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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Odee

  1. I am hoping that weighing less will help. Also, have OA in my knees, hips and back so my orthopedic and primary tell me the weight loss will help tremendously. When I have bad flares I do the 6 day prednisone pack and I take the biologic - Humira injections every other week. The fatigue is horrible and when I feel sorry for myself, food can be my drug o'choice.
  2. Thinking positive =)

  3. Congratulations and you look awesome !
  4. Hi guys, I am not sleeved yet, looking at June at this point ! I guess a 40th birthday present for myself. My question is, last night was my first night sleeping with the CPAP mask. I lasted only a couple hours and had to rip it off as I felt I was being smothered. I tried a couple times during the day to lay down and get comfortable with it but just can't. I have the nose and mouth covered - not sure what that is called. The rep that came to the house tried to convince me to do just the nose but I couldn't. I am apparently a mouth breather and couldn't keep my mouth shut ! Anyhow, any others out there that have some advise for me on getting adjusted to the CPAP ? Thanks guys. Odee
  5. I was told I have to use it 4 hours a night too. Tonight is a new night and I will try again and keep trying until I get it right. I look forward to it.
  6. Good idea about the humidity and I didn't know about the pillows ! I had the humidity OFF, it was making me nervous. I feel like the biggest baby with this stinking thing.
  7. OK ! Thank you for the encouragement ! I feel a lot better now. I will definitely keep trying till I get it right. Thanks to all of you again for taking the time to reply.
  8. I had my follow up endoscopy today and unfortunately my ulcers haven't healed. (not bacterial) I wasn't even awake long and completely coherent when he was talking to me. He (doctor) seemed very agitated when he told me and said things were "on hold" for now and he was going to compare my results from a few weeks ago and come back and talk to me. He also said my stomach was very red. He never came back and by now I was dressed and waiting to get discharged so one of the nurses paged him. When she had him on the phone, he told her to tell me, to call him at the office on Monday. I was released with the instructions to double the prilosec. I called his office after I was home for a couple hours because I had a question for the coordinator about my sleep study. While we were talking I told her about the follow up endoscopy and that I'm supposed to call the doctor on Monday. She said he is off on Monday's and in surgery on Tuesdays and etc. etc. She said just call me Monday and we'll figure it out. So now I'm confused about how this changes the plan for surgery and I am disappointed in my doctor. He was honest with me today when he was talking to me before the endoscopy and said he didn't remember me but he see's hundreds of patients. My first endoscopy was in January. Today I was number 11 of 12 patients he was doing endoscopy's on. Anyhow, I'll get over being disappointed in him, my biggest concern if this means I will not be able to have surgery. Anyone else have this experience or any advice at this stage for me ? Thanks !
  9. Odee

    Psych Eval

    I'm sorry ! I have been swamped lately and sick so I haven't been on line. Thanks to each of you that took the time to reply to me. I had to reschedule the 2nd appointment because the sleep study appointment took so long that it ran into the psych eval follow up appointment. He has asked that I take a supplementary anti depressant and I see him in a couple weeks. Regarding the sleep study - the doctor believes I actually do have sleep apnea. I am waiting for them to call me to pick up the take home test. They are having "technical problems" with the machine. Besides that all is good ! Feeling better and will go back to work tomorrow. Thanks again =)
  10. Hello everyone, I had my psych eval two weeks ago and I have to go back for a follow up - which happens to be tomorrow afternoon. Did anyone else have to do this ? I thought it was one meeting and that was it. The doctor was very nice and said this wasn't going to intefere with the process. I was honest when the question about depression came up and I disclosed that I have battled with depression for years. Was I not supposed to do that ? Meaning is that something that can prevent me from getting approved ? Thanks for listening. I'm learning so much from this forum and appreciate all the knowledge and experience you all share.
  11. Hello, I am wondering if there are any current books on VSG surgery ? I'm looking for an all in one resource. Even with my glasses on, it is hard to read through all the posts sometimes on my iPad and that just gave me the bright idea maybe there is a book on the subject. My questions are the usual - prepping for surgury, what to buy, what to expect, long term care, etc. I've been lurking around here for over a year with no posts and now tonight - 3 posts in one night ! UH-OH watch out ! LOL Thanks again for all the support. This forum is a great place. Odee
  12. Odee

    Psych Eval

    Thanks Tana Q I know the coordinator in the office said he NEVER does this and that he is always packed tight with appointments and for him to move someone else for my follow up tomorrow is a big deal. I guess I should appreciate that he obviously has an interest and cares about my well being. One of the things we discussed was managing the depression better and my resistance to seeing a therapist. The more I think about it, it seems as if he is wearing his therapist hat for this visit and not the WLS evaluation hat. I also have my sleep study consultation tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a BUSY day ! LOL I do NOT think I have sleep apnea but they are still making me do the consultation and then the take home test. I better try and get some rest for tomorrow ! Have a good night !
  13. Yes, had the biopsy and mine are not bacterial, just good old fashioned ulcers. He said they have to be healed before surgery. N I'm trying to make the best of it but yeah I am BUMMED OUT big time !! My follow up endoscopy was pushed back 2 more weeks as my doc doesn't think they will be healed in 6 weeks. Also had my psych veal last week and the psych wants to see me again !? Anyhow, it seems like its never going to be the end of the road for me !! LOL Gotta laugh or I'd go crazy Good luck to you !
  14. Hello !! This is my first post, although I've been *lurking*'for many many months. I finally had the endoscopy last week and it revealed that I had a couple ulcers in my stomach. Dr didn't discuss with me after - the nurse told me, gave me the photos, a prescription for Prilosec and said I should let my PCP know. I'm slightly annoyed that the doctor didn't discuss it with me. My question is, does this discovery affect my eligibility for the surgery ? I tried to search around here but i am coming up empty on an answer. Another wake up call for me ! I have PsA (psoriatic arthritis) and use a biologic (Humira) injections and I am also worried about that. Thanks! Love this website ! So much helpful information and support!!
  15. Thanks ! I was told they had to heal before even considering surgery. Interesting...

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