, I'm gonna swim laps and do strength training for a while. I'm gonna keep running since I will be doing a half marathon in November and lots of 5ks and 10ks runs during the spring and summer. Wish me luck on getting through the massive stall!
  3. pancake1271

    Massive stall! Grrr! Frustrating!

    I'm starting to change up my work outs. Instead of just zumba, I'm doing more running. I saw surgeon for my 1 year post op last week. He's an avid runner and suggested I do more of running during the week. And also do more strength training. I told him my calorie count and he didn't say it was too high. If I lower my calories to 1000 then I am extremely hungry and will binge eat in the bad stuff that tastes so good! I'm gonna see how this new work out routine goes. Once I ever get to my goal weight I will definitely be able to maintain it!
  4. pancake1271

    Massive stall! Grrr! Frustrating!

    Yeah, I'm gonna change up my diet. Low carb high protein. As much as I like to do zumba, I'm gonna stop going as much and mix up my workouts. Im gonna start running more and do some strength training too. I'm sure that will help too.
  5. Yeah. They gave me pepid regularly too. And I get nauseas coming out of anesthesia that i had anti-nauseous meds right a way which stopped me from throwing up.
  6. My surgery was at 7am. So the rest of the day pretty tired and sore but I made sure I kept up on my pain meds whenever it felt sore. I walked around some cuz they told me I had to. The next day I felt good. I was up walking around a lot. Pain wasn't too bad. Just kept my meds coming pretty regular. Then I went home the next day. I think the revision recovery was easier than when I first had the lap band.
  7. pancake1271

    Massive stall! Grrr! Frustrating!

    Possibly... But if i have 1000-1200 calories I am extremely hungry. I guess I'll have to fill my diet with lots of veggies and high Protein foods to get me through to my next meal! Or increase my activies to be able to eat 1500 calories a day Ugh.. why does it have to be so hard?!
  8. With the band I lost about 65lbs. My starting weight was 233 and got down to 165. My band slipped and my doctor unbuckled it and then i gained about 25-30lbs weighting for the band to be repositioned and rebuckled (about 3 months). I probably used that time as a "WOOHOO! I can eat what i want phase!" Then lost the 25lbs again until i found out my band had slipped again and my doctor said he could reposition it again but more likely the band will slip again. So i opted for the sleeve. I gain about 20lbs before I had my sleeve because I figured out how to eat around the band so food wouldn't get stuck and i wouldn't be in pain from the pressure of the food on the slipped band. To make a long story short in the last year ( I had the revision January 2014) I've only lost about 20lbs (again). I'm waiting for the day to get beyond this massive plateau!!!
  9. Love my sleeve! No regrets here. I just wish I had the sleeve beginning. Two years struggling with the band with slips and food getting and just not feeling great. Last January I had my band revised to the sleeve and i feel great! No worrying about if the bite i just took was too big, if it's gonna get stuck or if its gonna come back out. I just wish my weight loss wouldn't have stalled for the last 8 month. It goes up and down about 3lbs but other than that not one pound or inch of my body. and it's not like i'm not trying. I eat well and exercise about 3-4 times a week. Oh well. at least i know i can maintain the weight once it ever comes off! I have about 45lbs to go!
  10. I was in the hospital for 2 days. It was to make sure there was no infections or leaks or anything.
  11. I had my band out and revised to the sleeve in one proceedure. I just wish i had the sleeve from the very beginning. SO much nicer not worrying about food getting stuck or if my band had slipped! Good Luck!!
  12. pancake1271

    united healthcare- railroad employees?

    Im loving my sleeve. I just wish I would have done it the first time around and skipped the band all together. I feel can eat more than those who have sleeves. I can eat 1200 calories easy and I probably could eat more but i try and limit it to about 1000-1200 calories. I try to stay away from processed sugars but my sweet tooth gets the best of me sometime! Since January ive only lost about 22lbs but I guess its better than gaining! Im just glad I have really good insurance that has cover all my surgeries and fills when I had the band. Now I can focus on me and not worry about food getting stuck or my band slipping. Im glad you got approved with no problems. UHC has been really great to work with on getting approved and all my appointments and surgeries. I had 2 other surgeries between my lap band and revision and had no problems each time. They were for when my band slipped the first time. My dr just unbuckled it then a couple months later repositioned it. Then it slipped again and he said it needs to come out and revise to the sleeve. Never had any problems with getting the approvals. Now I just wish they'd cover a tummy tuck!!
  13. pancake1271

    united healthcare- railroad employees?

    I have UHC and I'm a railroad employee (BNSF) I had the lapband back in 2011 and they covered it 100% no deductable, no copay. Then in Jun 2012 insurance changed. I had a revision from band to sleeve in Jan 2014 and had to pay a deductable and copay ( it came to about $900.When I went for my lapband I just had to document my weight loss attempts over the years. UHC was very easy to work with on getting it covered.
  14. pancake1271

    Is it true?

    My starting weight with the revision was 191 and I'm down to 170. I had my revision on Jan13 2014 so its only been 4months. I had about a 3 month stall and have just lost 10lbs in the last month. Slow and steady for me!
  15. pancake1271

    What does it feel like?

    But if your relying on just WLS to keep your weight off, you will fail. You have to be focused on making lifestyle changes. You need to find an activit and adopt a healthy eating plan that will help you lose weight and keep it off. Thinking that wls will do it all for you is the wrong thinking. Remember it's just a tool. I won't do it for you.
  16. pancake1271

    What does it feel like?

    I had to have my band out because it slipped twice within 1 1/2 years. It would have been 3 years this June that I had mine put in. Would I have the sleeve even though there were no complications?? Probably not. Why fix something that isn't broken! I liked my band. I have a friend that had the band about 7 years ago and she still has it and is very happy with it. My husband has had his band for 2 years and his hasn't slipped yet. He said the only way he would have his removed is if a complication can up. And he wouldn't get the sleeve. Hes taken up running and has lost 40lbs since Dec and is convinced he can now do it on his own. I don't think he has much of a restriction because of the amount of food he eats!! But he's burning it off with running. He ran his first marathon 2 weeks ago and plans on doing more! I just wish when I went in for WLS would have considered the sleeve. It wasn't as main stream as it is now. I was so worried about not having my whole stomach I didn't research it at all. Now that I have the sleeve I wish I had long time ago because I feel so good. I don't have to worry about small bites, chewing 2500000 times, worrying about something getting stuck or the PBing and sliming when something is. But jsut to remove it with no complications, I don't think I would have.
  17. pancake1271

    What does it feel like?

    Nothing will physically stop you from overeating but yourself. You have to decide when you are full or not. You have to make the conscious effort to stop. You will no longer be able to eat large meals like you used but if you ignore your "I'm satisfied" signal and you continue to eat because it tastes so good, or I don't feel full or satisfied yet, you will overeat and cause yourself being miserable. Eating too much at any one sitting over and over again on a continuous basis will cause your sleeve to stretch and you'll gain weight. Yes you could end up eating a large meal (what you consider to be large meal, a normal person wouldn't be full on it). Any WLS is just a tool. It won't do the work for you. It's a not a magical device that will cure all your bad habits of overeating, eating junk and candy, and everything else that got you in the situation to have WLS. It will only help you eat less of what you did before. It won't stop you from eating a bag of chips, or a bunch of Cookies, or a 1/2 gallon of ice cream. . You still have watch what kinds of foods you'll eat, exercise, and stop eating when you feel satisfied and comfortable, not when you fill full. Before you have WLS i suggest you do lots and lots of research about it and make sure you fully aware of what the sleeve or any WLS can and can't do, what is true and what isn't. This isn't a magic potion you can take and in 2 months you'll be thin. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication for the rest of your life to get the results you desire.
  18. pancake1271


    Take all the time you can to recover. I took a week off from work and I'm glad I did. I know I wouldn't want to go back to work so soon after surgery. Plus with my work I had to get permission to some back to work with restrictions. Take your time recovering. You don't want to over do it and cause harm to yourself. Glad everything is going well. You're on the downside to recovery. The next few weeks are the hardest. Stick to your doctors orders on the profession of foods. It will be over before you know it!
  19. pancake1271


    Good luck today ladies!!
  20. pancake1271


    Good luck today ladies!!
  21. pancake1271

    Feel like im losing slow

    I sure am!! The scale seems to be moving and I've started working out! Sooner or later I will be at my goal weight!
  22. pancake1271


    Great goals!! Love the determination! ! I'm gonna do the Beginners Luck again this year. I did it last year and hate to say it, I actually l had fun and I hate running! I plan on running the Lincoln Half Marathon... some year. Just not ready to do it yet.
  23. pancake1271

    Feel like im losing slow

    Yep sounds like me too. I had my revision on 1/13/14 and only lost about 15lbs but I'm down about 12in of my body. The scale started moving and I've lost about 7.5 in April. That's because I'm trying to keep my calories to about 1200 and exercising about 3-4 times a week when my schedule allows it. I also started Dietbetters.com. You bet money on losing weight and if you meet your goal you win a share of the pot! Nice incentive! I have about 50lbs go to to meet my goal. Hopefully by this time next year I will have made it!
  24. pancake1271


    If anyone is interested, registration for the Beginners Luck is open. I can email you the registration info. It's only $20 and it helps you train for a 5k. Im gonna sign up for it too!
  25. pancake1271

    What does it feel like?

    I dont even think of my WLS anymore like I did with the band. I feel really good and dont even realize im missing part of my stomach. There's no worry about food getting stuck, throwing up because food is stuck, worrying the band has slipped or fear the bite you just took was too big and its gonna get stuck. It is easier to over eat with the sleeve though. You have to make sure you stop when youre satisfied and not full. That takes some practice because sometimes what your eating tastes so good and you want more of it! But take your time eating and enjoy the food. Measure out your portions and stuck to that and not to go back for more. I just wish I had the sleeve originally and never had the band to begin with.the sleeve has been great!

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