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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mom05

  1. Thanks for the advise. I am scheduled to see the doctor on 11/12/10 for my first fill (I think, I hope)...

    I see that you are in Chula Vista, if you need a support group Scripps Mercy has one and it's great... let me know and I can send you the details...

    Keep up the good work...

  2. Day 2 post-op and I am feeling like CRAP! :frown: I am burping constantly and am finally pooting, but I feel like I have been beaten! My neck and shoulders are so sore! My stomach and port area are so sore! I thought I would be up and about, but not the case! I am taking my pain meds which knock me out, but I just want to get up and move.

    My tummy is feeling a little weird.:crying: It's not hunger pains, but like I have eaten too much sugar? Any ideas? I am on clear liquids - sugar-free Jello, broth, Isopure, G2. I have also drank some coconut Water to get some potassium as my calves were cramping up.

    Any ideas are appreciated! Hope all you other September Sweeties are doing GREAT!:biggrin:

    I am on the same boat... I take my pain meds and I'm out... If you do find something that helps, please let me know... thanks

  3. Hi Guys,

    I was banded on 09/22 and was very nervous but all went well. I ended up staying for two nights at the hospital because I could not keep anything down but finally Thursday night I could keep in the Water and the broth.

    I am extremely sore and really can't drink too much because I start feeling very sick. I am on clear liquids and doctor said I could have some Jello and yogurt but I tried and just couldn't. I've had one sugar-free popsicle and that helped. I also need to have one Protein Drink a day and I started today and I'm two hours into it and not even close to finishing it.

    Well I hope it get's better and I am so glad I took the rest of the week off from work...

    Good Luck to all that are being banded this week and to all that have been banded.....

    On a good note: I've lost 9 lbs :lol:

  4. Thank you mom05, I will be in there in about 5 hours, but I had to wash my kids uniform so (thank goodness for 24 hour laundromats) I am still up when I should be asleep!! I am scared but I know God will be there by my side.

    Had_Enough: Hope everything went well. Keep us posted:smile: You sound like me, I am going to be getting my kids things ready for tomorrow as well and probably will be up all night....

    Pre-OP went well. On Clear Liquids today and already took my milk of magnesia.. Surgery is scheduled for 1:30....

  5. Good Luck to all getting banded tomorrow, you all will be in my thoughts and prayers...

    I have my pre-op tomorrow and then surgery on Wed.., I am getting soooo very nervous but I know this is the right decision for me.

    Today I thought oh I will have my last mcflurry from McDonalds but I didn't:thumbup: I said to myself I don't need it and I don't want it because I am where I am because of all the junk I ate without thinking....

  6. All I can say is wow everyone, great info, and thanks.

    Also good luck to everyone that is getting banded soon.

    I remember that a while back, maybe Cathy (CS in Texas) but maybe not- the longer I"m on this preop the worse my memory seems to be. Anyway someone was talking about a variety pack of protien shakes that could be gotten somewhere online. Can anyone help me with this, finding it.

    thanks Lisa

    Hi LisaA: yes the number is 1-866-333-7403 ext 803. Tell them you are a Bariatric patient and they send you 13 individual sample packets for $13.00. It took a week to get them and I am really happy because you get a variety and that way you know which flavors you like. The company is Syntrax you can google it as well. 23g of Protein, no sugar and no carbs... Good Luck

  7. Good Luck to all that are being banded today....:unsure:

    Cathy: Hope you are doing well, haven't heard from you....

    I rec'd a packet from the doctor's office yesterday with my prescriptions, papers I need to take to pre-op and a letter for time off. The letter stated I needed to take 6-8 weeks off, I thought to my self OMG I was only playing on taking 8 days. I called the doctor's office and they made a mistake the letter is for gastric bypass, I asked them to make sure they had me down for the band and they said they did. I am going to check again at pre-op and day of surgery... I can just see that they make a mistake and I get the bypass instead of the band..


  8. Hey, mom05!

    If it makes you feel any better - I will be in the hospital with you, going through the same thing on the 22nd. We may live in different states... But before they put me out, I will think of you and hope that we both wake up feeling a little skinnier already!:(

    Thank you Scarred4Life really means alot to me....and I too have gone thru the same thing with my husband. He gives me a look when he sees me get something. We went to the store today and I grabbed a packet of almonds but had to put it back because he gave me the look... I know he just wants me to succeed but it can get annoying at times....

  9. lillyegg, debrarh, ready4change10, CalaCake, bandalley, RN.Violet, SarahMarie123, glitteryvampiregirl, ConB113, lovemysgt: Good Luck tomorrow, will be thinking of all of you. Keep us posted when you can...

    Hi Brian: No not anymore used to, but I think military families sacrafice so much.. I have many friends that are in the military and I am so proud of them....

  10. Hi Brian: Thanks for the advise, I stopped drinking both diet coke and coffee (starbucks must hate me but my wallet thanks me:smile:) about 2 months ago. So I drink crystal light but I have only been drinking about 16oz since I started my pre-diet so I do need to drink more Water.< /p>

    Just remember that when we used to stop and buy a hamburger or something fast at least for me I felt guily afterwards...you have the control and the tool to help you.. go out for a walk or maybe to the bookstore, browse around ( I can spend hours at a bookstore) and hopefully the mental feeling of wanting to eat will disapear... good luck

    Now off to the gym since I haven't gone since Wed...

  11. I think I know why I have been soooo hungry with the pre surgery diet. I was taking two Protein Drinks ( one for Breakfast and the other for lunch) and then my dinner. So I read the info the dr. gave me again and I can also eat sugar-free Jello and sugar-free fruit bars... I had been feeling tired and with headaches. The jello and fruit bars were sooo good especially with this weather we are having down here, it has been so hot...

    Well thanks to everyone for your input on the Vitamin question. Really appreciate it:smile:

  12. "Question? which Vitamins did your doctor's tell you to take?

    I have calcium-citrate-mag; multi w/minerals;Vit B and Iron (Iron because I am anemic). Am I missing any? Thanks for info.."

    Mom05, This is what why doctor told me to take,

    1 ea day of Centrum adult chewable

    Chewable tablet 600mg, Caltrate 600 plus, 3 times a day,

    Thanks Sourmissg, I'll check into Caltrate because I don't have that one.

  13. jlr58: glad to hear you're doing well. Thank you for sharing your story. I too was so excited when I got approved and then a date and now I'm anxious and scared at the same time. I think can I do this on my own but then I have done so many programs out there; Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, NutraSystem, MediFast, injections, pills you name it I have tried it and of course they didn't work because I'm here. When I think of what I have done I know this is the right thing for me because I need not be ashamed and be happy with myself. Anyway thanks for sharing your story about the nurse that spoke to you....

    Brian & Cathy: Glad to hear you are doing great!!!!!:bored:

    Question? which Vitamins did your doctor's tell you to take?

    I have calcium-citrate-mag; multi w/minerals;Vit B and Iron (Iron because I am anemic). Am I missing any? Thanks for info..

    doing better on my pre-op diet. :smile:

  14. ally UK, angelpix, jmariedel, jlr58, Mandyrae, Desiree1972, drm1123*: Keep us posted, will be thinking of you guys..

    danide: glad to hear your doing well.

    highlojack: we have the same date!!!:thumbup:

    nyslegend 78: glad to hear from you.. hope you feel better soon.

    LisaA & BrianLA- Thanks for your suggestions. I think I'm putting to much H2O, I was putting 16.9 oz with one packet of powder, I will try your suggestion as well so it can be thicker because I think that will help. I just didn't want to use the blender because my Dr. said after surgery I can't use the blender for drinks so I was trying to get use to it. But I'll figure that one out after surgery.

  15. AnnaOz: thanks for your reply, Yes I think I am going to stick with mixing it with Water and hopefully in a couple of days I'll feel better.

    BrianLA: So glad to hear from you and that you are doing so well. Did you have the new procedure where it's just one aparatus that goes through the belly button and opens up once inside you? I was reading about that... it seems so much better... and yes I do tend to be an emotional eater at times, that is something I really need to work on.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
