I am very bored today, I guess I should be happy that I had no obligations or tasks to handle today but now mid afternoon I am bored to tears. I am fighting myself with eating big time today.
I know I am not physically hungry and that got me to thinking. I don't remember the last time that I actually ate because I was physically hungry. True hunger.
I read a lot in forums how people talk about forgetting to eat and never being hungry anymore and I think, jeez I am never hungry but sure eat a lot ! Same goes for eating until you are full. It takes a lot for me to feel fullness.
Long story short, what have you learned to do to conquer the mindless eating or non hunger eating. I'm journaling today and that is helping a little bit.
I will hopefully be sleeved in June and want to be as prepared as I can be for the wake up call that I actually will need to eat for health reasons and to take care of my self and body and not just because.
Thanks for any insight and feedback on this !